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Handheld App problems.

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That depends on how HRMS are categorising the sort of issue you are reporting to them William, it may be only two with your (and similar) issues -  and others with other problems.


I have an small problem with two aspect signals - they no longer respond on the HH to commands given on the laptop. They did when I first installed 1.70.


I have e-mailed HRMS, but have yet to receive a reply. To be honest this is a minor problem alongside the bigger signalling difficulties reported by others when using RM on a laptop, let alone the HH.



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I think you may have misinterpreted my meaning William.


My "bigger issue" comment was meant to be read in the context of my issue being the smaller - not yours. Perhaps I should have said "being reported by you and others".



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi WilliamDavid


I have just read your post and made time for a quick test. Thanks to your perserverence I no longer have the double pulse problem. Latched functions stay on and switch off when I want them to, momentary functions switch once so no double horns etc.


Well done and many thanks.

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The App 1.23. was ok on the first controller on the Ipad but still gave double functions on the second.

Railmaster has tweaked it again and I now do not have double function issues on either controller.

The App is back to being 1.23 without the extra dot.

I do find that when I change from a loco with functions defined to one that does not have functions defined the old function text remains on the buttons. Does anybody else have this problem.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Having seen the last two posts I thought I would try the Android HH app once more. I have to agree it is much better but still room for improvement of the throttle slider. I would comment as follows:

1) There are 31 yellow secgements to the slider

2) On my phone it not until segment 8 that the loco moves at speed step 5 or 6

3) The throttle then moves 6 to 7 speed steps per segment to the top at 127

4) It is necessary to wait momentarily when touching the throttle before moving to go faster or slower.

The slider should react immediately and should be able to move in 1 speed step stages smoothly from 1 to 127.

The engine driver app for JMRI certainly does.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm currently trialing both Railmaster and the App (Seems more of a web page to me :/ ) and I am having some serious lagg issues with it.

When I first connect it seems ok and pretty responsive but after a min or 2 its like railmaster is slow to respond or the app just looses connections. 

I'm checked the laptop and railmaster is still linked to the elite, the machine has lots of memory and CPU resources available. 

I want to use the app for my 2 5yr olds to drive at the same time but currently I can't let them use it when I can change the speed on a loco and it can take 10 seconds to change or sometimes just carries on regardless.

Any advice would be appreciated as this is highly frustrating and taking away modeling time from other things such as track layouts but I need to sort out a controller solution that works reliably.


Thanks Lee

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Personally I don't have an answer for you, but it would be helpful to others to provide an answer if you were to state which version of the APP you are using and what platform it is on i.e Android Tablet, Android Phone, Apple IOS iPAD or Apple IOS iPhone.


Also, from a communications point of view. Where (physically) is your Wi-fi router located relative to your layout that you are trying to control, and is your RailMaster PC connected to your router via Wi-fi or cable.


With regard the Wi-fi. Is it using the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz bandwidth.


These unanswered questions can all have a bearing on your issue. You can use the Windows 'ping' command on your PC to 'ping' the IP Address of your mobile device to measure the 'round trip delay'.


How to use 'ping'.


Use the Windows 'Run' box and type in


cmd /k ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


Where the four xxxx is your mobile device IP Address (note that the xxx in the IP Address are separated by a period [full stop] do not leave these out). The cmd stands for 'Command', the /k tells the command to keep the 'command' window open after running the command so that you can read the results. below is an example of 'pinging' the Hornby.com server [ IP Address ] from my PC. The times circled in Red is the time in milliseconds taken for the 'ping' packet to be sent to the server, acknowledged and returned to my PC.




If your 'ping' results are consistently in the millisecond range, but you are still seeing high latency (delay) values in the APP then the issue is more likely to do with the APP interaction with RM rather than a basic communication problem.


TIP: As this is your very first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.

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If you are using a tablet, don't bother using the App, it simply doesn't work reliably. Use Teamviewer to mirror the screen to the tablet (Phone screens are really too small for this to work). I used it for a whole days exhibition last weekend and it worked flawlessly. 

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