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How do you know when you have too much stock on your layout.


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Hi guys just as it says in the headline. I have a loft layout with a terminus station and just feel like I have to park things up to move things about. Usually I just go up and run the odd train around but as we,re all laid up now due to covid 19 I would like to try and put in practice some sort of realistic running session. Any ideas or tips ?. 

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Not knowing the lay out of your layout, or the size and number of lines and platforms in your terminus station.

I would put together several trains that leave the station (depatures) and several other trains to terminate (arrivals) at the station,either use several extra locos to back on to the arrival train to make them in to a departure train or get the loco to run around  the train to make it a departure train.

! train departs,  I arrives, 1 departs loco backs on  to arrival 1 arrives 1 departs etc etc.up to you on the gap between train departures and arrivals 



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I have a pretty generic layout of 4 loops. 1st R  to 4th,R with sidings/goods yard. It was getting rather full up, with  just the outer loop used for running the Loco's.


The day before yesterday I removed 2/3 of the 1st R loop, and created more then 6 - 8 feet of sidings/goods yard.  And I still have the 1/3 of the 1st R loop left(Large curved siding), I still have almost as much open space in the middle.  It also gave me more room inside radius 2 for an access road for Service road vehicles to all the sidngs etc.


Radius 1 was pretty much useless really. It's taken me(a newbie) weeks to work it out, sometimes less is more, but in the right places.

Hopefuly, soon( when conditions allow), I will be doubling the area size from 8 x 4, to an L shape, by moving the whole present layout and adding an 8 x 4 to the end.  So it'll be a 12 x 8,  L shape, externaly.

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When you can't see the track.

That's Funny W. T. D. !!!  😆


@ Gorny :- Just do what I've done :-

  1.  If your Lucky enough to have a fire Place with a Mantle Piece above it - just create a Railway Scene...
/media/tinymce_upload/68ec0c2de3719b124826161349fc669f.JPG  /media/tinymce_upload/57de33e5f1b683e0fde6283f2cd16e4c.JPG  2. On a Shelf Unit...  /media/tinymce_upload/11a24933f62d07d5b1f6f24e7c35a33c.JPG   3. (Talking of shelves...) Put up / make your own shelves to display them on... /media/tinymce_upload/baa6baac95357565a5423d5114a7b305.JPG   /media/tinymce_upload/ed2b6c544665d3474034e98ced568691.JPG If you want to see how I made the shelves then click here :- 
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That's pretty much common to all railway modellers I think - too much in too small an area.


That's why many model railway exhibitions can appear 'too realistic' and not have that much on view / happening.


We all need the space of Sir Rod Stewart .... even if he did model on US 'Railroads' !!



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I probably only have 5% of my collection on the layout at any one time. I like to "ring the changes" every so often. I change the stock according to era, so I can have if I want

1. Pre-Group, pre WW1 SE&CR


3. pre-World War 2 Grouping, SR

4. WW2 austerity SR

5.  post War Grouping SR

6.  early BR Crimson & Cream, Southern Regiion

7. middle BR green, Southern Region

8. transition steam to electric, Southern Region

9. modernisation plan green diesel/electric era,Southern Region

10. pre TOPS BR blue, Southern Region


11. BR TOPS era blue, Southern Region

12. BR Sectors (NSE)


13. post privatisation. SouthEastern


I also have a mixture of non-Southern Region BR era locos and rolling stock which I run when I feel like something different


The rest is stored in boxes until I want a change.

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You have to ask yourself "What do I want from my layout?" If you want t operated lots of trains - cram in as much track as you can, almost fill it up with locos and stock but leave just enough to be able to run something.

On the other hand, if you want to create something more realistic, less is definitely more. Some of the best layouts I've seen are little branch lines, operating three or four locos on the widest possible curves. Most of these are end-to-end rather than circular race-track layouts.

Your layout - your call.

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Hi all

Very simple when all your sidings are so full and your layout becomes totally in operable because of the amount of stock on the layout.

Yards always have some clear space and roads that must be kept clear to allow for operation when that's full of stock the yard becomes inoperable.

Right that said who has to much stock put your hand up, You hiding at the back come on I know you have too much stock put your hand up. 😆

This is why those with the space set up hidden or not storage yards a thing the real railways just don't have, to take the overflow of stock and keep the railway operable or keep stock on shelves near the layout or both.

regards John

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Too much stock, depends on what you run.

My collection consists of Transcontinental Steam, Silver, Blue, Green, Desiel and Electric, CP and CN Livery Desiel plus matching coaching and goods stock

SR GWR LNER and LMS steam plus coaching and goods stock for each company and PO wagons

BR steam early mid and late livery plus coaching and goods stock

BR desiel Green, BR Desiel Blue/ Grey and Intercity livery plus coaching and goods stock for those periods.

And a few other odds and ends.

My layout has been put on hold for now when I can get around to rebuilding and laying a new layout it will be a layout that will be able to run any and all of the above, it will include a working catenary section and hopefully a working minic motorway.

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I've been reorganising things on my layout to make it more convenient to operate. First thing was to bring all 3 controllers (2xDC, 1xDCC) within reach of a comfortable seat.

Then provide more under-layout storage for locos and rolling stock  -- also within easy sitting reach.  Plus track rubber, rerailer, track-tester and Gaugemaster wheel cleaner. Remote control to switch everthing on /off, including lights near track and in buildings.

This may sound rather lazy but as you get older you don't fancy getting up and down so much ! 😛  Still thinking of ways to improve things. What a blessing model railways are in these difficult times.

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