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RailMaster Version 1.70 now available on the download link

Guest Chrissaf

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I have successfully downloaded v1.7 of RM on my laptop and v1.23 of HH on my iPad 1. However, I am now experiencing communication problems between my laptop and iPad, which i have only occasionally encountered previously. I am running Windows 7, with latest revisions on my laptop and iOS 5.1.1 on my iPad. I have static IP addresses on both laptop and iPad.


On start up of the HH, it does not always connect with a port and comes up with a message in the RM box "ERROR: [object Event]" . On other occasions the RM box is off centre on the screen, usually to the left (but not always), which means that if the connection is made only half the loco box is visible, so a restart is necessary (this has happened occasionally with previous version). When a proper connection is made, I can only operate for anything between 30 seconds and 90 seconds before connection is lost. Also when the connection is operative, any actions that are made on the laptop do not get transmitted to the iPad.


Any advise on this would be welcome, before I email HRMS.



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I've just auto-updated. Seemed to install OK, but now RailMaster won't connect to my e-link. It comes up with a message saying it can't communicate with it & to disconnect both cables, wait 10 seconds, reconnect the power, wait a while longer, then reconnect the USB. I can tell from the sounds that my PC makes that the e=link com port is being created correctly & can see it using control panel. But Railmaster doesn't want to know. The settings in Railmaster are correct. I'm running 64-bit Win10 Pro.

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I have been trying my Traintech signals under 1.70, and I have just reported one (IMO) minor glitch. It affects 2-aspect signals only. After RM startup, clicking on a 2-aspect signal causes the icon on the layout diagram to show the opposite aspect to that shown on the signal itself UNTIL that signal is operated from a program. Once this has been done, the icon aspect miraculously synchronises with the aspect on the actual signal and stays synchronised when the icon is clicked for the rest of the RM session.



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Make sure that these two lines are the last two lines in your railmaster.ini file. Use the bluish COG icon in the 'Help' screen to open the .INI file editor. Editing the file to make these the 'last two lines' in the file has been proven in the past to correct (sometimes) your reported error.


Alternative comms=1

Check controller=1

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I downloaded the Hand Held (Android) yesterday and it worked well.  Better than ever before.  Today it does not get past the start up screen but when checking the text (opened up with the button with a star at the bottom), it does not give any indication of a problem.

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Still worth checking though Zero1.......being the last two lines does improve eLink communication reliability.

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I was just about to post when I saw that version 1.70.1 was released. Updated to that version. Not changed anything I am going to post about. I am very disappointed in this update and the Android 1.23 update.

1) The throttle control on the android app is still not very smooth and does not always respond to touch. I am comparing it to Engine driver proper android app and JMRI. The throttle3 control on engine driver is very responsive and smooth.

2) F key operation should work one of the ways:

a) Latched - press key and function turns on, press again and function turns off.

b) Press and release key and function runs for preset time in decoder.

c) press and hold key and function runs until released.

This last variant is not available with Railmaster. More recent sound decoders have the ability to use "active braking", short press of function key slow slow down. Long press and locomotive stops more quickly. Certain horn sounds play as long as the function key is pressed.

I also note that the 1.70 guide still list only 25 as maximum function not the 28 now available. There are other updates not described.  HRMS need to read the manual from cover to cover and update all the relevant information

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The new "Execute: " command mentioned in the Release Notes, is absent from the manual. But being inquisitive, I decided to try it out anyway. This morning, I created a (executable) program which could take a command line argument and treat that as a station announcement, by asking Windows to speak the words on the pc speakers. This program works fine when run, for example, in a command window, but I couldn't get Railmaster to execute it from inside a Railmaster program. It appears that the new "Execute:" command doesn't cater for command line parameters, so - hit the post and bounced out.


I've emailed HRMS to see if it could be changed to accept command line arguments.



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Ray, could you not create a "name.BAT" file that runs your executable. Then use the 'name.BAT' file as the one RailMaster calls. Not only that, but a .BAT file gives more scope for creating a list of complex commands to run sequentially.


If .BAT is accepted by RailMaster then 'simples'.


PS - I would suggest (if it wasn't already) that the file you call using the 'Execute' command, probably needs to reside in the RailMaster 'program(x86)' folder, else RM might have difficulty finding it, if the program you were calling is located in say the 'Windows' or 'System32' folder. The command that you execute in the .BAT file can include the 'full path' to its location. But the .BAT file itself can be kept in the RailMaster folder for simplicity.


Not knowing the exact syntax you used for the RM 'Execute' command, maybe the error you observed was because it just couldn't find the file to execute and not that it had a 'command line argument'.


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Hi Chris,


Good suggestion about the .bat file, but then you would need a separate bat file for each different announcement, rather than have it dynamically set by the RM program. In the program editor, if you choose the "Execute: " command, you can add the name of the executable to this, so that it becomes "Execute: announcer.exe", for example. Incidentally, I put announcer.exe intoi the RM folder. Actually, that command works with or without the ".exe" suffix, because my announcer program, if it finds there are no command line arguments, starts up fully with a VB form where the user can enter messages from the keyboard and get Windows to "speak" them from there, as a separate executable application running alonside RM. It is just the syntax of the command line arguments which it doesn't like. I found this out because I got an error message when I tried to save the RM program:-




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Well I have now tested the Handheld and frankly, other than it at least now fires up on my tablet, the rest is pants. The lag is terrible, it keeps disconnecting and the failure rate to respond to commands is very high. If you want a masterclass on how it should be done, look no further than the z21 handheld app which (together with the Digikeijs 5000) is where I will undoubledly be going. Hornby really need to get their act together if they wish to stay in this market. 

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Having already updated to v1.70 (update automatically offered on running program), on loading RM now, there is no offer to update to this very latest version. So will have to be done manually.


Depends when you auto-updated. Anyone doing it now will get the new file. What does hover over say about the revision. Should be rev 1 now.

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Ray, just as a diagnostic test. Try using a simplier 'command line argument syntax' that does not include any spaces. I am assuming that "The train now standing at platform 3" is the command line argument. Therefore, for diagnostic testing purposes the testing text may need to be just one single word. I'm just wondering if the inclusion of spaces in the argument is the issue.

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Hi Chris,


I tried "Execute: announcer standing" but it still objected during the RM program save, but it accepts "Execute: announcer.exe".


I told HRMS they could have the 4 lines of VB code which does all this, so that they could introduce a new command such as...


Speak: The train now approaching platform 3, is the 10 15 to etc 



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Update on my previous post regarding HH iPad communication problems.


I have reverted to v1.69.2 and this has resolved the initial connection problems. Also it has allowed the connection to remain without a problem. However, there is still no feed back of actions from RM on the laptop to the iPad.



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Hi All, This is my first post and it has been prompted by an update. I should have learned! My Tablet PC was murdered by a Win10 update. Now scrapped. Today's experience is with the 1.70 update. Beware!!! When opening RM today the update appeared and I (foolishly) said YES. Mistake! It updated fine and showed in the small window at the bottom of the screen. However up popped a window which showed " Cannot handshake with elink. Chack that elink is V1.07 firmware. Checked that, and it was. Updated firmware again using elink107 in the RM folder. Update went OK. Problem still the same. No handshake. Grrr!  No elink operation at all !! Have contacted Hornby and RailMaster and am awaiting a reply / resolution. I don't know how to add screenshots yet. Just beware of this update. Anyone with similar results post here! 

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There is a post with a similar eLink communication error report further up in this very thread on page 4. They reported that rebooting the PC cured the issue.

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