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Everything posted by John-L

  1. I second the PVA glue method, thin layer of PVA under the track and weights on top until set. Adding ballast as part of the scenic process will make it even more solid, definitely recommend investing in a ballast spreader (available on eBay) as it will really help you to get an even spread. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube, but basic method is spread ballast, then wet with isopropyl and apply watered down PVA using a pipette.
  2. The Duchess is making good progress. Wonder how old those photos are? If it’s anything like the same timeframe as the Class 08 and the Class 50 then we should see them released within the next six months?
  3. I just noticed the description mentions the track is screwed to the board? It’s a bit of a left-field idea but were the screws applied using a power screwdriver? Is it possible there is some metal swarf from the screws polluting the track? If some tiny pieces of metal from those screws were to get into the wheels of the loco and then short out the motor? Or if the screws are large enough to touch both wheels, or to hit the chassis of the loco they could cause a short?
  4. OP has so far lost four different locomotives to burnt out motors. I’d say that astronomical odds for it being a manufacturing issue. Seems pretty clear that there is something at fault in the layout wiring or the controller. We just don’t know what that fault is yet.
  5. It really seems to be pointing to a problem with the way this layout is wired, or an issue with the controller being used. It’s really the only answer that makes sense of this multiple failure of motors. Four different models all burnt out on the same layout? The odds of it being a manufacturing issue seem astronomical.
  6. Yea I read it as wire droppers at first, but it occurred to me that a loco could be getting juice from two controllers if the points islolation had been overridden? Im not sure you would want a two track layout with only one controller? So assuming there is a controller for each track? If so could they be putting too much power to the layout and overheating the motors? From pictures it seems the Gaugemaster 100m controller has two track connections on the back, plus a 16v power out. Is it possible that the wiring is connected in a manner that is sending too much power to the track? Pictures of the 100m controller here: https://www.gaugemasterretail.com/gaugemaster-gmc-100m.html
  7. Yes it will happily pull a lot more than seven wagons. Just check the wagons are free rolling (there have been some reports of sticky wheels on the tank wagons).
  8. Just noticed you are using ‘power clips’ to supply power to the inner loop? You are running DC right? The point power clips are supposed to be for DCC power. Are you running two lines simultaneously from one controller? I’m trying to visualise how your tracks are set up. To lose so many loco motors really points to something unusual in your wiring or voltage setup I think.
  9. Very strange. I’ve not had any problems running my locos (with both Hornby set controller and Bachman set controller). I’ve switched to HM7000 DCC now for my TT layout, all six of my locos are running well (including Class 08s) with no motor issues.
  10. Slightly off topic, but if you are collecting R.253 Dock Shunters then you might be interested in this review of the model from 1958 issue of MRC
  11. Have you checked the new free digital version of the membership? I’m sure I read somewhere that it was available globally (because there are no physical items to ship). the magazine is usually available in the digital members section before my physical copy arrives so I rarely read the paper version.
  12. Presumably an 0-6-0 wouldn’t need this as it doesn’t have the outside cylinders? A Jinty ought to be similar in manufacture to the Class 08, so slightly thicker coupling rods compared to 00 but thinner than compared to N scale. I wouldn’t expect the Jinty to be 2mm wider or the diesels to have this compromise. Either way it’s really not noticeable and smacks a little of seeking ‘issues’ where none really exist 🤔
  13. Yes a lot more fun, plus you can see the results in-camera straight away. :)
  14. No digital, it’s old school… cotton wool. :)
  15. Not sure anyone has claimed TT models were more accurately detailed than 00, would seem a weird claim to make given that TT is smaller so many details are overscale to make them robust enough? Also didn’t you already convert a whole fleet of Corgi locos over the past year? Did you not spot the 3mm width difference until now? 😳 I am sure I recall some early launch era threads talking about the slight taper on the valances on those locos so I don’t think this is something’s that’s been missed or ignored, it’s just one of those manufacturing compromises you get on smaller scale steam engines? The relatively massive bulk of TT couplers (or even traditional 00 couplers) is probably more noticeable than the slight width difference in the valve gear but we accept that so why not this slight extra bulk on coupling rods and valances?
  16. There were chassis pics of the Class 50 released in the recent TT update. I don’t see an obvious space for stay alive although there may be enough clearance under the shell? Link to chassis pic of Class 50 below: https://uk.hornby.com/community/hornbytt120-club/members-area/blog-and-news/br-fleet
  17. In your two plans it looks like the station platforms will struggle to accommodate even a two coach train (based on space between points). Have you checked the length of your locos and carriages? I’m not sure you’ve really got enough space to get a train in and out of that platform with the station building. Have you considered making this more of a branch line layout with the station on the main running line around the outside? I’ve always liked Bredon as a small plan, it’s very similar to what you have but with a simpler station layout that suits the smaller board and the 00 size scaled down to TT would be almost exactly your board dimensions. Heres a link to the plan. https://www.osbornsmodels.com/peco-setrack-oo-plan-7--bredon---a-classic-scenic-oval-layout-22372-p.asp
  18. Thanks, I was pleased with how they turned out. Unfortunately not good enough to shortlist in the competition. I think the judges are looking for more idyllic scenes. :)
  19. Im hoping for some Blue & Grey MK1s in Phase 3 next year. Feels like those should be a natural addition to the range when the Blue Class 37 and 47 arrive. MK2s were at Milton Keynes and Gaydon shows, I think it was April release for them?
  20. We are probably some distance from the point where TT can sustain novelty items or licensed lines like Thomas. If we start seeing Coca Cola plank wagons then I’d wager it’s safe to say TT has become a mega-hit in sales terms :) My guess is one tank loco in the coming year and the other two in 2025. Based on the marketing update in the recent magazine (and assuming they were referring to product years when they said ‘next year’ it would mean 2025).
  21. My entry for the Diorama and Shot of the Year competition.
  22. I forgot about that year in TT thread.
  23. Only the winning entries were shared. You can see some of the individual entries on YouTube if you search ‘diorama challenge’. This was my entry.
  24. As others have said, this isn’t going to be something you can fix yourself. The coupler is unique to the Class 08 so you can’t swap a part from a wagon. Luckily the Hornby service department are excellent so you will be able to get it fixed. Email them with details of the problem and the photos. You will be back up and running in no time.
  25. My $10 says the Steampunk is the next incentive… watch this space. 🤣
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