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Everything posted by Deem

  1. The Service Sheet 316 is for older model, this is based on, I think ( I could be wrong) that, when Hornby decided to use motor in Loco, they must have tender in stock with ring field empty body, plus it would add weight to tender as well. But the strangest thing is I have one Flying Scotsman exactly same as per the SS316 but that Loco doesn't have spring and Bolt with nut.
  2. I have uploaded pictures showing the reading, Multimeter was set to 200u and reading was between 0.3 and 0.4 I set the meter to 200m, meter would show 0.0 I set the meter to 10A, meter would show 0.0. If follow your formula I will get 0.03333, don't what does that means, so any help will be appreciated. RDS Moderator Note: The pictures referred to are at the end of Page 2 of this thread
  3. Hello I did try to look briefly to see if there is an option to save one or certain thread which I can come back to when I want to see or look for that particular thread. Regards
  4. I have option either 200mA or 10A. So i can try at 200mA to see if it reads anything tonight.
  5. @ColinB I wasn't aware of this much difference in between detailed version and cheap railroad model. So that clears one thing, all my Flying Scotsman are railroad models. Is it possible to find out detailed version model number with 5 pole motor, so I can look for that particular model to have and check the difference.
  6. Do you mean, 10a? I will check tonight and update.
  7. If there was a way to send you and if forum allows it (which we aren't allowed), I would happily send you 10 each, Red leds, white leds and yellow leds.
  8. @Fishmanoz, I can try to use multimeter to see how many voltage or amp these led are using in dc mode and dcc mode. Would that seen to be correct way to check or I need to test some other way?
  9. Hello I hope everyone is well and in good health. I sold a locomotive and I was asked question about Hornby R3284TTS missing spring on mounting bolt which hold the front bogie with 4 wheels, I have checked all flying Scotsman I have, earlier tender driven, loco driven with empty ring field body in tender, loco driven motor without flywheel, loco driven motor with flywheel. None of the Flying Scotsman I have contain or have present spring on the bolt which holds the front bogie with chassis. Can anyone elaborate on this for me? i am attaching 2 pictures to show what the seller send me.
  10. I have made a video in dark to show what's the brightness of LED looks like. I hope everyone enjoys it. Regards https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oXZ3J-I_Sqv3kGFMk6zGrCUUldEfeI-z/view?usp=share_link
  11. Bit bigger to install in steam Loco's body but in Tender, this is fine, or fine to install, if installing in Diesel or Electric Loco as well.
  12. I also installed 8 pins socket which I bought from eBay so I can have easy access for soldering a with correct wires. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225190679667?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1cwrJnXfTQ-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=nIMs5JBBS9W&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. Thanks everyone from your kind words, as for what resister I used, I bought these from AliExpress with pre wired with built in resistor. The link is below https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32896664335.html?mp=1
  14. Hello everyone Just small update to this Loco, my first attempt to put directional lighting in this loco as well.
  15. @Topcat Thanks for prompt reply. I will be using mostly Hornby's and few Bachmann's Loco's, with most or all of my present track and points are Hornby.
  16. I paid hefty price by blowing 3 decoders, only because I didn't think or checked Red wire from 8-pin socket could be negative. So lesson learned is always double or triple check before soldering, Like dBerriff is done. Maybe convince Hornby to have correct colour wiring or just have black wires all around in future production of these parts.
  17. @Topcat, new to hobby and I am thinking to expand layout in near future, so I would be grateful if you could direct me from where I can get this 7.2 meters track? Regards
  18. It is Coronation Loco definitely, as per the teaser for next episode.
  19. More pictures uploaded and once approved, hopefully showing blanking plate with 2 LED attached to it.
  20. Loco moving backward and LED lit up, showing power from track in white LED and showing power to motor in red LED. Loco moving forward and doesn't show any light as power is not coming in correct polarity to LED.
  21. I have uploaded a pictures, just to test the idea. Maybe I am wrong or right. Lets see.
  22. Thanks Rob. At least we are on the right track. I have 3v-12v led with built in resisters in wiring, in red, white and yellow colour. These are 2 big to use in class 08 or Class 20, as I have plenty, might as well use them for some thing else. Any chance we can drew a wiring diagram to test the loco. Regards
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