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modeling maniac

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About modeling maniac

  • Birthday March 28

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  1. Knowing you Andy, you'll find somthing you can do with them.
  2. Like that here's my airfix Blenheim IV F,
  3. Got one and love it, but they are a bit of a pig to build.
  4. Are you sure you didn't just get a duff kit? 🤔
  5. Yes, I don't know if there is a revell forum. If there was it would probably be in German.
  6. That list sounds like a thing you should ask revell.
  7. Yes the person selling the Mk XIX included and eduard mask and PE part set.
  8. Cracking idea Marto, who else is in?
  9. It was good, and I should know as I was there.
  10. No I think it should be the rear of an F-16 and tail of an F-18 with the front of a hawk.
  11. I think it's just they have got too much stock left and just want them gone.
  12. The paints are actually alive! Generally when I buy models with paints included the paint I haven't got I my stash is the dead one.
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