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HM | DC user bug reports and suggestions for improvement

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@OP6 - thanks for that handset detail & crash report, both extremely useful. The crash report error indicates that the app is being denied permission to access Bluetooth scanning service. As @Simon states this is usually achieved by granting the app full access to location services etc. (especially ‘locating/searching nearby devices’) in the handset’s Android settings.

If you have already granted these permissions - then that shows the issue is with the update & OS failing to communicate properly. Alternatively if this permission has been overlooked (due to the app not requesting it properly) - then setting it manually should resolve matters.

Certainly the app should be fixable to enable ALL devices (less than 5yrs old) to use it - so needs of one/many can be left for Vulcans to ponder!

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Thanks for that LT&SR, just checked in "location services "and I have "Bluetooth scanning " on

Is there anywhere else I should check?

Under app permissions I have "no permissions denied"

HM 6000 app is in the category "allowed only while in use" under "location" . In HM app info " no permissions denied"

So yeah it appears everything is as it should be. Yet the app doesn't work.

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So it seems I have the same problem. App is not connecting to provisioned device. All permissions granted, as it was before. After factory reset on HM6000 module and unlinking it from the app, every time I try to scan for devices the app is closing to home screen of my phone. Curiously after switching from mesh mode to BLE app is able to start scanning, but isn't finding device... I have Google Pixel 6 pro, with newest Android version. I guess no trains for me for today 🤷

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Welcome onboard! Not a good place to be, is it?

No trains for me for more than a week now. This is what you get for relying on Hornby. Would be interesting to see how Hornby treats the affected customers. Loss of revenue from non running trains and all that:)

When the app goes to home screen meaning it crashes, you phone should produce a similar report to posted above.

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OP6, might I just comment on your “relying on Hornby” and start with the (mis)quote “No one is an island”. Then add, everyone makes mistakes. In fact, for me, everyone is allowed to make mistakes, it’s part of the learning and developing process.

With that, if I look at what Hornby is up to, I find:

  • they are doing a lot in the conventional DC market place
  • they are doing some but relying on previous developments in the conventional DCC market place
  • they are pushing the gauge envelope with the bold decision to launch TT:120. They’ve drawn criticism for it but have already built a loyal market which has dealt with mistakes along the way and is learning along with Hornby
  • they are pushing the DC envelope with HM | DC. Not all plain sailing as you are currently aware but see some further context below
  • they are pushing the DCC market with HM | DCC. Still less than 12 months old and hiccoughs along the way but generally quite positive comment on it in this forum.

Now looking at the approach with HM | DCC, before going to market, they distributed the product to a dedicated bunch of volunteers for beta testing and only released it when it was seen to be stable and functional. This bunch is still being used as bugs are found and upgrades developed.

Which brings me to HM | DC today. The product is more mature but, surprise, surprise, as newer phones/tablets are released, incompatibilities arise. It was in response to one of these identified by Yelrow, an update was released but now seems to have been identified as buggy and further development is needed.

Not only that but the proliferation of Android devices is making the process far from simple. unfortunately for you and Mike at this point in time. And Murphy was involved too, ensuring the bug appeared at Christmas with staff on holidays.

How would I measure Hornby’s response now? I would be looking at the speed and functionality of an update released covering the current issue both of you are having. They were pretty quick to fix Yelrow’s, hopefully a similar response for you two.

These forums are full of problems reported and solutions found. Did the reporters find it necessary to take the spleen-venting approach you have taken to get their problems fixed? No they didn’t and still problems were fixed.

My suggestion now? You have two choices: either wait for the well-established bug-fixing team to do their work; or take your custom elsewhere. And whichever you decide, more “relying on Hornby” comments won’t help. Either for you, or for those on the forums who have been part of problem identification to date, or those developing the fix.

PS. Am I a Hornby stooge or just an engaged model railway enthusiast who likes to help others? Please check out my posting history and make you own decision on that.

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While it is annoying thing and I hope it'll be resolved quickly, I can't say I'm let down by Hornby. If not for their TT120 range I wouldn't be in this hobby. If not for their ingenious use of Bluetooth I'd probably stick to simplest oval as layout (removing need for extensive wiring for switches, CDUs, and even more with DCC). So far their customer service was always pleasure to deal with. All in all this are only scale model trains. It is not the end of the world when they are not working. Anyway, let's hope for quick resolve and have a nice day!

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Just received a response from Hornby, the engineer responsible for the app is on holiday until January 2, they are trying to come up with a fix right now but admit it is unlikely it will be fixed before then.

My suggestion to them was to roll back the latest update, if possible.

To the Hornby apologist with a very long and tedious essay, I say I disagree with most of your points and fully stand by ALL of my comments. The purpose of your post escapes me, it has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, general discussion perhaps? It's clear you have too much time on your hands, well you can write even longer ones there.

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”Rolling back to the previous version” might suit you but does nothing for other users with alternative equipment that could potentially cease to function.

The correct way to resolve this is for the developers (remember Hornby outsource this part of the project) to develop a solution that is good for all users. Fishy’s well constructed post explains perfectly how the troubleshooting and rectification of bugs works in the real world.

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Do elaborate what "alternative equipment" ???This is getting better and better! Alternative universe comes to mind .

Yes they do need to roll it back now, and it will "suit "not only me but hundreds of others with the same problem. Then work on the update all they want untill it is operational for ALL users. That's common sense.

"Might cease to function" I hate to brake it to you that my and others equipment HAS CEASED TO FUNCTION .

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New update from Hornby:

"We regret that we do not have access to the App to be able to change it. This is entirely in the hands of the developers. Having checked ourselves, we have found that it is only the Android version of the App that is affected. If you have access to an IPad, or other Apple device, the App will work correctly on those."

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New update from Hornby:
"We regret that we do not have access to the App to be able to change it. This is entirely in the hands of the developers. Having checked ourselves, we have found that it is only the Android version of the App that is affected. If you have access to an IPad, or other Apple device, the App will work correctly on those."



Which we already knew.

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OP6, the way I understood 96RAF message was that we know already what Hornby's response, therefore it was not helpful or anything (again, about Hornby's response, not your message). I understand nerves, being annoyed etc. But looking for a fight in every place is not helping either. Nobody here on forum is responsible for your woes. There is not even anyone working for Hornby. So why other forum members are getting all this negativity?

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My comment ‘we already knew’ refers to the matter already having been discussed and the Hornby resolution stated here and on other social media.

In addition to the other moderators comment…

You are seen as in transgression of Forum Rules 4, 5, 8 and 9, plus there have been 2 reports by fellow members about your bad attitude, calling for you to be banned. There are also open posts on the forum against your attitude. Please take this as a formal warning that further aggressive attitude will result in a temporary period of exclusion from the forum. This will not affect your access to the rest of the site or contact with customer services.

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Well sir, when refering to me you could at least have referenced my name . Surely as a "moderator" you should know this simple rule.

Since a lot of reporting going on, you have been reported as well.

It goes along the following:

"Calling a member names, condescending attitude, putting snide remarks, asking questions, the answers to which have already been provided, allowing irrelevant and pointless posts ,that have nothing to do with the thread, I feel making 96raf a moderator was a very poor choice indeed"

All you do on this "forum" is worship Hornby, how great it is, and anyone who goes against it is a threat and need to be put down. Well Hornby is not great, far from it. In fact it's a disaster with their crazy prices and non existent quality control and now they have managed to mess up the app.The negativity stems from Hornby s stupidity and all those who defend it. I stand by every word I posted and you can go ahead and ban me, see if I care.

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Similar to someone else's post - got my son a set which came with the 6000. All permissions granted etc as needed, on mesh scan it just closes the app, on BLE is just keeps searching and searching. We all have Samsung phones and tablets running android 12 and 13. We got it to run (albeit not perfectly - occasional disconnects) on a phone with android 10 via BLE...

Have flicked through some other posts so looks like we might not be the only ones? Have installed, reinstalled, reset etc. But no luck as of yet... young 'un got this for Xmas so can't confirm if it would have worked previously or not...!

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