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Everything posted by Deem

  1. Shouldn't this be in Airfix Forum?
  2. Yes AL, totally agree, so many fiddly parts and extremely tight fit with wires tucked in, motor point flatten to chassis of the motor but still you have to push the chassis on top of the motor section. If they had cleared 1 to 2 mm either side of the motor, that would have made life so much easy. Very very frustrating to keep an eye on, motor point, wires, sand box with pipes, it's very very stressful job to put that shell back on the chassis. Still trying to align everything to fit without further part coming off.
  3. Update guys, Retailer have provided return label so I can send the decoder back and receive fully working decoder in due course. Once I will get the decoder I will install and share my experience with pictures and maybe video. Regards
  4. Try to secure the bits in place, window it's secure nicely, and box is fitted nicely as well but sand pipe is becoming an issue, so will try in the morning. Did anyone notice, how tight this body is, especially where the motor slide in the body, hardly any space and motor wire points need to really tucked in for the motor to slide in the body.
  5. Thanks Rob, I managed to upload the video with reduce size and it was added without an issue.
  6. Hornby R3049 Serco Red Body Class 08 video on my track.mp4 Video don't do justice, in video it feels that Loco is stuttering but in real life it is not or my brain (being old) is not processing that stutter.
  7. I made a video using my phone S23 Ultra in MP4 format, about 18 second video with 36MB file, uploaded but can not be played or recognized via the forum. Do I need to do some thing else?
  8. Thanks "atom3642" I have already tested the dry fit but sand pipe doesn't have enough material for any glue to hold on, so might have to drill in the sand box so sand pipe can slide in, to give better grip for the glue to hold. Yes the other side have same sand box with sand pipe which made me realise and understand that this is sand box with sand pipe. Will update once I will attempt to repair.
  9. I realise as I open the tender this time, but I must say this is far better quality blanking plate compare to what I have seen on previous hornby socket.
  10. Please see attached pictures of broken parts and 21 pin blank plate as I mentioned previously that I will upload.
  11. Update, I bought Hornby R7141 for this particular model, received it last week, but didn't open the box until, only to find out that black wire is came off from the decoder. I don't want even attempt to solder black wire for 2 reason, I have bought brand new decoder so it shouldn't have this issue. If I solder and may cause the damage to decoder which I don't to happen. I have email to retailer with pictures showing the damage, lets hope retailer can sort it out.
  12. I received another one of my favourite Hornby Class 08 super details (I think) R3049 in Serco body shell. Came with Hornby 8 pin decoder I think R8429. Runs beautifully and super super slow as like it.
  13. I personally don't like super Glue because one, there are so many fake or lower quality super glue available, two, they leave mark or residue around. Revell Contacta is better in my opinion because they don't leave any mark or residue, obviously if used in minimalist or moderate quantity.
  14. Thanks GS, I knew about EKMEXBITIONS and forgotten about them, however they don't no wheels set for Bachmann Class 08.
  15. Just out of curiosity, where else I can buy Bachmann Parts other then Bachmann, Hornby parts are available from number of retailers but not many retailers have Bachmann parts or I have not come across any of them.
  16. Lendon of Cardiff have these for: X9362M for £17.98 Plus postage X9362 for £14.98 Plus postage I think I may even have one in my new part stock, if not then it is always worth keeping one for rainy days.
  17. Pictures have came through nice and clear. I would agree that corridor window looks wrong, but I am not expert, someone more experience may come along and shed some light on that matter. Problems with Loco to tender connector put me off buying Black 5 especially with my saved points I may have bought that for just around £130 mark.
  18. So far, yes. Everything is working fine. Couple of cosmetic issue, Glass window handle was loose, came off, also I think it is sand box which is fitted on both side with small pipe directed to middle or rear wheel, one side is loose and came off. I am waiting for Revell Contacta, once I have it I will try to fix as neatly as possible. This must be the bargain for me that I got this loco at the less then the third of RRP price.
  19. Update everyone. Loco body have 2 screws, one on the front under pony wheels (am I correct, the front 2 wheels) one on the back, just like ColinB suggested. Tender have 21 pin socket with blank plate, I think, either it is very good quality blank plate or a decoder but will check later. Will add the pictures later of that socket. For now I just cleaned the wheels and loco worked straight away, ran quite nicely and very very slow motion as well which I like. This all came from the wheels of the loco.
  20. Can I have the part numbers of both motors, so I can keep them for any future issue?
  21. Still expensive but if you are stuck than you don't have choice or try what "what About the Bee" suggested.
  22. I just checked on ebay and it is showing more then 10 in stock, very good modification but, bit pricey though at £35.00.
  23. Very Good read for newbies. Thanks
  24. My idea was that as well, when I bought it, now can't wait to get back and open the Loco to see the root cause of not running.
  25. Many Thanks all, I will update once I have the chance to open the loco and inspect the reason for non runner. I have been away for few days to attend a wedding so will have to wait once I return and inspect. Thanks again
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