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Everything posted by Deem

  1. Thanks for everyone's comment. I did find it having issue's with front wheel bogie been wondering especially when going over points (Hornby R8072 - R8073) for first few attempt, I looked and found the packaging between the chassis and bogie, as I removed it, Loco seem to been running fine, but only used for few minutes and stored it away. I want to keep as it is, until I have received the HM700 Bluetooth decoder and will try that again with sound.
  2. I have received today a bargain (I think), A Hornby R3639 Maroon LMS Princess Coronation 4-6-2 6244 King George VI. Almost brand New if not Brand new for £130.00. DCC ready with socket in Tender with 4 wires running from Loco to tender via socket. I have uploaded the pictures and once approve one can see them.
  3. I haven't notice any difference compare to my soldering station, which if my memory is correct, is 18W. Battery hold the charge and for my needs at the moment it is sufficient.
  4. @atom3624 I used it first time today, heating up is slightly longer than I would like, but I have been using for on/off for over an hour with soldering, removing solder and soldering again, battery have used roughly 50%. Only thing, I don't like is, as soon as remove your thumb or finger from sensor, it start to cool down straight away. But I imagine that is to preserve the battery life. Another issue (maybe) difficult to get replacement or different size tips, are from china and delivery time could take a month on cheap stuff with cheap postage. Here is the link of actual product: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005066269415.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.328f18025xD7pE Only one unit per customer, as per the website.
  5. I have uploaded the picture with specs so you can see it yourself. Regards
  6. Hello everyone, Just received cordless soldering iron, will try tonight when I soldered some wires on pcb in class 20. In the mean time enjoyed the pictures once approved.
  7. Another version is even more cheaper, Hornby R3833 for £109.00 plus postage. Plus This model Hornby R3999, is cheapest for £139.99 plus postage,at the moment https://www.hattons.co.uk/619215/hornby_r3999_class_8p_princess_royal_4_6_2_6205_princess_victoria_in_lms_crimson_lake/stockdetail
  8. Very good price or excellent price and Hatton have 10 of these loco's are in stock. I Wish had spare money to buy this and keep in stock.
  9. I was going to buy 9F but because price I didn't, I will wait until I have decided what kind of layout I need, then, unless I could have couple of meter long straight in part of the layout I don't think it is suitable or justifiable to run such big loco, but that's just me. Biggest loco I have at the moment is P2 which I find way too big for my tiny straight layout at the moment. I am not even investing in EMU, purely because unless I have significant large straights or straight, I just don't like train running in circle on constant bends. That's just my idea and my opinion.
  10. I could be wrong, I will be corrected if I am. I think they must have old stock of paint in gloss which they are putting to good use instead of buying more or new matt finish.
  11. I do like the FS, I do have most version, from railroad to limited edition, but at the price Hornby is taking pre order, it may be fair price, but its out of my budget. I would have happily bought FS with double tender if it was under 300, but at 379, I can't see myself buying. Maybe in future if my circumstances changed I might be able. As for how many Hornby will be making, like atom3624 stated, if the orders are keep on coming production number will go up as well.
  12. Hello everyone I am in Pakistan to see my family, I thought, I check if I can get some electrical component cheaply from here. So I need help in terms of what capacity should I use as in capacitor or capacitors. I can get 3300uf 25v or 3300uf 16v. 3300uf 25v is ok for bigger loco's but will not fit in Class 08 or smaller, or in Steam Loco in Lcoc chassis, however Should fit nicely in Tender. 3300uf 16v is slimmer and maybe able to fit in Class 08. Question is, What sort of voltage should I look for and what sort of uf capacity? Regards,
  13. Please correct me if I am wrong, but as I don't have digital or e magazine subscription, I can not confirm, but I would think, digital is via web browser on pc, tablet or phone but e magazine could be or should in digital format, so subscriber can keep the whole magazine saved as ebook on phone, tablet or e readers only.
  14. Print is hard copy sent to you your home address via post, after you pay for subscription. E magazine or digital print is online, only, on tablet or phone or pc via web browser.
  15. Thanks Paul for detailed explanation, I will try to use the 9V battery, send you reading again and hopefully will learn a thing or 2 in process. Regards
  16. No need to apologise, unless more knowledgeable people or person won't talk - techs talk - how a person like me will learn. Thanks for your contribution.
  17. Can I send 30 white, 30 red and 30 yellow to forum head office from where someone can share 10 of each cable to brew man,fishmonaz and p- Henry, so I don't have there details but they can get it free of charge. So they can try them tensor themselves or use them. I have installed same led's on buffer stops and soldered on to track. Mod note - there is no ‘forum head office’ to send them to. The moderators do not have sight of members emails or other contact details. Your best bet at making contact is via another forum that they also frequent which allows direct messaging. They can let you know on this thread if they want to accept your offer and post their other forum name and which forum. Unfortunately until this forum gets direct messaging that is the most practical way of making contact with others.
  18. Thanks everyone, little bit complicated for me at my age but I am positive if I read it couple of times and I will get to grip the idea on how to do this correctly, so I can understand fully. I am going to delete the last page pictures to avoid the confusion. As for what power supply I am using, I had Hornby elite connected to the track and had 2 crocodile clips from track to, one to meter probe and other to led one cable, using the third cable with crocodile clips, I had second probe connected to led second cable so I have steady current and have led on all the time to test on various reading.
  19. Thanks Rob I have tried again and I go the reading but to avoid confusion I am uploading pictures, so you all can advice me accordingly.
  20. It is weird or am I missing something, please see attached pictures which will explain. Once they are approved.
  21. I will change the leaf to volt to see how much voltage the led is using. My mistake, I thought to read resistance reading I needed to check this way. Thanks all for correcting me and hopefully we will get to bottom of this eventually.
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