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Elite Firmware Update


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Just keep repeating the update procedure making sure you follow all the steps exactly as laid out in the instructions.

Which PC type did you choose e.g. 1, 2 or 3 and what type of pc are you using e.g. Intel i5 running Win10.

Did you pick the same Com Port in the installer that your Elite is connected to In Device Manager.

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Just keep repeating the update procedure making sure you follow all the steps exactly as laid out in the instructions.

Which PC type did you choose e.g. 1, 2 or 3 and what type of pc are you using e.g. Intel i5 running Win10.

Did you pick the same Com Port in the installer that your Elite is connected to In Device Manager.

Ive done all that and I now cant even get a com port to show on the pc

The only option that worked was 1

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If you had to use Option 1 then likely your PC is as old as me. That option is normally only good for Win-XP machines.

Option 2 will cover most machines and Option 3 for really fast PCs.


If you can’t see a Com Port use the same one as last time if the Elite is plugged into the same port. Dev Mgr will only see the Elite if it is plugged in and powered up.

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If you are not using RailMaster? I assume that you have first installed the Elite driver onto the PC before trying to perform your Elite firmware update.


Review these two previous threads.


The first linked thread gives you a choice of two further links to take. Follow the further links as necessary subject to your situation. i.e if you haven't installed the Elite driver yet, first follow the first link choice. If your driver is installed, then go straight to the second link in this linked thread.


Note: If your Elite driver entry in Windows reads "CDC RS232 Emulation Demo" then your Elite driver has not yet been fully installed. Follow the guidance in the first link in the linked thread to complete the Elite driver installation correctly.


Updating Elite firmware [written for Ver1.43 but still the same for current version]



Follow the 'step by step' tutorial to the letter, just in case following the poorly written Hornby instructions is the crux of your issue. If following the 'step by step' guidance in the threads linked above, don't resolve your issue. Then try this alternative thread linked below method.


Alternative Elite firmware update method if documented method fails [see reply by Peter Rowney - 2nd post up from the bottom of the page].



This second thread, gives an alternative [illogical] method that does seem to work for many users in your situation.


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Chrise, hi, many of us, have been there. Its a tad of a lottery. Some, work first time. Mine took 3 goes.  It will be ok. It used to be more complicated, but now, comes good, fairly quickly. Follow the sage advice, and repot back. It is a fine controller.

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Don't panic over ColinB's reply. Unless you are using the fuel simulation function of the Sapphire decoder V1.45 offers no advantages over V1.44.

To quote from the Hornby firmware downlaod page:

 V1.45 contains a fix re the non-functioning Sapphire decoder fuel simulation support feature. There are no other changes above V1.44. See the history document in the download for full details of version history.

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