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2021 Range products coming 2022


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I have just pre ordered direct from Hornby, having been alerted by forum members to cancelations of pre orders to retailers. The items are still shown on some sites as expected delivery Sept 2020, yes last year. I also feel Hornby sales are overwhelmed by the task before them, huge delays to email replies, wrong pictures shown for items, which is made worse by hapless retailers copying Hornby misinformation onto the retailers own sites, and of course this ridiculous pre order expected delivery farce. It is not acceptable to show an expected delivery date... that is in the past. Having placed the pre orders, I am "hoping" they will arrive this year, though I am not "expecting " them by the expected delivery date

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Following on from very recent developments, I think that some items that were due for delivery towards the end of the year, are now arriving this month. I'm thinking of certain Merchant Navy Class (original body). So it would sound as though Hornby do not always know what is in the container that has been shipped from Chinaslightly_frowning_face - which I find surprising.

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  • 10 months later...

Any news when R30087 A3 Lemberg will be here, God knows what it will cost when it gets here, When I pre orderd mine it was £170 ( a bit over my budget but i really wanted 1 ) . Last I saw it was around £220 ? I will never be pre ordering again

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@ gary789
If you pre-ordered from Hornby they normally honour the price listed at the time the order was placed. Also pre-ordering from Hornby you know you are certain to get the model - which cannot be guaranteed from other suppliers.

I just checked my order with jadlam , order was placed on 4th Feb . Its now listed at £240 pre order

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A member reported last year that Jadlam cancelled his pre-order as not available then quickly followed up with a special offer of the same model at a substantially jacked up price way over RRP. I have never bought from them on the grounds of their sky high prices for the products I wanted.

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On my never ending search around the internet for all things trains, I’ve come across several Jadlam items and layouts at eye watering prices.

I don’t know if it’s due to the pandemic, or Hornby are having other problems, but it seems they are embarrassingly behind on their releases. I fear I will unboxing my 2022 pre-orders in 2024.

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I have bought locos off Jadlam at quite reasonable prices, then something happened to them last year about the time the Hornby Dublo Duchess of Atholl arrived. There was talk of one member getting their order cancelled as per 96RAFs post, then the same loco going on sale with them for considerably more than its recommended retail. Since then they have been charging recommended retail and if the model is released and in demand prices above recommended retail. I don't know what happened to them. I stopped dealing with them after the Duchess of Atholl event. No retailer other than Hornby themselves will honour the preorder price, Hornby stopped them doing it. Derails did with my Rebuilt W1 but that was a "one off" and it is Derails, who are one of the nicest retailers I deal with. If it a new build of model and you think it will take Hornby over a tear to make it, sadly the best idea is to order it direct from Hornby, they do honour the price. I saved a fortune on my Hush Hush because I ordered it on their site over a year ago.

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Hornby have always had delayed or late deliveries, with the exception of bringing something out that they had not previously announced (a surprise item?). Bachmann are just as bad, if not worse - I have read of people waiting years for something that was announced but is still awaited. I think Hornby would be better off just stating that we are bringing out a new ************ and it will hopefully reach the shops this year - and leave it at that. It would save endless questions on here saying "Hornby said it would arrive in March - it's now April - where is it?". This subject has been running for years and years and...........

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