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Airfix announcements for 2021

Hurricane Boy

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@ MarkCJ 


"There are far less new kits this year" ...... I'm sorry but I counted 5 complete new tools, how many did you want like? Maybe you have missed what's happening in the world but I think 5 is quite a lot in the midst of a pandemic!!





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Ah well. I'll probably get the Wellington MkII for my 1940 collection, but otherwise I'll carefully extinguish my Fairey Battle candle to be relighted for next year.

The other stuff is interesting, but not my bag. I've seen tons of folk eager to build the "Ice Cold In Alex" ambulance, so let's hope some aftermarket company will produce the four-wheel-drive conversion to make it properly accurate.  😉

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WOW.... I am pretty pleased with the 2021 announcements. I think that it is realistic given the on going and very serious COVID 19 Pandemic and the fact that much of the 2020 catalogue has yet to be released.

I am quite surprised and happy the 1/72nd Wellington II has made the cut and will be added to the stash for my 1941 project …….I thought for certain we would see a new Hampden first …. Maybe next year.

The new 1/72nd Tempest and Mosquito, 1/48th Vampire and Chipmunk are going into the cart ASAP as well!

Good Work Airfix!

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A bit dissapointed and underwhelmed, was hoping for a new family of Tornado's now the Bucc and Phantom have been covered. But given the year we have had, not a surprise. At least there is still the Bucc to look forward to. I am just hoping the Vulcan can be built as a Black Buck aircraft.

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I've been waiting for a Mosquito for a while so that's a welcome release, the Tempest is a welcome update as well (although I did recently get an Academy one - typical!).  A Chipmunk was on the "likely" list but I expected 1/72 not 1/48 - hopefully we'll see it in 1/72 soon.  So with the Beaufort from last years announcements and the Mossie I've got enough to be getting on with.

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Definitely a good year for De Havilland fans. The Mossie will be popular, and the choice of the B. 16 is interesting rather than the FB VI, which I am sure we will see in a year or two.

The Vampire looks really nice and is tempting me already though I was hoping for some more 1/72 vehicles. Still they only arrived late last year and Airfix may want to see how they sell before committing to more.

No 'big' announcement this year, again not unusual after the Hellcat and Vulcan years. But some more interesting new tools, Tempest and Ambulance, plus a Merlin update for the Wellington is a reasonable set of additions to the range, especially with some of last year's releases still to arrive. 

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I am hoping (quite reasonably I think) for a new tool 1/72nd scale Hampden. It will fill in a couple of holes in my "1941" project. Airfix over recent years has been very good to this project with the new 1/72nd Tomahawk, Blenheim, Defiant, Wellington 1b, and Spitfire kits. The Havoc, Wellington II and Beaufighter II seem a long way off...

Well I must say that the Wellington II was not a long way off at all. Makes one think that the Wellington III & X and XIII and Beaufighter II maybe available in the near future too!

In any event, as for the Airfix 2021 Catalogue.... it is all good.

I am looking forward to getting together with the grandchildren and building some of the snap together kits once discretionary international travel becomes practical once again.

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Oh dear.  I played with those 1/32 figures in the '70s!

Mosquito bomber as opposed to fighter.  What happened to multiple  variants?

With the closure of Cambridge airport a 1/72 Chipmunk would have been nice.

Agree with comments about Merlin engined Hallybag.  Hope to see it in my lifetime.

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Mosquito bomber as opposed to fighter.  What happened to multiple  variants?


I'd be amazed if they didn't offer fighter variants at some stage, but you have to be patient, they have to try and offer a wide variety of subjects and genres within each new programme. The ships guys have nothing this time around, the armour guys not a great deal and the car guys only re-releases, albeit very welcome ones (not counting Quick Kits).

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Very pleased to see the new Mosquito (I must admit to being a little amazed that hadn't been a Mossie of any discription available from Airfix for some quite time) and I will certainly buy it. Pleased also to see the new Tempest, as I have never built a Tempest kit before. As for the Vitage Classics, great to see the Trident and the Heracles coming back (VC10 for 2022?) but was expecting the old 747 Classic kit to be released given the mass retirements of the -400s in 2020. Perhaps the lead-in times are too great for Airfix to have responded with a release in just a matter of months after the retirement announcements were made...? I Still hope Airfix will produce a 1/72 Avro Manchester one day!   

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Mosquito bomber as opposed to fighter.  What happened to multiple  variants?


I think they chose wisely in picking a late-war two-stage Merlin variant as a first release.

The early variants are widely available (Tamiya), 2stagers weren't  - not since Matchbox.




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The Mossie mould will probably have advanced design features which is the modern Airfix way so that FB Mk.VI or NF Mk.II type variants can follow at a later day with just the odd sprue change, rather than a totally different tooling!


But overall I'm pleased to see the positive comments over the new (slightly condensed) catalogue releases!

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Very pleased to see the new Mosquito (I must admit to being a little amazed that hadn't been a Mossie of any discription available from Airfix for some quite time) and I will certainly buy it.  

The old Mossie was only withdrawn from the range in 2019, so we haven't had to wait too long. I saw it's withdrawal as an indicator that a new tool was in the pipeline, after all, it has been almost consistently in the range since it's introduction in 1972.

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Given the way 2020 went, I'm pleased Airfix have been able to offer us what they have - both in the way of re-issues and new tools.  The Mossie will sell like hot cakes, and the long-bemoaned lack of a Tempest has now been remedied.  I hope all those who have shouted for one - myself included - will help to make this one worthwhile, too.  I'll certainly be snapping up two or three when they appear.  The new 1/35 ambulance is also a definite for me, as will be the Sea Harrier.  Possibly the 109G, possibly the Chipmunk.  Thank you, Airfix, well done!  Now, about next year... 😉

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well it's out there and as boring as previous years. there are one or two I will admit liking the look of but in all honesty. i will nto pre-order. I've done that for two years runnig and NEVER got the kits. If they are feeling clients aren't buying they can look to their own system for the failures to keep their own site runnnig properly.

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well it's out there and as boring as previous years. there are one or two I will admit liking the look of but in all honesty. i will nto pre-order. I've done that for two years runnig and NEVER got the kits. If they are feeling clients aren't buying they can look to their own system for the failures to keep their own site runnnig properly.

Do support your nearest model shops id you can.  I have two both being a train ride away.  MZ closed annoyingly.  I don't know if in the future another company will fill the gap they have left behind in the retail market.

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The Mossie mould will probably have advanced design features which is the modern Airfix way so that FB Mk.VI or NF Mk.II type variants can follow at a later day with just the odd sprue change, rather than a totally different tooling!


Is an additionl nose and cockpit window too much to ask for in the same Box?  The gun barrels and radar antena.  Not a big addition surely?


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This is my first post on here, but i was over the moon to see the K2 Ambulance, i have been wanting one of these in 1/35th scale for the past fifteen years or so, so its pre ordered.

As for the new arrivals, little worried about the cost of an Airfix kit these days, i know we have the cost of moulds, design, packaging and postage. So we have new kits and retoolings but then you release some of the older Classic range kits some of the older members built as kids, the ones you bought with your pocket money, i think i remember the 72nd scale Ju 88A4 cost around two shilings, whats that today 20p, ok times change prices go up, wages go up but £11 for a 1/72nd Ju 87 ? £42 for a Tiger in 1/35th? then we wonder why childern aren't getting into the hobby.

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