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My BIG Model Railway Move...!!!


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Hiya πŸ™‚

Right last year if some of you may remember I said that I was going to convert my loft to a Railway Room...But the powers be (The Plaining Department or what ever they want to call themselves these days...) said just b/c I got (my Cottage) 3 floors (4 if you want to count the loft) I'm not allowed to convert my loft (some thing to do with Fire Risk - don't fully understand???) any way on to Plan B...

For the last 10 to 15 odd years I've always had my Model Railway on my Living Room floor - not really had space any where else - see photo below...


Then about 3 or 4 days ago - I had an idea...Why not convert my Bedroom in to a Railway room!!! Then I spent a few hrs clearing out my Bed (Had to take it apart) my wardrobe & a few other bits so that it was all clear & a empty room & then it looked like this...


& now your going to ask me - where do you sleep??? Oh in a disused shop front, under a Railway Bridge - where ever!!! NOOO only joking!!! πŸ˜‰ - I've moved my bed down stairs & turn my Living room into my bedroom!!!

& Now my new Railway Room is starting to take shape πŸ™‚ For the 1st time ever - it is actually going to be off the Floor & I'm going to put in on old desks & shelves!!! It's going to have 2 R8008 Grand Suspension Bridges, Siding, Stations & a few other bits & pieces. It's going to have 2 loops & going around the edge of the room so that I'll have access from the middle!!! This is what it looks like at the moment...


But why did I think of this now when I've gone back to work full time, & now I've only got 2 days a week to do this & not plenty of time say last years!!! Murphy's Law!!!πŸ˜€Oh well - I'll keep you updated / posted on my progress - & of course I'll be doing a vid on it aswell!!! πŸ˜‰πŸ™‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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Hi JJ, planning permission for a loft conversion to a storage / testing facility for model railways.

Normally, you could convert under permitted development rights.Goggle to see what you are allowed to do, without planning permission.

I gather from your posts you live in or near Buxton, you are therefore in a National Park, that may complicate maters, but if the house is not listed, or you do not intend to change the look of the property.I would think you would be Ok.

Fire point of view, I would have thought as it is not a bedroom, or other habitable space, a hard wired fire alarm would be exceptable.

There are building regs. You may have to adhere too.Thats another matter.

I would get in touch with you local planning Dept. And ask them to outline their objections/concerns.


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Hello New Lad...

Thank you for that - yes I do Live near Buxton & yes I do Live in the National Park which means you have to be careful what you do!!! I think my cottage may be listed b/c it is some thing like 200 yrs old - not quite too sure, the only thing I have changed on the outside is the colour of my front door & window - see my vid :-

I've even had (a few months ago now) a local Fire Officer to come round & take a look & she said every thing is fine - she even gave me an extra Fire Alarm (battery operated) for free & now I've got an Fire Alarm on each Floor!!! (Oh she was quite nice looking I thought πŸ™‚)

Oh taking of Buxton - I've got to be there today @ Boots by 3:15pm (21/04/2021) for my 1st Covid Jab!!! Wish me luck (A little nervous) πŸ™‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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Hello Atom πŸ˜€

Yeah you have to be careful about that - I was watching a Program last night about the Railways last night (Trouble on the Tracks I think it was called) & this bloke (homeless I think) had found this small archway under a Railway bridge & built himself a small Hut with a Car Battery for power & a Bed & shelves, but Network Rail found it & together with the Police - they Raided it & took his belonging away & the bloke got arrested for Trespassing!!! πŸ˜πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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Oh b. t w. If I did go into my loft I have got a great big cold water tank + pipes to contend with - which makes things for differcult - that's why I', going or my old bedroom -easier!!! πŸ™‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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Oh I see now!!!

Right - here is what I spent a few hrs doing today - doing my version of the Millers Dales Viaduct...



Ok apart from the Viaduct is not a Suspension Bridge but a normal Viaduct...


& on each bridge - there was 2 tracks & not only 1 like on mine!!! πŸ˜‰πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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Were you planning on substantially converting your loft - raised wall heads, dormer windows etc - or just flooring it and playing trains? Unless there were alterations planned that are visible from the outside, you shouldn't bother telling anyone!

Bridges look fun though, but you'll need another buffer stop!

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The loft in JJ's cottage is in effect the fourth floor where the Building Regs and Means of Escape become much stricter. An independent fireproof staircase would have to be constructed outside the existing which would be cost prohibitive.

So best forget the loft, JJ, and stick to your bedroom conversion to Train Room. ο»Ώsunglassesο»Ώ

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@ Ello... Well I was going to add a dormer window or just a simple window in the roof, flooring, sides, etc but apparently I'm not aloud!!!

Thank you but I'm quite not finished yet - I going to have 2 loops!!!! πŸ™‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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@ Howbi :- Thank you - I think that what they basically said - that is why I'm doing my bedroom as a Train room!!! Easier & got fred up of it being on my Living room floor!!! πŸ€”πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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Hello Kevin :- Thank you & good luck with yours as well πŸ™‚

Hello Jimbo - Thank you & that sounds good - my bed is too big to fit in as well - can't do dual - but in saying that I do have many shelves with Locos & Wagons on!!! - Hopefully I'll be finished soon πŸ™‚

Check out My progress :-

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Hello again Jimbo - Well considering that most of my lay out will be fixed against the wall (apart from where is passes the door & window of course) - I can't really sleep under it - I could sleep in the middle of it perhaps, may be put a small camp bed / sleeping bag in the middle once finish!!!! That might be an idea!!! πŸ˜‰πŸ€”πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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Update (slowly but surely!!!)



The camera tripod is just temporary - just to show you what it will look like in that corner, I will be using corner brackets, & I've drawn of what it will look like along the edge.


This is a plan of what it may look like πŸ™‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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Thank you Al - Just had a quick look & to be honest - I don't think it's going to make much differance really - my door isn't that big really!!!

Yep 2 suspensions bridges - even thou I've had them both for many years now I never really used them apart from as 'Display bridges' for displaying Locos!!! πŸ™‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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This is how far I've got so far...


I've finished this side (the left side)πŸ™‚


I've finished that side (the right side) - well kind of - I've literally hit a snag!!!


These screws show how far in I've drilled - can't go any further in b/c there is something in the wall which is stopping me (not sure what it is - could be metal or something in the wall???πŸ€”)


All I've got to do now - is to find some way / how of fixing that piece of wood - so that I can complete the loop!!! πŸ™‚

Or I might go with Al's idea & completely take the door off cos I don't really use it- It's just there!!! πŸ€”πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

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