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My homemade track cleaner


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I would certainly like to use some form of Automatic Track cleaner but I cannot understand how they can be useful for any reasonable length of track.  The reason I say that is because I currently use IPA on a cotton bud and after only a few metres it is filthy and ready for turning and then replacing.  Surely the Hardboard gets quite dirty and then would start to re-deposit the dirt onto the track.

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Where have you been pollis I posted an almost identical idea last october. See the link.

What is it they say about two good minds thinking alike?

Mine is actually weighted with a piece of steel so that the hardboard can be screwed to it for easy replacement.

I didn't know John Allen had already invented it, here I was thinking I was so clever, ah well never mind.


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Missed your post Norman. Must have been the same time as my Internet was down. 😬

Yes I certainly did Fishy, but that was made by someone else. This one is my very own. Made because I came upon a piece of hardboard. 😆 I'm trying it without weights as per the section in my book which says weights make them less efficient.

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You back on the island?


In and back out.. was only there long enough to open mail, insure the car, pay the bills... usual stuff. I'm in Tucson AZ now. Back to Wales from here, then back to CY from Wales, but no date set yet.

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Presumably it does impart some slight drag. Do you just run it on it's own behind a suitable engine?

Better to push than pull.

Personally I run 2 at a time, 1 pushed 1 pulled, no additional weight.

You can extend the life of the pad by cleaning it. I use IPA and a toothbrush (the wife's not mine).

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