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GWR Coaches (and Locos Missed)

Guest Chrissaf

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 I still have my Mainline 'Hinton  Manor', one of the few GW locos I have. although it must be 20 years since she last ran. As I remember it was a fairly decent model. I thought Bachmann were planning to re-tool this at some point to accept DCC.  They also used to do the 43xx too, which I think was originally a Replica model. Maybe you should gee them up to re-issue these?


I agree, proper GW Suburban carriages are now long overdue, as there are Thompson, Gresley, Maunsell and Stanier non-corridor  designs now in the Hornby stable, however the Autocoach (one by Bachmann and a different one by Hornby) are available for  GW branch line service. The ex Airfix 'B' set has been absent for a while. 



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Moderator message: I did not post this original message, my tag appears against it [bug] as I moved the post here on the old forum as a moderator task.

Hi all

Between all the major manufacturers we have had many new additions to the collection of modern standard gwr locos (my main gripe being the lack of a manor or 43xx) but there are still not many coaches in some areas (eg suburban). Your thoughts please?

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I also have the Mainline "Hinton Manor", a good runner until something broke. Took it to our excellent Model shop in York but he could not get the spares to fix it, so it sits on the shelf.


A new version would be very welcome and also a modern 4-6-0 County with double chimney.


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In response to lcdr.

The manor and 43xx from Bachmann are long overdue modernisation, but they would still be less detailed than a modern loco (although hopefully slightly cheaper). If there is room in the market for two new tool Kings, I'm sure hornby would get away with a manor, as they are a very useful size for modellers.

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Here's a short list of wants I've compiled:


1. Manor

2. 43xx

3. Large prairie (41/51xx, 61xx)



1. B set

2. Suburban coaches (could also put in train pack with 61xx)

3. Collett 60ft coaches (or other mainline stock)



1. Hawksworth coaches

2. Mk1 suburbans in western region livery (were any allocated to wr?)

3. Pannier tank

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I have the model of the king I can vouch for it is a beauty but there are some liveries missing within the range the version I would like to see would be the single chimney verion in BR green with an early crest or there is the !948 BR livery Green with British Railways on the Tender.  I am sorry for banging on about this for quite some time.

Also I would like to see a four coach non corridor set so that they can have a decent reason to bring back the large praire tank.

So what do you guys recon

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 The 15xx 0-6-0 PT was a favourite of mine. They were always to be seen shunting coaches at Paddington. I think I eventually 'copped' eight of them  which wasn't bad going out of a class of ten.


However my vote would go for a Manor above a King any time.

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I also have the Mainline "Hinton Manor", a good runner until something broke. Took it to our excellent Model shop in York but he could not get the spares to fix it, so it sits on the shelf.


A new version would be very welcome and also a modern 4-6-0 County with double chimney.



Possibly the axles?


The split axle wheelsets are a weak point of a lot of Mainline and early Bachmann locos....


Peter's Spares has been marketing some replacement parts......I have no experience of these parts....

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  • 3 weeks later...

For GWR mainline stock, a few Collett passenger brake vans, first corridors, and different dining & kitchen carriages, plus the Centenary Stock and some Collett & Hawksworth Slip Coaches. I do agree on the fact we need a modern release 43xx, 78xx Manor, and Large Prairies, as well as the 16xx & 15xx panniers.

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Hi Sarahagain


As this thread had just reappeared at the top I had another look and saw your reply which I had missed before.


If I remember right it was the split axles that were the problem.


I will have a look at Peters Spares site and maybe have a go at repairing the manor.


I know the motor was still working so worth a try.


Many Thanks for your information, will post again when I have tried to repair it.


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  • 1 year later...

One good idea might be a slip coach. They were quite common in the early 1900s, and would suit anyone with a medium-sized mainline station.

I agree - a double-ended GWR slip coach is an excellent idea. I wouldn’t expect it to be motorised so that with DCC it could be made to actually operate (now there’s an idea!)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

 Regarding the Bachmann/Mainline split axles I must have had sixfailures by now and managed to fix four. I have found it possible to stick them back together with superglue but the wheels need to be quartered in one hit. Get it wrong and the loco will bind (hence why only four have been sucessfully repaired using glue so far!

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  • 2 months later...

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