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I'm not a fan of Vallejo paints but I was told by a modeller whose opinions I trust that their acrylic matt varnish is very good, so I tried it and it is very good. If I were to be critical I'd say that it is inclined to be fragile, but that may be down to me over-thinning. It sprays readily through the airbrush thinned to milky consistency with water, I use the deionised variety, because It seems to work better with aqueous acrylic media rather than tap water. It should be more or less completely inert and therefore not mess with the paints being over-coated.

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Might I suggest that an indication of where you live is relevant here, because "tap water" is a chemically different thing here in the Wet of Scotland to in London for example.



Close enough to London (Essex actually) to qualify. I don't know what they put in the water, but you should see what it does to the kettle, dishwasher, washing machine, taps and shower heads. wink I get my deionised from Halfords. I'm guessing your local supply is without all the additives.

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Might I suggest that an indication of where you live is relevant here, because "tap water" is a chemically different thing here in the West of Scotland to in London for example.

Close enough to London (Essex actually) to qualify. I don't know what they put in the water, but you should see what it does to the kettle, dishwasher, washing machine, taps and shower heads. wink I get my deionised from Halfords. I'm guessing your local supply is without all the additives.

Well, the "additives" you mention in Essex (anywhere in SE England actually) are soluble lime and calcium salts from the rocks your mains water runs through/over to reach the water works or reservoirs. This is normally called "hard water", and yes I'll agree it's better to use deionised water for acrylic paint thinner (and also for car cooling systems and lead-acid batteries). We mostly get "soft water" in Scotland, which can be almost identical in analysis to deionised water.

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