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Everything posted by CORKY.

  1. CD drawer tray motor with linear drive components.
  2. CD drives are a source for point motors
  3. And if they won't ship to you, ship to me, and I will ship to you.. in exchange for some of your Canberra sunshine !
  4. Royal Mail offer a large letter delivery to Australian mainland for £4.90 Sterling. 750g 35cm x 25 cm x 2.5 cm...
  5. There are 2 sides to the coin. Whilst it is a pain to find release dates are continually not being met, I for one have realised that this is part of life. The good part is, by announcing forthcoming models in plenty of time, it gives me a chance to plan ahead. I can wait for the loco in the correct livery, and not have to kit bash, only to find exactly what I wanted pop into the shops just as I finish. Part of collecting seems to be that the right loco with right coaching never seeming to be available at the same time together.
  6. @RAF96. I always take adverts with a pinch of salt. 1947 and made in China, I wouldn't have thought should have been in the same sentence.
  7. Some googling suggests from 1947, for the original set. Made in China, perhaps a replacement loco.
  8. I have just bought a Railroad teak second hand coach, made in England, and it looks VERY faded compared to the set bought teak coaches, made in China, which have a pleasant rich colour. Once you have found the correct number, check on colour match, difficult in these troubled times.
  9. Hornby thought about this years ago, left the boxes alone and catered for ME by introducing the Railroad range, and yes I keep the boxes, love my week old Mallard.
  10. Welcome to our forum. Many suppliers of suitable 9mm or 12mm ply will make at least 4 cuts free for you. 8 x 4 is an economical way to buy, but unwieldly to transport home, and accurately cut., but which way is "in half" 8 x 2, or 4 x 4, which will fit through the loft access. I like green, and maybe paint your favorite track ballast colour where you plan to lay the track. think about stiffening battens, 2" x 1" is a good starting point, with the board raised 2", with the 1" edge screwed and glued to the board. Just for reference the third radius curves are about 1045 mm, or 41.2" diameter to the outer edge of the sleepers. Enjoy the journey, that's a great set.
  11. Not only, but also, I simultaneously ordered from "that" site , a set of three named/numbered Pullman coaches from a box set, and a new "Rosemary" coach from a hobby shop, It'll be interesting to see how colours compare on them.
  12. I recently bought a boxed train set that included 3 LNER teak coaches, coaches marked made in CHINA. A satisfying rich teak colour. I ordered a used coach from my local hobby shop, and it was a poor faded finish, made in England. I don't think the saving second hand was worth it. New RAILROAD models are a bargain. The quality of camers, photography, lighting, and even crafty sellers is such that colour can not be guaranteed on "that" site.
  13. Thanks, both are analoge motors on analogue layout, I thought it might be different than double heading where both locos face the same way, what i had in mind was each facing a different way, didn't want to end up with a tug of war.
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