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Handheld App problems.

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I have started this topic to try to draw in those using this App.(was on 1.70 topic, but seems to have died)

Since the 1.70 download and the handheld 1.23 update, mine doesn't function correctly.

Each pulse of a function results in a double action. eg press F2 once, horn sounds, a few seconds later horn sounds again. This happens to all functions.

I have just found that if I press and hold the button for a few seconds it does not repeat.

I have been on to Support, but can't seem to get them to understand the problem.

Is anyone using the Handheld App. and is yours ok?

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The only explanation I can think of is your HH is acting like an Elite in that if you hold a button it goes from momentary action to toggle i.e. it will play as long as you hold it down. Normally RM sends a momentary function command twice, once to turn the function on and the next to reset the function ready for next time And this is what you are seeing with that F2 horn


If you use an Elite with TTS sounds some of these are spot sounds and play once upon selection, some of which are on/off and play upon selection until deselected. The Elite screen will show a spot sound remaining selected even though the sound has played out. You have to manually deselect it ready for the next play. This is what RM does for you.


If you hold the function then it will play until you release it. An example of this is diesel thrash which revs all the while you hold F8 down. When you release it drops back to the previous rev state. This is what you are seeing when you press and hold.


Sorry of thats a bit long winded but its late.

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Good thinking William David

I have posted this problem twice on the other topic. I have two HH licences and both have the same fault, latched functions will switch on and seconds later switch off, momentary functions will switch on and seconds later repeat.


By watching the green port indicator lights I found the following. HH1 connects to port 30 and on selecting a function the first pulse is to port 30 and the second to port 31. HH2 connects to port 31 and on selecting a function the first pulse is to port 31 and the second to port 32. If both HHs are connected and a function is selected on HH1 then the computer freezes and the only way out is threw task manager and end task, probably because both HHs are trying to use port 31.


As previously mentioned I have had to revert to the latest version of 1.69 to get a stable RM and am reluctant to retry 1.70

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 Sorry for hijacking your threadbut i am having problems downloading and setting up tha app on a Samsung 10.1 tablet. the main computer is using the latest version of railmaster 1.7 and the tablet just sits there saying Andiod connected to .

All virus and firwalls are temporaly disabled.

Ideas please



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The HH should start trying to connect at server port 30 (the last part of your network address above, currently on 31). When you fire the HH up and you get the message click the button in the lower left hand corner and change to second field to 30. Then click BACK (top right) and see if it makes any difference.


I am assuming that you have the rest of the network address entered correctly.


The field and button locations are for an iPad, but you should be simiilar. Apologies if not.



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If I undestand you correctly, on the HH setup page, you need to alter to your PC/laptop static IP address that you have set up i.e 192.168.xx.xx . You then need to press the "restart" button and you should then find the HH tries to connect with your server (although I have sometimes found you have to press the "back" button to get the new IP address to stay altered).


Hope this helps,



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Each pulse of a function results in a double action. eg press F2 once, horn sounds, a few seconds later horn sounds again. This happens to all functions

Have you got "Double pulse = 1" set in your ini file. I have set mine back to "0" and now only gert the sound once.

I have reported this to RailMaster and they replied.

"We will look at introducing a separate double pulse for points, signals and functions."


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@WilliamDavid & Mantagt


I am experiiencing the same errors as you, whereby the latching functions do not stay on, unless you keep pressing the screen,  and the spot sounds play twice. 


Another error I am finding on my iPhone 6, is after turning the phone to "landscape" to display the track plan, when I want to return to "portrait" to control the loco I find that the track plan is still displayed, but at the bottom of the screen. When I then press the return indicator botton. the loco screen is also offset to the bottom of the screen, therefore the main control buttons (shunt, cruise and Stop) are not dislayed. I have not found a way of bringing the control panel up without going back to "settings" and "restart".


I have already posted in the other tread that I was experiencing connection problems with my iPad1. Connection seemed to improve with revision 1 of RM, but I have still not been able to maintain connection for very long. At the moment, as I do not use it very often, I have put this down to my iPad being old and not maintaining a good wi-fi connection through the router. Hence the reason I am now experimenting with the iPhone, which I am not having any connection problems. Even aftet the iPhone has gone to "sleep" for some time, on "waking up"  it immeadiately reconnects to the laptop without any action from me.



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The HH should start trying to connect at server port 30 (the last part of your network address above, currently on 31). When you fire the HH up and you get the message click the button in the lower left hand corner and change to second field to 30. Then click BACK (top right) and see if it makes any difference.


I am assuming that you have the rest of the network address entered correctly.


Thanks for the reply but already tried that it intially starts on port 30 then changes to port 31


The field and button locations are for an iPad, but you should be simiilar. Apologies if not.




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TIP: If you feel you must quote the previous post using the blue button. Then when the post edit box opens, try and avoid putting your text cursor inside the yellow box area BEFORE you have written your reply. Scroll down and place the cursor below the yellow box and write your reply in the blank white area, then your newly added text will appear with a white background denoting that it is NEW text.


Once your new text is written, THEN you can put your text cursor inside the yellow box. Say if you want to remove some of the excess text from the quote.


By putting the text cursor inside the yellow box before writing your new text, the text cursor can get stuck inside the yellow box. The result of which is that the whole reply.......the quote PLUS your new text looks like a re-quote. This makes it difficult for readers to see what is new and what is previously posted text.


To be honest, it is best to avoid using the 'Blue' quote button altogether.

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Thanks for the reply but already tried that it intially starts on port 30 then changes to port 31



That suggests to me that your network address prior to the server ID is not entered correctly. Do you know how to find your IP address? R-

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Do you know how to find your IP address?


In case not, then to find the IP address used by your Windows RM PC.


Either open your 'Command Prompt' window or use the 'Run' command. Then type this:


cmd /k ipconfig


You should then get a window open similar to this one:




The line that starts with "IPv4 Address" is the IP address of your RM PC.

In my example above it is


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I can cofirm that I am experiencing the same isuue regarding sounds. Press once and horn sounds twice via  android handheld but once via RM on PC. All sound the same. I have also noticed that sometimes the PC seems to take a moment to pick up a change made on the handheld and occasion needs to be done twice to repond. When I reported poor response issues they claimed trhis was because of poor ping response. Well this does not effect the engine driver app and JMRI so as far as I am concerned it is a RM issue.

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@GWR Greg

I got the same response from HMRS re ping speed and agree with you that it must be a RM issue as when I use Teamviewer, the response is instant like it is for you with Engine Driver and JMRI. My experience is that anything tapped on the HH, be it functions or any of the driving controls (shunt, slider, stop etc) is delayed either fractionally or for many seconds making it impossible to control locos. I also get the double pulse issue with any function so sounds come and go, light go on and off within a second or two of being pressed on the HH. 

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Thanks Chrissaf had managed to find that, but in the meahntime another problem as arisen ( not having a good day withe elctronics of this world)  have lost the driver for the elink , dont ask me how or why but its gone AWOL so a big plee if anybody can supply a link so i can down load it along with instillation instructions it would be a great big help and thank you.


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It isn't a file that you can download as such. The chances are it is still there, you just can't see it in Windows Device Manager.


What follows assumes that you are using Windows 7, 8 or 10 and NOT Windows XP or Vista.


The way Windows 'peripheral equipment' drivers work [eLink is an attached peripheral device] is that they are loaded on demand.


When you plug the eLink into the USB port. Plug-n-play detects the hardware. If the hardware is being connected for the very first time, then various dialogue boxes open relating to the initial installation of the driver. Once this initial set up has been completed, then when you subsequently connect the eLink. Plug-n-play should load the driver into memory from local files the initial installation has placed in the System32 folder. Then and only then, will the driver appear in Windows Device Manager.


If you can't see the driver [uSB Serial Port (Comx)] listed in Windows Device Manager, then Windows Plug-n-Play has not detected the presence of the eLink connected to the PC / Laptop USB port.


You can try forcing Windows to re-load the driver, by plugging the eLink (powered up first) into a different physical USB port. Note that doing that, will most likely generate a new Com port number to be allocated. You will need to use Windows Device Manager to check the Com port number that has been allocated and make sure that the same number is selected manually in the 'System Settings' window in RailMaster.


If changing the USB port doesn't force an eLink driver reload, then reboot your PC to clear out driver cache files and start again. I stress again, unless you have physically deleted the driver file, it will still be there, just not loaded for some reason.


The driver resides on the Microsoft Windows Driver file repository and is typically only downloaded as part of the initial setting up 'Plug-n-Play process.


Once the driver is loaded and visible in Windows Device Manager, then you are able to 'right click' it and open 'Properties' where you can then ask Windows to check that it is the current latest driver. If it isn't the latest driver, then this process gives you the option to download and update it, but from within Device Manager.


However, if you are using Windows XP or Vista, then the Microsoft driver is not used. The Hornby driver is used instead. This Hornby XP/Vista driver is stored in the RailMaster 'driver' sub-folder or can be downloaded from the Hornby website as part of the Elite firmware update ZIP file. But do not use this Hornby driver on Windows 7, 8 or 10.......it is not designed for these later Windows OS.

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 Thx Chrissaf not had chance to have a look yet but if the worst comes to the worst  i am not  able to find the driver then is deleating and reloading the software the only answer ( I take i should treat it as though its going on a new machine ?).  By doing this would it save the list of Locos and settings ?

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....then is deleting and reloading the software the only answer.....


The eLink driver is NOT installed as an act of installing RailMaster software. In fact when you are installing RailMaster for the first time on a new PC machine. It is preferred to install the eLink driver FIRST before even contemplating running the RailMaster software installer.


The preferred (recommended) installation methodology is to attach the eLink first, so that Windows 'Plug-n-Play' can install the driver from the Microsoft driver repository. Leave the eLink connected and powered up so that the 'driver' is installed and loaded. THEN run the RailMaster software installer, so that the RM installer can detect the eLink and driver to set itself up accordingly with appropriate settings in the railmaster.ini file that is automatically generated.


If you were to relocate your RM software onto a new PC machine, then the process you need to follow and the files you need to copy over (locos & track plans) are documented in the RM manual page 132.


The complete 'Step by Step' process to transferring an existing RM installation to a new PC is documented in this previous thread of mine. There is a link within it, that will take you to an 'installing drivers for the first time' instruction post.




But before going to the extreme of transferring your RM to a new PC. Try this for me. Based upon your very last post above, I suspect that your railmaster.ini file needs modifying.


Go to this previous post of mine and implement the RailMaster.INI file check that is documented part way down my reply. The first part of my reply also documents some screen shots relating to the driver. The railmaster.ini values quoted in this post assume Windows 7, 8 or 10. If you are using Windows XP or Vista, then read the addendum post further down the page in the thread.




It is very important that you follow the guidance exactly and ensure that the two quoted entries are the last two entries (lines) in the file. Particularly if the RM 1.70 update (assuming you have installed that) has put some new 1.70 .INI file entries at the bottom of the file. Ensuring that the two lines quoted in the post are the last two entries in the .INI file makes all the difference.




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