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Everything posted by TaffsTT

  1. Not offended at all. Still relatively new to modelling, trains, etc. Very happy to be corrected and afforded advice. Its very much appreciated.
  2. Thanks both of you. Loco has had at least 30 mins in each direction. Placed upside down in servicing cradle and placed wires from a combi controller and found: Three out of four tender bogies work. Only middle bogie of loco drives but seems to pulse and different to tender drive.
  3. Post my A4 William Whitelaw Next 18 issues, I put it back to DC and now have a totally seperate dc loop. However, with the Hornby controller and track there is poor slow start (doesnt move then just takes off!) And you here it struggle and strain on R3 curves. Is this just a tight motor needing running in or a motor issue that might be the cause of my Next18 chip cutting out due to motor overloading??
  4. Uploaded a video of issue to my YouTube channel here:
  5. I have the exact same issue on a TT120 William Whitelaw with a Next18 decoder. Exactly the same!
  6. Tried that thanks - just in case but the same happens. The fault above is exactly the same issue!!
  7. Hi all again. So SD038 profile loaded onto loco and same issue exactly.
  8. Understand that feeling however its all very new anyway to me so just another element of running models to embrace.🤔
  9. RallyMatt, Yes you did and fingers crossed this will be the fix.
  10. Chris, Thanks and it did help. The packs now also come with instructions.
  11. I have purchased the 15V 4A power supply and will do as advised with bus and droppers. Also got the dcc clips to get me running and testing setup and configuration for now. What is nice is the clips come with instructions too.
  12. Rallymatt, It does appear to be its software. I went through the link device process but its SKU is default SD999. Thankfully, 96RAF spotted this and led me to the profile required is SD038 in this thread under HM7000 forum area: "William Whitelaw issue with Next18 HM7000"
  13. I have a A4 Mallard so could swap with that which could work but a risk if something is blowing the chip.
  14. Hi, Purchased a TT120 A4 (William Whitelaw in a non HM7000 set). Purchased a HM7000 Next18 chip, and fitted. However, sound comes on but when it starts to go, it cuts out (like its a short or something as connection also gets lost to app). Worked fine on dc before and when I restore loco back with a blanking chip. Any ideas or issues encountered with this chip / loco combo please thst might help me? Cheers
  15. Rallymatt, Thanks. It confused me a little has there was no expected void and it looks different to the speaker that comes with the decoder. Two levers depress down to make a connection on the motherboard and you can see tracks to an S1 and S2 pins on themotherboard. Proved it when I ran the loco up and there was sound.
  16. Bought a Next18 decoder for William Whitelaw but I now have issues of loco cutting out.
  17. Next18 decoder for WW but have issues Dcc clips 15v 4A power supply Conrod spanner Half and quarter straight track LH points
  18. Hi all. So I purchased a William Whitelaw dc set. As my other two locos are hm7000 enabled i bought a next18 chip for it. Fitted chip and it moves slightly then cuts off and loses like bluetooth or power connectivity. Comes back on after a min or so, try to moves again and cuts out. It worked fine before and after removing chip and putting blanking chip in. Has this issue been witnessed before. Also the tender does have a sugarcube speaker fitted and host board has a 2023 date on it.
  19. Thanks. I have purchased tbe 15V 4A pwr supply too.
  20. Nice words and thoughts. I was one of the first to have The Easterner set and buildings etc. I sent it all back on feelings that I had made a huge mistake (loco was not running in reverse, etc). However with more information, content makers (Peachy et al) and HM7000 I returned and so glad I did. Looking forward to improving skill and gaining experience and what is ahead on the tracks.
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