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Handheld - RM Forgets Activation + Fit for Purpose?

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Infrequently I get out my old Samsung tablet to get it working with RM on my laptop. This is when a friend is visiting and helps operate parts of the layout.


There are, maybe, a couple of months between this happening but, each time I have to go through the, for me, nightmare of deactivating and reactivating the software. I say nightmare since, as I found with my old TomTom, the necessary comms are blocked by my Internet Service Provider (with them, tried everything to fix this). So I either go to a neighbour's to activate the software YET AGAIN, or over my mobile phone which is a nightmare as each time I have to change the IP settings.


It's the same tablet, the same laptop with RM, so no reason for it all to be "forgotten".


When it is working, it really is not up to much. The display is over to the left of the screen, it will not operate the signals that I have now installed, so I really do wonder if this is fit for purpose.

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I would lay the blame on the Samsung probably losing its setup iif the battery goes flat

There should be no need to deactivate/reactivate at all. More likely its the tablet switching comms with the base pc running RM than an activation or ISP problem.

If your ISP is apparently blocking stuff then it is more likely to be an anti-virus or firewall permissions problem, especially if your TomTom external connection was prevented. Bypassing the firewall etc is well covered in the setting up procedures.

Expand on ‘when its working its not up to much’ - in what way?

The more specific the question and the more detail provided the more chance of a sensible and productive response from the forum members.


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The Samsung may well be to blame, I suppose, as the battery will have gone flat. But, despite that, it retains all other settings eg Wifi settings etc.


The blocking of this sort of software activation has defeated my ISP too. It is something to do with a firewall but no one wants to have their defenses down for very long. The TomTom updates problem was solved by buying a Garmin which has no such issues. So I am just left with RM and I do have ways round the problem!


There is so much that the software will not do on any of the handheld devices I have tried, it's almost easier to say what we have managed to do! The signals will not operate. It's not possible to stretch the plan to a usable size. The program icons I have on my layout do not show. When selecting a loco, it does not show you what loco is currently selected. The throttle control is not accessible as it's coverd by other buttons. Etc.


Did I read somewhere that it was possible to network another PC or laptop and use that for control too? I really have spent so much time trying to get the handheld to work that I feel I have exhausted that's possiblities. 

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The handheld software for Railmaster has never worked since day one, because it is not an App but badly designed software using Chrome. Problem it was designed to use a version of Chrome from many years ago and has never been updated to work with newer versions.


We were charged for software that has never been fit for purpose and have never been given the right to get our money back if not satisfied!!


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Apple version works fine.


You can buy a 2nd licence to put on a 2nd PC/laptop and network those 2 together.  There’s lots of forum coverage on that going back a while.  Do a forum search on Network, and I think covered on AC’s site too (First top sticky thread).

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You haven't said if you have tried to connect the tablet via fixed IP's through the RM system and router.

You are more likely to keep losing the IP's and have the issues you are getting if the router is applying dynamic IP's which will change every time you turn on your tablet and computer or whatever. The router allocates IP's to each piece of tech that needs one in order of switching on and only occasionally will the same IP's be allocated.


If you have not set fixed IP's within the router for your computer or tablet and, indeed, in RailMaster you really should. This way no IP's will need resetting as they your tech will always receive the same ones no matter what. It obviously follows that if one or two pieces of tech have fixed IP's allocated then you should do the same for all tech as conflicts can arise with fixed and dynamic working together unless you know how to split this allocation on the router itself.


My Help Site has details of exactly how to set up this fixed IP system on RM and also for your router and tech (each router has different methods but they have the same result).

If you have set up this system for fixed IP's the pages are worth reading through as it may just have a tiny part you could have missed.


Help on setting up a fixed IP on the computer and router... read the full text as it will give you info on skipping part of the video if you don't want to watch it all. The video is YouTube based.



Setting up a fixed IP in RailMaster for networking a handheld or other computer... remember to set up a fixed IP for your equipment on the computer and tablet etc before doing this step because the same IP MUST be allocated to each part of the RailMaster system each time on boot. Once done you won't need to do it all again.



Hopefully this will sort things for you.

Your ISP cannot be responsible for changes to IP addresses on your local network. That is impossible. Your dynamic IP for that will only change when you restart the router for any reason and a new dynamic IP will be allocated. This is only for connection to the outside world via their gateway and will NOT affect your system internally.


With all due respect to my fellow moderator Rob your battery going flat can't lose these settings without another fault being present and that is not highly likely. Only the BIOS chip going flat will lose settings and these are specific also and will not apply to RailMaster. It is date and time and other BIOS changes made by the user that goes there.


If your problem is created by a firewall, as you say above, then you should disable it permanently (you don't say what software firewall you have) and follow recommendations made quite often on this forum or through my own Help Site which details exactly what to use to sort this type of problem if firewall related. It is common knowledge that Norton's and McAfee's and some others too are too aggressive and will block software it really shouldn't, including RailMaster. Follow my link for anti virus etc on the site and you will begin to succeed in getting things running as they should.


If issues persist then we can apply other methods as we will know what you have set up and how it all works if you follow these methods.


Good luck and keep us informed.

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No, I have fixed IP addresses. I am well versed in this subject as setting up the Foscam IP cams we have is made a lot easier by fixing IP address, same with router set up, of which we have 4 dotted about our property.


One reason activating via my mobile on 3G network is a nightmare. First I have to fix the IP addresses on my Laptop, get it connected to the tablet, get the advice that it's not authorised, remove fixed IP addresses, connect via mobile to deactivate the software, even though it was activated on the same tablet last time. Next I have to put the IP addresses back in to connect the tablet again, then get the warning that it's not authorised, again, unfix the IP address, connect via mobile to activate, a finally, re-enter the IP addresses to use the tablet. 


As a PS, I believe my friend has an iPad. Will this connect to my Windows 10 laptop, for Railmaster use? Worth a try if it does!


The alternative is to drive about 1km to my neighbour's and connect via his Internet. I'm in Spain and the Internet can be basic here! Especially out in the sticks.


I use Windows firewall. If I completely turn off that firewall as well as Avira anti-virus I have managed to update my TomTom but no way am I going to regularly leave my PC unprotected for the up to 6 hours it takes to download a map! And at my neighbour's, there's absolutely no need to turn anything off for both TomTom and Railmaster activation to work, so it has to be something to do with my ISP. I think Railmaster once connected correctly when all protection was off but I hate doing that!


The problem with the software is not connectivity, just the terrible implementation of this "software". I am going to have a go at networking 2 laptops next time my friend is here.


As a PS, I believe my friend has an iPad. Would this connect to my Windows 10 Laptop for Railmaster use? If so, well worth a try, methinks.

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Fair enough if you do know about fixed IP's as that eans you are some way to being sorted. I know that may sound daft but it is actually better for you as you know.

As you are in Spain and the Internet is not so great the only thing that can make a mess of connections via your ISP is their gateway... primary or secondary settings. The main IP will usually be OK so maybe try and set up a new primary and secondary gateway in your network settings dialogue using, say, Google's own, which is, as you may already know, primary and secondary

Settings for international ISP's should be very close to how they are in the UK but one cannot guarantee their servers will carry data as they should. Their way is best so to speak or they do just enough to make it all 'work'.


Whether or not an iPad wil connect to Windows 10 for RailMaster use is another matter. I don't particularly work with Apple products for various reasons. I do believe the topic may have been discussed on here before so a search may help you out or another member may help. An iPad will usually connect to Windows 10 very easily but with RM I would not be able to offer much help.


I'm intrigued by your paragraph thus...

One reason activating via my mobile on 3G network is a nightmare. First I have to fix the IP addresses on my Laptop, get it connected to the tablet, get the advice that it's not authorised, remove fixed IP addresses, connect via mobile to deactivate the software, even though it was activated on the same tablet last time. Next I have to put the IP addresses back in to connect the tablet again, then get the warning that it's not authorised, again, unfix the IP address, connect via mobile to activate, a finally, re-enter the IP addresses to use the tablet.

Fix IP addresses on the laptop... what goes wrong there to have to do this? Are they resetting? The rest also has my head whirling as this should not be happening at all as you know.

Can you detail, finely, step by step what is going on when you do that each time? If it is too much don't waste time typing it all up. Or even how your fixed IP's are setup? I'm not doubting your ability here but am curious why all this needs to be done every time. Too odd for my liking and I can understand if you are losing hair pulling it all out.

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Each time I do this I forget what it is I do!!! But in order to connect to the tablet and get RM to see it,  my laptop needs to be given its fixed IP address else RM won't connect. My laptop won't connect to the Internet via my phone with those IP addresses, so I have to restore DHCP again. Etc.


Thanks for your concern! I have to say it's not quite as bad as it sounds.

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It sounds to me that you are connecting to the internet using a mobile network rather than a landline setup.


I use a MiFi dongle when I am in UK using a PAYG data sim card. The dongle can run up to 10 WiFi devices, indeed I have a laptop, 2 x iPads, 2 x mobile phones and a printer hanging off it. Setting up a landline and running a contract isp is not realistic for me due to spasmodic visit times and the ludicrous cost of laying in the line.


I could hve put the data sim in one of the iPads and setup a WiFi hotspot but I find the MiFi method simpler as it works just like a secured landline router, password and all.


I have RM on the laptop and have never had a problem with it talking to the internet. Ditto updating my TomTom. Maybe the MiFi / data sim route would work better for you than hotspotting from your phone.



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Hello all,

My first post after lurking here for years. I felt the need to create an account just so I could respond to this.

The hand held app is a shocker.

It mucks up my laptops internet settings getting it to work.

When it does work, it is hopeless.

I have an iPhone 6s and iPad Mini 4.

You can't scroll or pinch zoom, it gets stuck with no way to get back to the main screen etc.

Absolute garbage and I have long since deleted it.

Not fit for purpose and I for one would like a refund.

Apart from that it's fabulous.


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In this context 'Clappers' is someone or something moving hard and fast with gusto. So 'Moaning like the Clappers' is moaning vehemently with gusto, physically worn out with excessive moaning.


Example usage of the term "Usain Bolt runs like the clappers" to win Gold.

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Just to say I tried connecting via home wifi, a second pc to the one running RM. Got no license for handheld or for a second client. Tried using Safari for windows as browser, connected to RM server and it worked fine (license limited). Only noticed that have to adapt screen resolution to fit stuffs on screen.

On my old samsung tablet running android, I keep a copy of "tested release" chrome browser, and often use to connect. Many problems of arranging screens, buttons overlays, loss of communication with RM server PC, screen rotations, etc

I "fixed" things by locking auto screen rotation on the tablet, choosing a "small" size in options, and ordering kids to not pinch screen and to not touch inappropriate commands but "stop" "shunt" "cruise" "lights" "fwd" "rew" and to work rarely with power slide.

But there is always a loss of control, so the "master control director" designated among them (the one to the PC RM server, controlling itineraries) acts in emergency!

We turned a fault in a fun thing.

Merry Christmas

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I now have a licenced (activated) Pro copy of RM 1.67 on a 2nd laptop. I fixed the IP address of my main laptop at I fixed the IP address of the 2nd laptop (which runs Windows 7) at I entered into the Master IP address boxes on the "Loco Detection" window of System settings of the 2nd laptop. I left the Master IP address boxes blank on laptop number 1.


Having read the instructions for networking 2 PCs, this is all I could find that I needed to do. But the 2nd laptop is not picking up the layout plan from the 1st laptop when both are running RM and connected to the same network. I do believe they are connected as, when I connected one of them to another network, RM gave an error message implying it was no longer connected (can't remember exact wording, sorry - if necessary I'll go back and recreate that situation).


I have the feeling there is something else I should be doing to get this to work but I can't, for the life of me, find what it is. There appear to be no other settings to change in any of the windows in RM. 


Any help would be much appreciated. Merry Christmas!

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KH, are you talking about the very first item of Latest News which gives all the download and installation details for HH.  Irrespective, much better to refer to the HH manual which is downloaded to your desktop by the RM installation program. 


BEJ, have you gone from the top locked sticky thread on the RM forum and then to AC’s excellent separate site and particularly his detailed instructions for networking?

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