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"Exclusive model"

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I have joined the Hornby Collectors Club and my card arrived today along with a letter saying that I have the opportunity to obtain an exclusive Club model (namely the Bluebell Railway SECR R3648 model for £99.99.

How is it exclusive if its being listed as available for pre-orders on various retailer websites for exactly the same price?

Do we actually get any collector club only exclusive models or are we only getting the benefit of the free loco and the magazines a year?

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The Club benefits are very clearly described on the relevant web page........I can find only one retailer advertising the R3648 on pre-order for £116 who is not a major Hornby account so I doubt that they will actually get any stock because Hornby have probably only manufactured sufficient numbers to meet the existing pre-orders........manufacturing slots are so limited that there will be many more profitable models waiting to be made.

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I suppose the real question is "why is the loco being advertised elsewhere when it is supposed to be exclusive the the club"?  I could understand if say six months after the club members who ordered it and have received it, Hornby have some left and off loaded it, but then again they could sell it through there own shop or on this site. Initially the run was supposed to be 1500 and limited to one per club member. I'm tempted to try ordering a second one to see what happens. BB

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Thanks all. I've very recently rediscovered the hobby after my dad set up a Flying Scotsman set that I had as a child (and which had been in my parents' attic for many years, thankfully well-stored), for my little boy - who is now developing a mild obsession. The membership is for him so I will just have to tell him to be patient!

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Good on yer Fat_Controller, I started the hobby 5 years ago mainly for my little lad Too and he is hooked on modelling and real trains. Welcome also the the complexities of these discussions  😉. Keep it simple and build from there, there’s nothing like the feeling when the hobby and all that goes with it takes hold!

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