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Wishes for 2021.


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My 2021 / 22 wish for Hornby

The return of Simon Says blog, also a way of asking Simon questions directly on this forum, not everyone does facebook, twitter, you tube and other social media.

A major improvment in supplying of spare / replacement parts and motors for all locos made over the last 10 years

A 3D printing service for parts for older than 10 year old models. Hornby should have the data meeded to print any part for any loco and rolling stock.

A major overhaul of the track, points etc. (review of sleeper types ) The plastic points part depths being too shallow being a issue. Also the need to add aditional units like catch points, single and double slip points. Rad 3 to Rad 4 curved points ( It has been some time since there has been a review on the track )  The reintroduction of a working cantenary system for modern modellers. 

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Most of those questions were asked and answered during the live Q&A Tony, except the blog and forum presence, but you can email him direct as he said on camera.


He wrote the Engine Shed blog for a while, and posted his email address for all to see, but the Engine Shed has since been handed on to new hands. I doubt he has the time to sit on a forum or other social media platforms, in case of questions, much less scribble out a blog every month.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hornby seems to have majored on the Great Eastern, but also the London and South Western,  If you include those types introduced by the LNER and Southern, and BR for those sections the numbers mount up.


For the GE section there are the D16, B12, J15, L1, B1, and B17 to which you can add the N2, Britannia, J50 .and K1


For the LSWR there are the M7, 0415, T9, V, 700, Q1, N15, S15, WC/BB and MN.


Apart from these two sections only the Great Western does better.


A few additions do occur.for instance the J69 would make an attractive model, I remember the original N gauge model by Farish many years ago. The N7 is already available from another manufacturer, although Hornby did once make a prototype which never entered production.

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Whilst I like the suggestions, so far. Which are mostly locomotives, as I've suggested previously when this "New Year" wish list has surfaced, how about some suitable rolling stock to accompany the locomotives. I'd love to see some clerestories for instance over and above those already available. The none corridor suburban carriages date way back to the sixties and are I believe based on a GWR design, there are also a pair of larger clerestories too, that have been turned out in both GW and Midland/LMS colours with printed beading, which disppears if they are repainted......The older noe corridor clerestorie have the beading and have been turned out in a variety of colours GW, Midland/LMS and LNER teak.

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I'd also like to posit an idea; something a little more mundane, but could be very useful for modellers.


Specifically, selling steam engine tenders, seperately from engines- for instance, a Fowler tender in LMS livery, to pair up with a Black Five, or a Jubilee (as can be seen in this

to show what happens when an engine, in the case of the film 'Jubilee' #5605 "Cyprus", undergoes a general repair).
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Try Brassmaters and Wizards models (formely Comet models) cover kits for most) or just buy one off eBay they turn quite ofte. 

kits available include Stainer 4000 gal welid riveted, and Ivatt etc Folwer MR & LMS 3500 gal Stanier 3500 plus stright sided 3500 so most are around

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I don't burst into print much but I couldnt resist this topic.

I think we should broaden our sights when it comes to wishlist time.   There are lots of locmotives available and I think Hornby should give the locos a rest and address the lack of early coaching stock.  There is no point in releasing a new locomotive if there are no suitable coaches for it to haul.

There are no clerestory coaches for the Midland Railway, the Caledonian Railway, the LNWR railway, the S&DJR railway, the LB&SCR railway, the LSWR railway or the Great Eastern Railway.

The existing clerestory coaches for the Great Western Railway are very old models and they only have printed sides and no body mouldings. Generally speaking the range of Great Western coaches in use prior to 1923 is very small.

If you compare the comprehensive range of locomotives produced for the same (Era 2) 1920's period, the absence of coaching stock is remarkable.   

Moving on, I would like to see the following

London Underground models both early units and Metropolitan Railway steam locomotives.

Southern Railway early period Electric Multipule units, Bulleid suburban units, 4-NOL unit, 4-LAV unit, 6-PAN, and a 4-COR unit.

A BR Mark one Kitchen Car as you shouldn't be running a restauant dining saloon without having a kitchen car next to it.

Happy modelling, Stephen.

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