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The class 81 that NEVER WAS!!


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/media/tinymce_upload/cd509e9c8fe626a3730581b1313cebfb.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/f09a81542d458d56d196fa7933e6f0a8.jpgSometimes after the model is made another prototype is made but with the case of E3046 it was never ever made it was lost in the mists of time ive gotta prototype here and Hornby own the other one i like the fact you will never see another one as its one of only two in the World its a pity as the Class 81 is a nice loco and there isnt going to see this one so thanks Triang for not making it maybe Hornby should make it now!

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 Why ?

Triang had made a class 81 in Electric Blue livery but when they announced the new Prototype E3046 was going to be made it never went into production at Margate as two prototype locos are the only ones in existance in the world as i own one and Hornby have got the other CLASS 81 E3046 in their factory in Margate i have to say why didnt Triang make this loco as mine runs well so come on Hornby put the class 81 back into production you last made it in 1971 dont you think its about time it was back in your range?


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Back in the 1970s  I converted a Hornby OO Hymek into a AL1, using the Skinley drawings as a reference  and using a Faiverley pantograph from Jouef.

The cab was modified by cutting off the bottom half beneath the windows and turning it upside down and gluing it back. This results in the correct front panel slope. The body side between the cab doors and the roof well was made from plastic card. I reused the Hornby bogies but adjusted the chassis length, and modified the fuel tank to represent the rectifier well.  I got the idea from an article in the Model Railways magazine about doing this to a Triang O gauge BigBig Train Hymek.  I think I still have it in deep storage somewhere, so when (or if) I find it I will post a picture.

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The Tri-ang Railways AL type loco was dropped after the Amalgamation with Hornby Dublo...


Hornby Dublo had also made an AL type loco, and so the HD model was modified to take the Tri-ang design motor bogie....there may well have been other changes too.


So, the released Tri-ang Hornby AL loco was an Amalgamation of HD and Tri-ang parts!


Later models had a yellow paper label "warning panel". (As did the Hymek...and EE Type 3 Class 37...)


@ LC&DR....


I never would have guessed that your AL was a conversion from a Hymek!


Very well done.... 😎

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