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Analogue locos on DCC


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Although my layout is DCC I have a couple of locos that are analogue which I can’t have converted to DCC. Aware of not running analogue motors on DCC is it possible to disconnect the wires at the power track and connect an analogue controller to run these locos ? (Hornby R8250 ?)


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Roy, how do you expect to connect the DC controller if not via the track and pickups?


And what locos do you believe can't be converted?  I'd have said everything can be converted, some are harder than others with the split chassis and those with a Ringfield with the left brush connected to chassis being the harder ones.

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Hi Roy. Yes, you can just unplug the DCC controller and plug in a DC controller. The only problem is that ALL the track will be powered from the one controller, so separate loops won't be independant. You will also have to disconnect any accessory decoders you may have fitted.

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Use a DPDT switch - take two wires from the track to the centre pair of switch terminals, then two wires from each controller to each pair of outer switch terminals. Use an ON-OFF-ON switch and the off position will act as an isolator bridge between DC and DCC, but sure as eggs is eggs you will flip the switch from one to tother and forget to configure the locos first, inviting the smoke fairy to wave her magic wand. If you,are carefull it is one way to do it.

As fishy says you can convert any loco to DCC if you know what you are doing. The golden rule is the motor brushes must be isolated from the track pickups, thats it - so simple. Achieving that isolation is the hard bit on some locos.

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And the day you have the brain explosion, put all the DC locos on the track, throw the switch to DCC and go get a cup of tea ..........?  Only to return to find all their motors burnt out?


Much better to research how and convert them, there are guides to converting everything on the net, starting with Bromsgrove models and Brian Lambert.

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I use a DPDT switch to switch between DC and DCC operation. One for each loop. Then I use DPDT switches to switch between the two DCC controllers I use and the  two DC controllers. With over 150 locomotives in my collection I have only converted 45 to DCC and will not convert them all due to cost. 


It works very well and once setup can easily be managed. 


One tip is to leave DCC locos on the layout for display and just swap over the running locos then if you do forget or throw the switch in error the DCC static locos will be fine on both setups. 

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Very interested in this subject as I have 19 DC locos so cost alone prevents me from converting to DCC even if most of them could be.

My question is this. As I have a spare R8206 analog controller bought with a Tornado set, could I just connect this to my layout through a R8241 Digital Power Track, of which I have 3 on my layout without removing these?  I suspect the answer is "not blinking likely !" but would appreciate some expert advice. The layout does not have any decoder-controlled accessories. I have an unused analog R8206 Power Track rail, but disconnecting the Digital Power Tracks would be quite a chore so not really do-able for me. Just looking for an easy option. 😇

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Jimbo, the digital versions of the power track / power clips will work fine with an analogue controller. Just make sure that your DCC controller is disconnected before you attached your DC analogue one. The R8206 and R602 Analogue power track/clips have a suppressor capacitor fitted across the rails to prevent the sparky motors of DC analogue locos from making your TV picture break up with noise lines. Modern TVs don't really suffer from this type of interference any more.

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