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Dcc ready....


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Hi folks, I am currently running dc, (no layout yet)  just getting back into the trains after a 37 year break.. I am looking for the most economical way  to get 12 older Higher amp, locos dcc ready. Want to stay with my dc power supply for now, but it can only do two trains on individual circuits. (H and M duette)

So not looking for a controller yet,  also want to have lights and option for sound if feasible..

Just want them all dcc ready for when I do build my real layout.

Locos are mostly hornby,  with 2 wrenns and 1 Lima.

So, what's the best way to accomplish this.. selling trains and buying new stock is not an option as these were left to me by my grandfather.

Thanks in advance.


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you won't want to hear this, but most older locos draw more current than the basic decoders can handle, and if you want sound you will be looking at a more capable decoder that the basic TTS offering from Hornby, and a sound decoder from other makers will cost you around £100 + each, you might be better to keep your existing as dc, and invest in newer models for DCC,  will be cheaper in the long run,

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Your main problem is going to be that each loco is likely to be very different in the approach needed to get to the point where a socket is installed. Some of the rarer models may just not be worth the effort of conversion and indeed could totally devalue them (Wrenn).


You have to take account at that stage of how and where lights and sound will be fitted as what is a simple DCC ‘getting it ready’ conversion may not be what is the best method for a sound decoder later. Likewise with lights getting them work interim on DC may require additional diodes compared to a straight forward DCC lights installation.


Not trying to put you off but it is going to be a case of researching each model on a case by case basis. I would make a file of information about each of them, collecting service sheets, any conversion info I could find on line - Bromsgrove Models has a good range of such information and there are other similar guides available.


Good luck with it.


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Darrenmb, hi. I also have a lot of old locos, and use H&M controllers.  I looked into this in great depth, when looking at DCC, and all the advice was, that unless these locos run perfectly, they will not make the transition to DCC. With this in mind, as they were of great sentimental value, i decided to run 2 layouts. The upper one, being DCC, with new locos, leaving my old friends, as DC, remaining with old controllers. That way, there running/ value is not affected. They would all have need extensive soldering, and the finished result, was not guaranteed. Contrary to popular belief, DCC, is not compulsary, and many , many peopls still happily run DC. I only started DCC, as following illness, was unable to go ypstairs for many months, and had DCC, downstairs. Happily, i was then able to resume, hence, upper layout.  DCC, is not cheap, the decoders, controller, point decoders, etc, all add up, and  you may find yourself  in a can of worms, if these dont/ wont convert. Sound decoders, in particular, are quite expensive, and well may not match your existing locos.   I would  be inclined  to keep your inherited locos, as are, and enjoy them, for now.  .If you want to dip your toe in DCC, you could pick up a starter set. I did. .

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I have 2 big diesels, a lima deltic (ringfield) and a hornby class 25 ( with cd motor conversion)  one small diesel shunter, basically, bottom looks same as a jinty, something like x04 motor, cant be certain from work.. :) , also a 80s version of the intercity 125 ( ringfield)

Then I have a bunch of steam locomotives, off top of my head, I have flying scotsman  r850/5 ( I know this one because I spent an eternity looking for a new body), a tender driven evening star, a winston churchill with synchrosmoke,  a jinty,  another couple of 0-6-0 locos plus the two wrenns, I dont think the battle space turbo car counts. Lol also have  2010ish  Hogwarts express..

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I also are facing a similar problem but came at it form a different direction useing some old locos, I spent about 16months building a 3 loop layout but have made it so some loops can be isolated. I have done this so some of my very old loco favorites that prove to difficult to convert can be kept as dc and kept running every time as needed. 

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I have 2 big diesels, a lima deltic (ringfield) and a hornby class 25 ( with cd motor conversion)  one small diesel shunter, basically, bottom looks same as a jinty, something like x04 motor, cant be certain from work.. :) , also a 80s version of the intercity 125 ( ringfield)

Then I have a bunch of steam locomotives, off top of my head, I have flying scotsman  r850/5 ( I know this one because I spent an eternity looking for a new body), a tender driven evening star, a winston churchill with synchrosmoke,  a jinty,  another couple of 0-6-0 locos plus the two wrenns, I dont think the battle space turbo car counts. Lol also have  2010ish  Hogwarts express..

i started with similar stock to yours ,converted all over to dcc ,i have not converted a wrenn.


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