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Airfix 1/32 Multipose Figures German Infantry 1939-45 (04582)


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Manfred http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24741738/412869335.jpg http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24741738/412869334.jpg

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The figures have good poses, but there are some mistakes in the coloring of the collars.If this is the German Wehrmacht the collars have to be dark green (not blue) also the shoulder straps in dark green. The piping of the collars in white is only for officers. On the collars is the "Kragenspiegel" in different colors with indicates the branch of service. In the first years of WWII the german uniforms were in two differnt colors. The fieldjacket in a greener shade than the trousers in fieldgrey.

Here is a picture of 1:35 figures I have painted some time ago for a friend. Two Wehrmacht and two Waffen SS.



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Hi Ratch.

Very nicely done whatever the correct colours are supposed to be., Well done and keep them coming. You might like to see the posting I made about colours being different to what they're usually considered to be.Any way I'd be proud of these figures and the painting of them. Hope you had fun with them.

Remember we do this for fun    John the Pom

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You might like to see the posting I made about colours being different to what they're usually considered to be.

Hi John, where was that? What did it say?

I have seen green collars too. Different colours indicated different branches of the German army. Pink for Panzers for example, so I am aware of the possibilities. I try to find reliable references before I paint.

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You might like to see the posting I made about colours being different to what they're usually considered to be.

Hi John, where was that? What did it say?

I have seen green collars too. Different colours indicated different branches of the German army. Pink for Panzers for example, so I am aware of the possibilities. I try to find reliable references before I paint.

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Never saw collars in blue, and I do searches and have books for a very long time. Still, if one source or 1-2% of them say blue and the others say green, I would go for green unless I can get good evidence that blue also exist. As most WW2 photos are black and white, the real color show in only a small percentage of pictures, but never saw or could spot any with blue collars.https://www.google.pt/search?q=german+collar+ww2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEu4y_j7XQAhUDthQKHa_4A8wQ_AUICCgB&biw=1168&bih=890#q=german+tunic+wehrmacht+ww2&tbm=isch&tbs=ic:color

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If you try to adjust the shade of the uniform to a more greenish shade, the blue also start to become more green. I'm not a pro in adjusting shades, so this is made just by adding a little more yellow and anyone with more experience can achieve a much better result. The picture is from a frame taken from a WW2 color movie and may not give the exact color.



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Hi Ratch

I've found the posting I mentioned above so I'v Cut and pasted it below. hope you find it of interest.


Colour is a very subjective issue, we all see colours differently, ask any woman what she sees when looking at colours. Actually women generally have better colour perception than men who are often semi blind to reds and generally weak in perceiving yellow. I was lucky it didn't affect me, good British colour genes from a long line of printers.

Quite a few years back at a printing firm; who'll remain nameless; we some how employed a machine minder who was semi-colour blind, and then they started to test others on the production side, the results were quite an eye opener (excuse the pun) since then they've insisted on a colour blindness test for all new employees.

If you see a light blue and beige car in the morning and again the same car in the evening do you see the same colours? No you don't, but the brain does try to compensate. So when painting models it's often best to trust your insticts as often the scale effect can throw off the totally correct colours and all contrast is lost, a good example being the RLM 70 & 71 greens in Luftwaffe WW 2. 

I couldn't agree more with Paws4thot and Steve as even today if you buy some paint for your house and two years later you buy some for touch ups the chances are they'll be from different batch and be a different shade, so imagine what it was like in the 1915's and 40's on all sides.

Remember we do this for fun    John the Pom.

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In what John says above I was actually referring to the variability of paint batches but it is equally true of dye stuffs and cloths, to the extent that between when their uniforms were made, what they're made of, and how long they've been worn, I'd not be surprised to find that herr Oburst von Werra, Feldwebel Schmitt and Private Schultz all proved to be wearing different tones of "field grey".

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