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Have you also seee the New "Bassett-Lowke Steampunk Models"???


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Hi all

Going on the pictures I have seen no self respecting steampunk fan, would touch them with a barge pole.

They look like scrap bin rejects that are so bad even the scrap bin spits them out.

Now if they produce proper models with quality and a strong believability factor with everything looking like it has a definate function I might be tempted into buying something, just for something a bit different.

But on the strength of the pictures I have seen that will not happening any time soon.

regards John

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It looks like Hornby has added extravagancies to their existing models rather than design anything new. There is a Skaledale signal box with cogwheels added, and there are carriages from the Thomas range which have been made to look like The Picture of Dorian Gray. There are two locos which appear to have contracted the bubonic plague. I think it would be better to give existing models a fantasy livery rather than make them look like aquarium decorations.

I think I might be prepared to by an item in a fantasy livery, but not something that looks like nothing on Earth!

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I think the intention is right but the execution is poor... these are of no interest whatsoever to me and I'm really disappointed that this is how Hornby have chosen to resurrect the Basset-Lowke brand but I can't blame them for attempting to branch out a bit.Having said that, I cannot understand for the life of me why you'd want a Coca-Cola branded train but clearly it's sold brilliantly, so maybe I don't know best!

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There is a company that makes kits based on the Emmett type locos and stock.


There was a real version built for the Festival of Britain in 1951, and models have been available based on these trains...


Maybe the next RTR models from the BL stable?


(Nothing whatsoever to do with The Archers from Radio 4!  😉 )




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Go onto Pinterest and look at proper Steampunk. It embraces as stated a far wider set of genre, almost a religion and there are some serious works of art in there.

The examples you will find for real steampunk make the Hornby offerings look like a childs scrawl against a master artist.

Sorry Hornby 0/10 for achievement. Your steampunk consultant is a duffer - I presume you latched onto the Model Railway Challenge Goth chap - wrong choice. If you,are going to do it then do it right or not at all.

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Trying to create a SteamPunk contraption on a basic 0-4-0 chassis is, frankly, pathetic.  However, if youngsters find them interesting as an alternative to Thomas the Tank models then they might create a following........ 😮.........HB

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