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Posts posted by LTSR_NSE

  1. 11 minutes ago, GMD said:

    Is it just me or are the colours a little washed out?

    The figures aren’t painted - they are 3D printed in the various different coloured plastics.  Therefore the colours aren’t going to be as opaque - but individual tiny details are easier to produce!

    • Like 1
  2. @Malcolm-801628 I’d recommend emailing hm.customercare@hornby.com - you will then be speaking to the HM|DCC & HM7000 developer.

    They might be able to suggest something we’ve missed, or alternatively you might be able to give them details that assist with identifying the fault.

  3. 3 hours ago, Rallymatt said:

    from Hornby’s perspective it’s like burning fivers just for fun 😳

    It shouldn’t be affecting Hornby financially - unless they’ve made a very bad deal.

    Having outsourced logistics - any wastage in the system should only be affecting the logistics provider’s profit!  (Whether postage refunds affect Hornby’s profit is another matter.)

    Wholeheartedly agreed that it’s detrimental to customers, reputation, & customer service team though!

  4. 1 hour ago, Fishmanoz said:

    I have an original iPad Pro, now some years old, but the latest OS for it is iPadOS 16.7.7.  Seems to me there is no 17 for iPad?

    Or do I have that wrong?

    iPadOS 17 was released in September 2023 - 2nd generation is earliest Pro supported. 

    38 minutes ago, Daedalus said:

    The decoder uses an ARM Cortex MO processor which is what limits what the decoder can do. Apple's OS is irrelevant.

    Tablet/Phone OS is highly relevant to HM|DCC app support - which is the subject of this thread!

    (Obviously it has no bearing on decoder capability - which is irrelevant to the OP’s question!)

    2 hours ago, BritInVanCA said:

    I assume at some point the new version of the HM:DCC app will require iOS17 so I won’t be able to get new features. However I’m hoping I can run with the current app for a while before things stop working. 

    Any thoughts on timeframes for the app update’s requiring iOS17 and lack of support for older versions?

    Currently the app works on all versions of iPadOS back to 13 - on supported devices.  The critical factor moving forward, will be how quickly newer features increase demands upon hardware performance (RAM capacity/Processor speed etc.)

    I recognise this info doesn’t actually answer your question - but I don’t believe Hornby’s future app development timescale is known enough to give accurate predictions.  However given that v13 is now over 5yrs old, it is unlikely that support for v16 will be dropped tomorrow!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Tour de Airfix said:

    This kit doesn’t even come close, for one, it is devoid of even the D-Day stripes that even a history GCSE student would spot.

    As a person who studied 20th century History (inc WWII) at GCSE**, we just about covered that tanks & planes were involved, but certainly not specific vehicle types, let alone squadron/pilot markings on an individual plane.

    Your interest goes way deeper/beyond the level which you attribute to general education - which is perhaps an indication of why expectation isn’t being met.

    I hold no opinion on how much research should be undertaken by model manufacturers - considering that I am mostly a magpie purchaser & choose to conduct research into real vehicles/events as an entirely separate activity.

    **more than a couple of decades ago!

  6. My figures have arrived - they are brilliant & they are equalled (or even surpassed) by the fantastic Customer Service of the company selling them.

    It is extremely encouraging when a business makes a customer feel valued as much as the customer values the product.

    Adding this experience to the quality of their products - I very much hope to see Accurascale’s TT:120 range increase. 🤞

    • Like 4
  7. A few possibilities to try first:

    You haven’t accidentally caught the ‘stop layout’ button have you? (if you had it would be showing ‘resume layout’)

    Can you get the sounds to work on Bluetooth? (is it just movement not working, or any/all functions/control)

    Have you updated the sound profile to the latest version available? (the version the decoder ships with is usually a few months old & may contain bugs)

  8. You need to view the webpage’s html source code (also known as metadata) search within that for ‘stock-level’.  A negative value is displayed for items on preorder.

    A positive value is displayed for items that are in stock - but this only indicates the amount of stock currently allocated to the website, it provides no indication of quantity held in storage.

    Neither provides an accurate picture of batch size - but preorder quantity at least gives an indication of the minimum it is likely to be!

    • Thanks 1
  9. According to the website 478 have been sold suggesting that the batch size is approx 500?

    Agreed that this sounds positive news for (hopefully) further Hornby involvement in the S&DR Bicentennial. 🤞

  10. @Tim Allen - the option you haven’t mentioned is whether people would prefer split or central headcode boxes!

    (I realise this may just be me… but I’ve always loved the central & loathed the split & while I would prefer BR Green - this would have a bigger impact on my  purchase choice than livery!) 🤦‍♂️

    • Like 1
  11. @Trainmadtommo - if you are referring to R2599 ‘The Royal Wessex’ those coaches are in BR SR green.

    That is actually a different green again to both SR Olive & SR Malachite.

    SR Olive is the darkest of the 3 & SR Malachite the lightest.  BR SR is much closer to Malachite but slightly darker.

    • Like 1
  12. (Also with motor out of mesh) Does the rest of the loco’s drive mechanism - gears, wheels, coupling rods etc. turn freely?

    If another fault causes the drive mech to lock up - it can easily result in damage to the physically stalled motor & would need to be resolved before replacing motor.

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