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Select error codes & gives OL error with empty track

Guest Chrissaf

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OL is overload and E5 is emergenct stop. Turn the knob to zero and press the red stop button. 


What loco are you running on your DCC layout?

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Hi Walkingthedog

Sorry didn't get back before now, as I haven't used a forum before I hit the reply button on your answer twice and was locked out of system for 24 hours, even when I connect up my DCC select R8213 I get the OL and when Press Stop button up comes the E5 with no locos on the track tried to run the set 

Mixed Freight Digital train set R1126, which is DCC fitted, I built the complete track set as per the large track mat, thought I am going to expand the original oval so why not go whole hog, the original oval runs the other DCC ready sets. I just cannot get out of the select codes I have checked all the track.


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....when I connect up my DCC select R8213 I get the OL...


Since you get this OL display even when you have NO rolling stock on the track. Then your track has got a 'short circuit on it. To prove that the short is in the track. Disconnect the Select from the track (at the Select end of the wires). Does it now power up OK? If it still shows OL, then most likely the Select is faulty. If it now powers up OK, then the track has a short circuit on it.


I built the complete track set as per the large track mat


This infers that you have built your layout using the basic oval plus Expansion Track packs A through E.


Now in track pack C, Hornby include a R8201 Link wire. Have you fitted this R8201 Link wire?


If you have, remove it. Does the Select now power up OK without showing OL?


If removing the R8201 clears the OL fault then you had the wires reversed on one of the connectors. Reversing the wires on one connector WILL create a 'short circuit'. The R8201 is included in Track Expansion Pack C for the situation where pack C is going to be used on a DC Analogue layout where a single DC Analogue controller is going to power both oval loops. You DO NOT use the R8201 Link wire on a layout that will be controlled by DCC.


So if you have fitted the R8201, remove it and do not use it. On a DCC layout, you fit R8232 DCC point clips to the points INSTEAD of using the R8201.


Now if the situation arises where you did have the R8201 fitted, but you still get the OL error even with the R8201 removed. Then the most likely scenario is that you have got a faulty point. Assuming that the track is not yet pinned down, remove the points one at a time and see if removing any specific one does not generate the OL error. After each test, replace the removed point back in circuit before moving on to the next point.


For more information review Chapter 6 of my downloadable PDF document titled 'Getting Started, including Track Expansion Packs'. The download link is in the sticky post with the same title located at the top of the 'General Discussion' forum.


Also, have a look at this recent post and check your own track power track and/or power clips to ensure that NO capacitors are present. Remove any that you find.




See posts 5 & 6 down on the page


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Sorry didn't get back before now, as I haven't used a forum before I hit the reply button on your answer twice and was locked out of system for 24 hours



Your last post above moved here from the second new thread you started. I assume that you started a completely new thread even though you were responding to the earlier post by WTD in THIS thread, because you didn't get the result you were expecting by clicking the 'blue button'. I have mentioned this before but I mention it again. The 'blue button' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. This forum does not have a 'Reply to this post' button located in each individual posted reply. So the 'Reply' button you say you clicked twice, is not actually a 'Reply' button.


When you want to add a new reply to the end of the current thread. You just scroll down to the bottom of the page and write your reply in the ' Reply to "xxxxxx" ' text box and click the GREEN REPLY button.

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Hi Chrissaf & WTD Removed point by point and of course the last one as usual was the faulty one now I have a dead track section know exactly where just must change it out.I live in The Netherlands and need to find the standard de-coders that has to be soldered in place but cannot find in Hornby shop or Amazon. I have one loco the Fowler tender Steam loco which is DCC ready on opening I find only one capacitor fitted is this usual as on looking at the installation of the Standard De-coder there are 2 capacitors, thank you both for the help.


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Glad to hear that you are now making progress. Issues proven to be faulty Hornby points are becoming more frequent on the forum.


What you think are two capacitors are more likely to be either two inductors or one capacitor and an inductor. Both inductors and capacitors (when inside the loco) are usually found very close to or directly attached to the loco motor. A capacitor will be wired in parallel with the motor, whilst the inductors will be wired in series with the motor. See the different possible suppression component connection options in the drawing below:




It is easier for us to confirm one way of the other, if you were to post a photo of what you can see. Use the 'Black & White' hill icon to post a photo. Note that the photo will be held back for approval during normal UK office weekday hours by the forum administrator and won't appear straight away. Photos can be .JPG .JPEG .GIF or .PNG but NOT .BMP and preferably less than 2MB in size. Some Apple file formats are not supported either.


If your loco does not have a DCC socket as standard. Then it is best to install an 'after-market' socket, then you can use the decoders with the 8 pin plugs that are factory attached. Do remember that the socket will have a blanking plug fitted in a DCC Ready loco which is removed to allow the decoder to plug in its place. Keep the removed blanking plug safe should you want to sell the loco on or revert it back to DC Analogue control.


Here are some after-market 8 pin NEM 652 wired sockets.


Here is a drawing that shows how to wire it up (the LED lighting is purely optional and will not normally be present in a 'Steamer').




PS - If you haven't done so already. I would substitute the suspect faulty point with one of the other ones, just to prove 100% that the point is faulty with a 'short circuit'. Or use a multi-meter set on 'resistance' to see if you can measure the 'short circuit' (zero Ohms) across the rails of the point whilst it is still disconnected from the layout.


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Hi Fishmanoz thanks for the post  was just going to put a couple of photos think I will still as does it matter which side of the motor eveything is soldered. This loco I have opened has the connections at opposite end from the motor screw. Thanks Bud/media/tinymce_upload/f6160bea14c36e67b9fb0435d29a8e6e.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/9791cc9d77ded8781c437e11157d7d33.jpg

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  • 1 year later...

Good Morning All. I too have an OL status message on my Hornby Select controller with an empty track. I have been making cosmetic changes to my layout but only to enhance what is already there. My layout is a custom build (not by me) DCC on a folding 8' x 4' board using track packs A through F and has 17 Hornby R8243 points in total, controlled by 4 R8247 Accessory decoders - 1 of which is used to "prove" a circuit betwen two loops of track - one of the Forum admins talked me through this process some time back, and having enjoyed success with one, decided to expand the number of points to work in tandem in this fashion. Having wired everything up and addressed them according to convention (via a test wire direct from the controller to ONE at a time R8247) when the final connection was made back to the Main track it shows OL. Having considered the posts above and identified that the Select shows the correct codes when disconnected from the Track A/B ports, the fault MUST lie in the track somewhere. Short of taking the R8247's and connecting ONE point to ONE port, I don't really know what else I can do, not being au fait with a Multimeter. Any advice is welcome, but I attach a photograph with a question. These two pieces of track are my connecting points to the circuit and were added during the build. I assume that the Red wire goes to port A on both, even though one is reversed - I'm assuming they are reversed for access due to track gaps./media/tinymce_upload/045a2646980e98d02262e750579a837f.jpg

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I assume that the Red wire goes to port A on both, even though one is reversed


This assumption is incorrect.....however your image does not seem to show the power clips wired as per your incorrect assumption.


Your image shows the red and black wires terminated correctly. A to B and B to A.


See Page 15 (extract replicated below) of my downloadable 'Getting Started....." PDF. Downloadable from the 'sticky post' at the top the 'General Discussion' forum.




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You say 'cosmetic' changes.....this infers just scenery.


But if your 'cosmetic' changes has indeed included the addition or amendment of actual track. Please describe details, so that WTD's theory can be checked for. Better still, a photograph that encompasses the whole layout track placement on the baseboard would aid the analysis for the presence of a 'reverse loop'.

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RDS, hi, I , like  Chrissaf, had assumed that cosmetic, meant, just that, scenery, buildings etc. Just shows how we all read posts, differently.  To me, playing with track/points, is  Constructual.   We will soon know, no doubt. Interesting.  Send reinforcements, we are going to advance.. Send  3 and 4 pence, we are going to a dance.

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Good afternoon all and thanks for the constructive replies to a post which has divided opinions. I've attached two photographs to hopefully clear some of the mysteries. The second is a photo of the first with markings to aid with diagnostics. The main photo was taken from the top of a small stepladder holding the phone above my head - not easy following a stroke, but things are what they are. As RDS alluded to in his reply - no blame can be attached to the builder - all subsequent changes are mine and mine alone. The Hornby points you see HAVE all worked as designed prior to making these last changes - and just to reiterate - the changes have only been to moderate existing points to work as a double to prove a route. After this was done, each decoder was individually addressed from 61 onwards in blocks and the OL state was discovered when connecting the Select back up to the Main track. So - if it helps - #61 thro #64 are connected to a decoder on the right side of the board for access purposes, #65 and #66 will be allocated a second decoder also on the right using only Port 1 and 2. The remaining 9 will be allocated to the remaining 3 decoders to the left side of the divide. P3 and P4 are Peco points controlled by the ground frame off to the bottom left of picture, wired through a Gaugemaster capacitor from the Aux output at 15v DC and is fully working. I hope this helps/media/tinymce_upload/47292654bd64c1b53cd893734d067613.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/a1f90d6e854d80ecdd9916b57a67163a.jpg

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