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Time for a break


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Although not a regular contributor to this forum, I am a regular and frequent reader of the various posts.

However, in recent months there has been a significant increase in the number of posts started that can only be described as infantile. It’s perhaps disappointing that rule 4 of the forum has not been more rigourously applied.

Regrettably I now intend to take an extended, possibly permanent, break from the forum.


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And another one bites the dust.  Shame Steve, but many of us know to what you refer. See you on tother. john


As one who doesn't know to what is being referred, and mortified in case I'm an unintentional offender, can you give us a clue? No names, no pack drill, of course!

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It is alway upsetting to lose contributors, but we must also remember that as a forum open to just about anybody there will always be members who post drivel, and probably don't realise they are doing it. It is something we need to tollerate with a degree of pity.


I myself can put up some long winded posts when I am trying to explain this and that, and I do apologise if this causes offence.


I find there are a few posts where I only need to read the first few words, and switch off and move on. Don't read, not interested.


However even some of the dafter contributions may also have the ability to spark a train of thought that can lead to a useful discussion. So it is sometimes worth while thinking laterally about what is being said. In a past life I was trained by 'Management Consultants' and much of what I learned was bunkum, but one thing I took away was the technique of 'Brain Storming' where a discussion group put forward ideas, without criticism, and noted all the contributions (Death by Whiteboard!). The officiator then when the brain dump has run its course carried out a slash and burn on the dafter items. However in the course of the proceedings ideas were generated in people's minds by thinking about what someone else had said. Apparently the Stanley Tool company had one of these sessions to try and develop a new tool to shape wood. Included in the brain storm was one of the office workers who suggested a cheese grater. There was some amusement, but after further consideratiion, the Surform tool was developed. 


I hope we keep a kind and considerate approach to all the contributors on here, and that can work both ways.

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I've had to reset my password AGAIN to get in.

I'm not posting much, if anything, apart from this! - on here any more. I still look in now and then, but see the same old questions going round and round.

I've been warned off before for being rude when I posted something on the lines of - It's already been asked a zillion times, look it up!

How Chrissaf doesn't lose his patience, I don't know - he must have a file of answers ready, and just copy-pastes it - over and over!

You can find me on the other forum, if you want me - which is unlikely.

Best wishes.

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How Chrissaf doesn't lose his patience, I don't know - he must have a file of answers ready, and just copy-pastes it - over and over!


I have an indexed (searchable) Word document currently about 20 pages long of URL links to existing forum posts and threads (the ones with FAQ answers). To make searching the 20 pages for the required link easier, each URL link has a one line description of what it relates to. Plus my Word doc has a selection of phrases I use regularly that are basic 'copy n pasted' into my replies i.e the TIPs paragraph I add to newbie post replies.


I also have the patience of a saint.......you have to, to be a moderator.


You can't be an effective moderator unless you read every single post that gets published, even the banal infantile ones that this thread refers to. At least forum members can choose not to read them. We can't make the same free choice  🫨.

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Whoever is online first usually catches the potential spammers, who tend to hail from eastern regions of the world. We often give first time iffy posters the benefit of the doubt but keep a watching brief on them just in case, as many post valid responses then once the 24 hour limit expires they spam the forum.


I think Chris holds the record for binning a dodgy post within seconds of it popping on screen virtually under his nose. 


When I was in Cyprus I had a couple of hours start on the others.


As stated we do hold com-mod email chinwags to discuss various forum matters. We are also in contact as a group with Hornby forum management, currently in a state of some flux. There is a lot goes on behind the scenes that the average member has no idea about, spam and total drivel removal being the part of it.


What we are bound by is the Hornby rules, whether we fully agree with them or not. Hence some drivel is allowed - for a while, until other members complain then we can invoke another forum rule to bin it.


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I would hazard a guess, that all forums have a very similar code to go by.  That being..... nothing rude(language or photo's), spamming, blatant adverting of obscure/not relevent/ ...subjects in the wrong forum category etc.


All mods/admin staff, I would think they would delete anything along those lines, without discussion. Otherwise, deletion by conference would take too long, and the post or thread would be open to the world.

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