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The end of Virgin Trains


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Now that Virgin Trains hasended its franchise, what does everyone think about it (I think its sad) and what do they think Hornby might produce that is linked to either Avanti or Virgin in the future? I'm Hoping a latest Virgin livery Pendolino and an Avanti pendolino might be produced.

I am quite surprised Hornby didnt already release the Virgin Red white and Grey "flowing silk" livery pendolino, or even a re-release of the standard pendolino livery! I'm sure theyd be popular!


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Virgin were responsible for -


West Coast Franchise, originally hailed as a 140mph railway, the planned upgrade did not fulfil its promises and the Pendolino tilting trains were prevented from reaching the speeds originally promised. The Pendolino was not the most comfortable of trains, and could be distinguished by the aroma of lavatories that often pervaded the carriages.


Cross Country franchise, serving many parts of the country without going through London. The Voyagers which Virgin introduced were not very comfortable either and because the trains were too short were nearly always overcrowded. Fortunately they didn't get rid of all the HSTs and if you were lucky one of these would turn up at least giving you a fighting chance of a seat.  After a difficult period Virgin lost the franchise to Arriva.


East Coast franchise, after both GNER and National Express failed to make it pay, and after a brief period back in public ownership Virgin and Stagecoach teamed up to try and run this franchise. Fortunately the service was being run by the HST and IC225 train sets originally introduced by BR which were considerably more comfortable than any of the trains introduced since so we didn't have to suffer the discomfort being experienced on Cross Country and West Coast. This didn't last too long before they found they couldn't make it pay either and it is now back in public ownership.


I cannot say I was ever delighted with the Virgin run services and avoided using them whenever possible. So I am not too sad to see the back of them.


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Like all franchises profit first, second, third and fourth. Customers come a lowly fifth.

I used Virgin once, to go from Warrington to Wigan, when my car was in dock, and I had some business to attend where my presence was needed. If I recall, the train was 25 minutes late, and took 35 minutes for that short distance I could drive up the motorway in about 10. (Not counting the time taken to get to and from the stations to start and destination, at each end!)

So, over all, about two hours for a 40 minute door to door trip.

How long it took to get back, I don't recall. I think we stopped at every signal.

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As I don't model modern era, I don't have an axe to grind. I only ever used Virgin once, from London to Leeds, returning five days later. That required a journey from home to Marylebone, Underground to Euston, and an onward journey from Leeds to Keithley. I'm used to excellent  timekeeping by Chiltern Railways but, on this occasion, all the trains were on time in both directions, clean, not overcrowded or noticeably uncomfortable, and the staff on all the carriers very helpful (especially London Underground). Overall it took about an hour longer than the equivalent drive on the M6 and cost almost double, but it was worth it to arrive in a relaxed state of body and mind. 

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Ericm0hoff use the 660 bus as it takes about 40-50 mins and is usually empty. Regarding the Virgin vomit rocket I absolutely hate Pendelinos. They are uncomfotable and vomit inducing on tilt. Coming back from Edinburgh we hit a sheep and were delayed 30 mins while the train was checked over. We arrived in Warrington 12 mins late. I am sure we exceeded the speed limits many times.If the train operators got their heads in gear they could operate non stop trains from certain towns and many stations on the WCML can accomodate passing platforms for stoppers. Preston, Wigan and Warrington have that facility. I think Virgin actually ruined long distance rail travel with these trains.There would be no need for HS2 with joined up thinking.

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I must be in a minority as I actually liked the Virgin trains. I was on a project for the first 6 months of last year that involved me travelling to London twice a week and the trains were generally on time and the staff on the trains and stations were easily identifiable, polite and helpful. The train I got in the morning from Wigan only stopped at Warrington and then direct to Euston, Wigan to London in 2 hrs, can't complain. Whenever the trains were late it was due to a problem with the track or signals, not Vigin's problem and once a train hit a deer And had to be checked over as above with the sheep, not surprising seeing the speed these can go if the track is clear.


When the trains have been late Virgin tell the passengers that they are entitled to compensation through the delay repay scheme and I have never had a problem claiming back off them, usually getting a total refund.


I don't like the smell of food which reminds me of a rancid kebab shop that spreads through the trains, especially the Pendolinos. 


Once a train I was on was late into Manchester from Birmingham and the next connecting service home (not Virgin) had been cancelled. The Virgin rep on the platform paid for a taxi for myself plus another passenger to get home without question and apologised for the late running. 


I still use the trains regularly for work, usually to Birmingham and will be interested to see how the new operator functions. I am only on a 10 min ride tomorrow from Wigan to Warrington for a training course but it will be interesting. 


Compare this with Northern Rail who are dreadful. I would have been happy for Virgin to take over the Northern Rail franchise as to be quite honest they couldn't be any worse. Although some staff are helpful and polite, some are rude, unhelpful and sometimes genuinely aggressive. The trains are often late or cancelled altogether especially during the evenings and at weekends and replaced with buses at short notice. If you have a dog with you you can't go on the buses with them So how do you get home?



I have been on Northern trains that have pulled in at a station (usually Manchester Oxford Road) and there has not been a driver to take them on so the service has terminated, This is not the fault of the signals or track but the train operator Who has not made sufficient provision for drivers to be available. Whenever possible I use the delay repay scheme to get my money back off them, more people should do the same, more than 15 mins and they owe you money. 


They have recently installed ticket machines on my local unstaffed station and if you don't have a credit card you have to get a promise to pay ticket (no problem with that) but for the first few weeks they weren't available and the hired security staff at major stations were slapping a £20 surcharge on travellers who couldn't possibly have one with random threats of arrest and court summonses (Including 2 members of my family). If I don't have a pre-booked ticket and the machine isn't working I have resorted to taking a photo of the machine stating it's broken to avoid the aggression at the destination. The train service is supposed to be a service for customers, it shouldn't be an ordeal to go through. I know one person who no longer travels by train locally due to the Northern staff (not family) and I bet she isn't alone. 


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One good thing about Bank Quay (Warrington) Ken and staff are great. Many years back, before Virgin, I went on the platform and asked if it was OK to take photos. The Station Manager at the time said to let him know when I was going off. I took photos for around two hours then went to tell him I was going. I was offered a tour around the signal box at the side of the station and the traing section below it. Great hour or so with lots of info. I never did crack on that as a 14 yo I used to look after Padgate signal box at times for the signalman there who showed me and a friend how it all worked. Today and even then he would have been sacked on the spot. Only one problem we had was a signal 1/4 mile away that was impossible for us to operate as it required very strong arms. Ding.... Ding Ding.....Ding Great days then over 50 years ago. Some of my exploits are on David Heys website in "Trainspotters".

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I remember laughing as a driver when Virgin were first bidding for the WCML and Branson's answer of how to increase punctuality was to 'make the drivers go quicker'. It went down hill from there.

Virgin creamed off vast sums of Government cash over their franchise periods and commercially exploited the system as do all the other companies. They brought nothing to the railways except too much red paint.

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I had my first (very short) journey on the Avanti trains yesterday without incident, even the Northern Rail connecting services were within a couple of minutes of the right time. The only difference were the Avanti logos on the stations including the dog drinking bowl at Wigan NW. Same trains, same helpful and friendly staff but in new uniforms. Same rancid kebab shop smell on the pendolino. 

A colleague who i met on the return journey commented that he preferred the trains in the plain white liverY. An opportunity for a short-lived prototype model perhaps? 

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It's sad to see Virgin Trains go. I loved the company and the logo, but these things happen. It's happened in the past to many other railway operators. I saw the Metro newswpaper on the bus the other day this past week (Can't remember which day), had an advert on the front and rear covers of the free newpaper, for Avanti West Coast. It mentioned that they are taking over Virgin Trains.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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some interesting stuff in here, i have never liked virgin trains, part of that is probably not their fault however,but that of the appalling pendolinos. I remeber just before they came into service, sitting in a relatively busy carridge, loads of leg room, big seats, feeling comfortable. then a few months later in the new cramped pendolinos on those tiny plastic chairs crammed in like sardines, and im fairly small. They are utterly abysmal, im sure they got the WCML order mixed up with the one from lilliput.


Then take into account the cost, unaffordable for so called public transport, leading to empty trains and packed buses on the london - manchester/liverpool routes. And yet we are still getting the not particularly impressive HS2, to cut travel times slightly, with tickets that literally no one is going to able to afford.


anyway, virgin wont be missed but they are a symptom of a far greater sickness.

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