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A03091 nice addition to range I look forward to Mig-17


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Not an expert on the MIG 17, or any other Soviet aircraft for that matter but an interesting subject and I will be getting 1 in the fullness of time! And if possible I'm sure Airfix will add the other variants you require later!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Not an expert on the MIG 17, or any other Soviet aircraft for that matter but an interesting subject and I will be getting 1 in the fullness of time! And if possible I'm sure Airfix will add the other variants you require later!!!

Maybe if we ask very very nicely Airfix could do the other 3 cold war Migs the 15, 19 and the 21. Now that would be really something, and think of all the variants not to mention the marking options. That way every one wins.


Remember we to this for fun               John the Pom

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Not an expert on the MIG 17, or any other Soviet aircraft for that matter but an interesting subject and I will be getting 1 in the fullness of time! And if possible I'm sure Airfix will add the other variants you require later!!!

Maybe if we ask very very nicely Airfix could do the other 3 cold war Migs the 15, 19 and the 21. Now that would be really something, and think of all the variants not to mention the marking options. That way every one wins.


Remember we to this for fun               John the Pom

ISTR Airfix having done a recent MiG-15. Also, what harm did the MiG-23/27 and MiG-25 do to you?

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Hi Paws.

None it's just those Migs were the USSR's mainstay in the cold war era, which seems that that's the era Airfix is covering with their recent jet releases, Maybe we'll even get a re-release of the Illyshin IL-28 and maybe add the Sukhoi Fishpot and Su 7b Fitter for good measure.  (Actually I'm just throwing pebbles in the pond.)


As it is I don't make modern jets or any jets for that matter, but I must admit I'm tempted by those early jet aircraft and often picked up a F100 or Voodoo or Scorpion etc as these have some very interesting shapes only to put them back. But I think I'll stick with my WW2 German, Italian, Japanese and French aircraft of the 1938 to 1946 era as that really gives me enough to be going on with. Still hoping the Me 262 makes it to SA in the near future.


Remember we do this for fun                                 John the Pom


PS: - Plus many WW1 & tween war aircraft, various soft skinned millitary 1/72 kits and , artillary pieces, plus various 350 & 600 scale WW2 warships.                                              JtP 

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ISTR Airfix having done a recent MiG-15. 


From a build point of view it's a hoot, but as a scale replica falls some way short of the mark. It's an early Hornby era product and it shows, they've moved on leaps and bounds since then. Any new MiGs are welcome now, in my book. The 23/27 would be especially welcome, the old kits were never that great.


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Er John,  the MiG-23/27 and MiG-25 are "Cold War aircraft".

And so are the MiG-29 (first flight 1977) and MiG-31 (first flight 1975).


Don't forget there are other Soviet/Russian/Ukrainian design companies too - Ilyushin, Yakovlev, Antonov, Sukhoi (and smaller, often defunct names) - with types that have also been neglected over the years. 

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Back to the Fresco, I'm sad to see the CAD drawings have been thoroughly deconstructed on other forums revealing a number of errors and omissions - mostly minor but also including a major wing issue.


I'm willing to save opinions for the showing of the first test plastic as opposed to mere graphics. 8 months to go to its penciled in release (and my purchase) date and I hope there's still time for changes. 

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Er John,  the MiG-23/27 and MiG-25 are "Cold War aircraft".

And so are the MiG-29 (first flight 1977) and MiG-31 (first flight 1975).


Don't forget there are other Soviet/Russian/Ukrainian design companies too - Ilyushin, Yakovlev, Antonov, Sukhoi (and smaller, often defunct names) - with types that have also been neglected over the years. 

I didn't know that about the MiG-29 and 31, but I'll agree about the other design bureaus being "neglected".

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The release date is postponed from "Autumn" to "Winter"

Blast! There goes my hope of picking one up at Telford, with possibly some am stuff if it had been out long enough. ☹️

Like many others here, I'd be very interested in some later MiGs, especially the -19, 23/27 and 25. The Flogger will be fun to see as a kit or kits because there are so many variants with different noses, intakes and exhaust nozzles -- perfect for a modular moulding.

It'd also be nice to have the capability to make licensed variants of the aircraft from other countries if there are any external differences. I'm particularly thinking of the Shenyang J-6 variant of the Farmer (and, of course, the Q-5 -- has that ever been kitted?); the Pakistani F-6 is one of my favourite aircraft from history -- a case of unwitting international co-operation before it became commonplace. Where else, back in the 60s and 70s, would you find a Chinese copy of a Russian aircraft with a British ejection seat and toting Sidewinders? 😎

Go on, Airfix, give us more MiGs -- even if they're not made by Mikoyan!

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I heard a couple of weeks ago at a Model Show that the Buccaneer was due out on the 25th Sept and the Mig 17 at the end of October. Now the Buccaneer came out on time as predicted so hopefully there's time for the Mig to put in an appearance before Telford? 

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I'm not buying anymore kits until I reduce the stash, but this one is the exception. Just finishing up the Dragaon double boxing of the Ji-2 and Ji-5, esentially Chinese versions of the MiG 15 and 17. The Ji-2 has problems. Istarted it but it's not worth the time and materials to finish. Major warpage, looks like it was in a rivet epidemic, very lacking in detail. 

The Ji-5 is ok, nothing to write home about. The new Airfix kit will be so much better. I'd like to finish the Airfix kit with the decals from the Dragon kit. A North Vietnamese Ji-5, the camo is eyecatching. "Eyecatching camo", hmmm, that doesn't sound right. 

I think Zvesda is re-popping the Dragon MiG-17/Ji-5. Save your money, wait for the Airfix offering!

Looking forward to more Soviet and Russian aircraft from Airfix, good affordable kits in that genre are lacking out there.

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"Looking forward to more Soviet and Russian aircraft from Airfix, good affordable kits in that genre are lacking out there."


Quite agree with elkart.  The attraction for me is the interesting finishes that they pose.  It must have been a dilema for someone at Airfix in chosing the options for A03091.

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I'm very much looking forward to the Airfix MiG-17 release as I've been waiting for a decent Fresco for years now. The AZ kit just has too many issues for me and while I have a liking for the Dragon kit I think that comes from the satisfaction of actually completing it! I've heard noises about is being small but it looks ok to me.

I've read some of the critisisms of the forthcoming kit online but I will reserve judgment until I see it with my own eyes. Some of the CAD images are a little disturbing though. I know that the new Airfix kit must go together easier than anything that has gone before.

A new tool MiG-19 would be at the top of my kit list. As far as I know the KP kit from 1972 is the last time anyone has a go at this Cold War classic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"A new tool MiG-19 would be at the top of my kit list. As far as I know the KP kit from 1972 is the last time anyone has a go at this Cold War classic."

Correct  Old Tonto.  Only if you have it, there are a few problems.  My one the shape of the wings in plan view.  The KP one I have has a distinctive change of angle,  whereas it should be quite subtle and it looks like the Airfix one has captured that, looking at the pics in AME.  The sprue pics also suggest a PF variant is possible in the future.  ie the addition of new parts around the nose.

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As much as I love new tool kits from Airfix and the anticipation of waiting for the plastic to arrive on my work bench, I am also disappointed at how the new kit gets picked to pieces before the plastic has even been poured/injected from just a few CAD images.


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