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Box art has always been good, except where a photo of the completed kit is displayed, or the picture is a scrappy one - eg like those found on early Eastern European kits.  I reckon the use by Airfix of the built kit sitting on what I suppose was meant to be a blueprint possibly contributed to the decline in sales at the time (1980s?)..


I must say that as a younger modeller, and of generally smaller kits, I really liked the Revell box art which featured a 'name plaque' at the foot of the picture.  Although sometimes an  'action' scene was portrayed, eg a pilot running to his machine (as for the Me262), often we had a side on view of the aircraft.


Collecting the series 1 and 2 bag headers was as much an objective as collecting the models!  I also had a scrapbook of box art.


Today, I like the current Airfix boxes as they provide so much useful information and are always attractively dynamic.  


I remember being attracted by the Matchbox boxes on first issue.  I was 11 or 12 then and would definately buy according to what was depicted.  I liked the box for the 'Alphajet' in particular - my first Matchbox kit.  


Are there any examples of boxart that have prompted you to buy?  What?  When?




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One example of Airfix boxart that stuck in my mind was the 1/72 Wellington kit from the 70’s featuring a Wellington limping home on one engine. That alone would have been a dire situation for the crew however, if memory serves me correctly the Wellington was also being chased by a BF 109! The kit was a Christmas present and the first kit l painted properly using the correct Humbrol colours. Cheers, Stuart.

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Airfix ‘blueprint‘ box art stem from when the company was owned by Palitoy. As well as an attempt at rebranding, I believe the artwork was in compliance with legislation (in thr US?) banning ‘violent‘ imagery.

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American toy art is plenty violent enough. it might have been an attmept to make it look less like a war toy and more a desgin element-look, blue prints and desgins and it's a clean surface. nope no 'toy' here. but yeah the old artwork is just that 'art'. The two i remember best was the Lancaster landing as dust with a flaming engine and the RAF Emergency kit, these weren't just pcitures of the product but a whole vignette was going on.

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If you read books about the histor of Airfix, you'll learn that the company employed artists, hence some stunning pictures that have burnt their image into memory for ever.  Difficlt to pick out favourite.  The present computer generated images are a bit souless.   They will not be displayed on my walls as wa the fashion in the 70s.


I expect someone will create a site with all the boxart easy to access to distract us from modelling some time in the future!

Roy Crosses art is readily accessible:


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Those of us of a certain age will always associate Airfix with Roy Cross box art. Fill yer boots here: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/edwardwestall91/airfix-box-art-aviation-roy-cross/


I'd have to disagree on the CGI, Adam Tooby's work is outstanding in its own way, especially if you see some of his prints at large format. I wouldn't describe the 1/48 Sea Hurricane box art as soulless, it's full of atmosphere. The first issue Gnat box art almost literally took my breath away. I also enjoy his homage images to Messrs Cross and Huxley. 

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During the '60s and '70s I like the Airfix boxarts compared to the other kits because they are more attractive. I feel the Monogram, Frog, Matchbox boxarts at that time are pale. Revell boxarts I may say is comparable to Airfix. Boxarts are important. They attract prospective buyers. I for one would buy the same kit with new boxing if I find the boxart interesting. Yes the photos of the finished models as boxarts are a letdown to me also. Of note also is the accuracy. I have kits whose boxarts have spurious markings and wrong camouflage colors.

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