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Santa's Express & Christmas wagon load of toys


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I was so thrilled setting up the Santa's Express I bought this year pulling the toys, reindeer and Christmas 2016 wagon around a tree in my folks conservatory... until I realised probably my clumsy mother turned the tree lights on, knocked over the train and a candy cane from each truck load of toys has snapped off!

Obviously the tiled floor was most likely the problem but I'm now having to fork out money on eBay for the 2 different toy load patterns on the 2016 Christmas wagon and the 2016 Santa's Express north pole wagon as the colours differ. Has anymore had issues with the candy canes before or other parts of the toy loads being damaged? Does superglue do a job or does it just not look right (hence why I'm already making plans on being replacement toy wagons).

Hornby really should consider selling the toy load as an accessory so consumers can perhaps place them in other trucks. Like those nice Hamley's toy shop trucks I've seen on eBay.

I'm pretty sure the annual toy load patterns haven't changed year on year but the Santa's Express toy load this year is just plain colours Whereas that used to be similar in detail to the annual Christmas wagons.

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  • 2 years later...

I have the original Santa's Express and have bought the wagons for most years, but can;t run them all with the little engine, so I have a 0-6-0 engine that is 52 years old (Triang) and runs fine that runs in the opposite direction under the tree. I have also made a 4 wheel coach into a Santa and Elf transport and with the aid of Santa figures and sleigh from the Range provided by Gaugemaster converted a flat wagon as a carrier, and they look quite effective running under the Christmas tree. This year I have changed slightly and have bought the Coca Cola train set and am awaiting delivery, from Hornby, of additional wagons, and this is now travelling with the Santa's Express.

I have seen Sam's Trains 48 hour test run of the Santa's Express and Know the little engine is robust, mine runs most of the days, all the hour the grandchildren are here, and of course it is 'running' Christmas eve while all the children are asleep delivering their presents, after all the power does not have to be on when Santa is here, 'Christmas Magic' is everywhere with him.

I now hope there is one more wagon that I would like to add to the train, the Sleigh transport wagon that is in the new set, I hope Hornby will release it as an individual wagon, and that next Christmas morning, Santa will have dropped one off un der the tree.

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Hi Andrex1986

There is enough Christmas type junk and bits about, that making the loads should not be that difficult.

I would think the UK has an equivalent to the dollar stores in the US and Red Dot here in Aus the perfect hunting ground for stuff to make Christmas train loads from.

If you have the Hornby red 4 Wh car transporter add a small sleigh to that and there you have a Christmas wagon

Fold an old card of cornflakes box into a cube wrap in suitable paper with a bit of file tie or other small ribbon and you have a present for the train.

Christmas isn't about what you buy its about the joy you can give to others drumming up a few Christmas loads for the train won't be hard particularly this time of year, the kids will love the home made loads just as much as the bought ones.

regards John



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I have the original Santa's Express and have bought the wagons for most years, but can;t run them all with the little engine, so I have a 0-6-0 engine that is 52 years old (Triang) and runs fine that runs in the opposite direction under the tree. I have also made a 4 wheel coach into a Santa and Elf transport and with the aid of Santa figures and sleigh from the Range provided by Gaugemaster converted a flat wagon as a carrier, and they look quite effective running under the Christmas tree. This year I have changed slightly and have bought the Coca Cola train set and am awaiting delivery, from Hornby, of additional wagons, and this is now travelling with the Santa's Express.

I have seen Sam's Trains 48 hour test run of the Santa's Express and Know the little engine is robust, mine runs most of the days, all the hour the grandchildren are here, and of course it is 'running' Christmas eve while all the children are asleep delivering their presents, after all the power does not have to be on when Santa is here, 'Christmas Magic' is everywhere with him.

I now hope there is one more wagon that I would like to add to the train, the Sleigh transport wagon that is in the new set, I hope Hornby will release it as an individual wagon, and that next Christmas morning, Santa will have dropped one off un der the tree.

It must give your grandchildren hours of fun at this time of year. I hope your wish for an individual wagon happens 

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Hi WTD and RAF96

Well it came up to the top of the posts Oops!! did not notice OP posted three years ago.

But the point still stands there is enough cheap Christmas junk about this time of year that making loads for Christmas trains be they manufactured or home brewed should not be an issue.

Perhaps the start date  could be automatically under the heading on the index page??

As well as the post date next to the latest posters name

Maybe one of the Techno Gnomes could work out how to do it then hopefully there will be less regurgitation of super old posts.

regards John

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I do believe these present loads are a resin block, so they are delicate anyway. Any resin building or load will be, care needs to be taken with them. The resin load falling onto a hard flooring would not have helped, where a short fall onto the carpet, I suspect may not have broken the load.


GNR-Gorodn-4 (HF)

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