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Forum Administration - UPDATE

Guest Chrissaf

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.....perhaps our mods could be allowed to say yea or nay......


We had asked this question many moons ago when Adam was still in charge. It is not a case of someone clicking an option somewhere. This forum software is totally custom and any changes have to be specifically written in as new code by the developers that the forum is outsourced to. The same software house that develops the main Hornby site. So any changes, even minor ones, are not going to happen for the foreseeable future.

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It is possible to automate vetting.


At my last place of work they had a piece of software which monitored incoming and outgoing email attachments and also webpages that employees were visiting looking for ‘flesh tones’ indicating they may be unsuitable content and requiring a human to tick the box. Several folk got free interviews about certain webpages visited, which at least proved the filter was generally working, even if it didn’t catch them all.


The Hornby forum has a word filter and as people have noticed occasionally it blocks things out of context, so I am sure a photo filter could work towards removing a lot of the approval drudgery for admin.


The Com-Mods could easily work as the backstop for any unsuitable content that got past an auto-filter system.


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Some of the 'eagle eyed' amongst you may have noticed that a number of 'image approved posts' have started to appear today (15th Jan 2020). Some of them have original posting dates going back to December 2019.


The 'Community Moderators' escalated the lack of admin involvement (after ADAM left Hornby on 24th December) to Simon Kohler. Subsequently, the ComMods have been contacted by a 'Head of Department' manager (a name I am not at liberty to divulge) and informed that a short term solution has been put in place. Hence today's flurry of belated image approvals. The final administration solution is yet to be resolved within Hornby.


In the short term at least, the forum should now continue at a basic level of administration input & involvement. This thread will be updated further when more concrete information is known about longer term admin plans.


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Thank you for the update Chris.  😀


Putting in a request for a tempoary adminstartor was a good plan. So many new threads have appeared today (Wednesday 15/01/2020) and some of them ahve already gone over the the second page of the General Discussion sub-forum. Any longer awaiting for images to approve and there will be just simple too many new threads. Could you imagine how many posts there would be to aprprove, if nobody had done it for another month if not longer?!  😆


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to update, that although we (the ComMods) have been advised that a longer term solution for Adam's departure is being developed. We know not what it is, NOR the timescale for its implementation.


Thus the current sporadic 'image approvals' are likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Image approvals may sometimes be seen within 24 hours (weekdays), but delays of up to 72 hours (weekdays) or sometimes more may also be observed.

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Would there be any problems, if any of the 'normal' members, were asked, or offered into to the Moderation fold, to experdite basic morderations roles.  Has the question been put out there to the members, or even thought of..

Such as , photo's, posts/threads moderation, spam alerts etc. 


At present, I am a moderator on another web site(totally unrelated to model railways), and been for just over 12 years. So I guess I'm offering my services if required or wanted. 

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The number of Moderators has nothing to do with the Image Approval issue or other moderation tasks. None of the Hornby forum ComMods have access to the part of the forum software that approves images or deals with member accounts. The number of admin tools available to any of the moderators is minimal. At the current time, only the official Hornby Administrator can approve images & access member accounts and there is currently no permanent administrator in post to do it on a daily basis.


The Hornby 'Admin Staff Only' policy is because the Hornby forum is built 100% on  custom software and in no way replicates the moderation functions that can be performed with 'off the shelf' forum software. Thus, it is just not the case of turning certain moderator tools 'on or off''. Any moderator tools that are implemented have to be specifically written into the software by the contracted developers. So the bottom line is that although it is fundamentally a 'manpower' issue, it is a paid Hornby admin staff manpower issue and not the availability of unpaid ComMod bodies that is the cause of the bottlenecks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been more than 2 weeks since my last update. There is still no confirmation from Hornby that a new named Administrator is in post. Image approvals continue to happen, but these primarily occur during the early part of a working week and not on a daily basis.


We have had one small success that some may have noticed. We have been able to get LC&DR's excellent 'Fault Diagnostics' made a 'sticky post'. Something that we could not get approved when Adam was in post (we did try).

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Thank you BB - There are other areas of forum administration that need attention but we appear to be banging our heads against a brick wall as we do not have access to the tools available to achieve our goals. A drivel filter being one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just an update on post admin approvals. Some may have noticed that a positive side effect of Hornby's Coronavirus 'working from home' policy is that post approvals are now a little more regular than before and also occurring outside normal office hours.


Oh forgot to add.

There is still no information as to whether the 'forum@hornby.com' inbox is being officially monitored or not.

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