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Introducing the 360 degree wagon


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Hi all.

I've been working on a little project for my layout.  I've seen people put small cameras on their engines/wagons etc. and then given a drivers view of their layout.

I did the same. I found a cheap action cam and attached it to a wagon.  It was fun but after a while I got bored.  I wanted to full imerse myself in my layout or someone elses layout (with thier permission of course).

So after a few hours od looking around the web and a very famous auction site I bought myself a new camera (well secondhand).

It arrived today and I got down to work.  I had already planned where everything was going to go, and how it would be attached and shortly afterwards I had a working prototype.

I managed to find in the local market a wagon that had no sides just a base and wheels and at 50p I had to buy it.  I then got the screw from a camera tripod and it just about fitted inbetween the wheels of the wagon but I would have to do some modifications the the underside of the wagon.  After inspecting I cut away all the bids form the wagon that just served as details and didn't have any kind of support to the wheels etc.

Once done the tripod screw fitted, but the camera was a bit loose on the base of the wagon.  I thought about using some washers to pack the space out but thought that it was a bad idea as it would add more weight to the build.  So instead I draw out a crude base in "TinkerCAD" and 3D printed it.

I was then able to attached the camera with no wobble. 

I tested it on a bit of track and it is a bit top heavy but going nice and slow on the track my prototype worked.  It worked very well infact.

So here is in 360 degree wagon.  I have done a photo of what the camera sees and thats the last pic.  You can edit the video/photo once recorded so you can turn around and veiw everything.  On Mondya night I will be at my local club in Kettering and will put the wagon and camera through a test run and then show everyone the result.

Let me know what you think.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be interested to see the video. I have struggled to make sense of 360 degree views so maybe with a model railway layout where the geography etc. are familiar features I might have more luck. R-

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Brill Rick, I’ve often thought about mounting a camera somehow to get a drivers view around my layout, youve taken it a step further, a great project. Quickly file a patent I’m sure they’d sell, I’d buy one (If I had any money)!

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