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Layout electrical connection problem.


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I am still fairly new to the hobby. I set up my layout initially so that it was end to end with run round loops at each end - similar to a heritage railway. At the end where the electric connector from the elite controller was situated I fitted a point to the loop to enable two locos to go in the engine shed on 2 tracks. I was delighted when this worked because it meant I didn't have to go into the whole business of wiring underneath the baseboard.

It worked well for sometime. Over the weekend I tried to make minor adjustments to the engine shed lines. Now locos will only go down one track, the other appears to be dead. Can anyone suggest what is wrong.

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Without seeing a picture of the layout and where your connections are, it is difficult to comment but I would suggest if it worked before you made changes, that you look carefully at the changes you made, maybe even reverting to what it was like when it did work and going from there.

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Do you have the clips positioned correctly in the offending point as clearly the branch that isn't working is not receiving power. another option other than the clips is to directly power both branches from your controller.

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I set up my layout initially so that it was end to end with run round loops at each end...........



This statement infers that you have created a 'reverse loop' at each end of the layout. Reverse loops create short circuits. But ignoring that for a moment and concentrating on your siding issue. As RDS has said, in order to offer you correctly targeted advice we really need to see a sketch of the complete layout plan showing where controller power is connected to the track with an indication of where the power is lost. Note that posted images will be held back for moderator approval and will not appear straight away.

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Hence the request for a sketch to eliminate the vagueness of trying to interpret one brief sentence of written words [a picture saves a thousand words].

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Vague is the problem. I interpreted this to be just a dogbone loop (a loop where the straights in the middle are close to each other).

Then only one point has been put in the loop to branch to the engine sheds. If it’s only short, there may not even be DCC Point Clips on the point as it might only be used when the point is switched to the sheds, with a 2nd point needed to split to the 2 sheds, again no clips.

But I’m stretching the friendship to reach that conclusion, definitely need a track diagram.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in responding and thanks for the comments. I have attached a very rough sketch of layout - hope it helps.


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If you think of points as electrical switches they pass power from the single track end of a point up which ever direction is selected, the other direction going dead, so you can see why that siding is dead by following the power from your controller input. If you move the power to the long straight it will help but that siding will go dead upon a point selection away from it.

On a DCC circuit points clips are installed to each point to make the whole of the track live regardless of point direction. I would suggest that maybe a point clip has popped out or that point is faulty.

On a DC circuit the siding can be kept live by innovative wiring and use of an on-off switch(es).

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If you think of points as electrical switches they pass power from the single track end of a point up which ever direction is selected, the other direction going dead, so you can see why that siding is dead by following the power from your controller input. If you move the power to the long straight it will help but that siding will go dead upon a point selection away from it.
On a DCC circuit points clips are installed to each point to make the whole of the track live regardless of point direction. I would suggest that maybe a point clip has popped out or that point is faulty.
On a DC circuit the siding can be kept live by innovative wiring and use of an on-off switch(es).



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Thank you for providing the picture. It shows perfectly what your layout is and confirms that you do NOT have what is known as a Reverse Loop, which could have been inferred from your original post.

I have tried to annotate your sketch with letters A to F to be able to refer to your points and Sidings. I have also added a triangle to show where your Power Connection may be better placed, as it would then be fairly central to all of your sidings.

With a DCC layout you will need the Hornby Point clips (Hornby Part Number R8232), fitted, 2 per point to all your Points.

If you have fitted Point Clips (which ensure that your layout is all live all the time), it appears that you have a problem with Point E which controls the problem Siding, because from a DCC point of view, the problem Siding is no different to the Siding controlled by Point D.


Please confirm you have Point Clips fitted to all 6 of your Points.

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Thanks for latest comment. The points I have were all 'as supplied' with initial Somerset Belle train set or subsequest purchases so unless point clips are fitted as standard I don't have any. Sounds as though I need them!

As regards the power connection; again I am using power clip as supplied - would be difficult to use that in position indicated as there is no straight track there but will see what I can do.

Thanks again for all the help.

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It should be fine when you have fitted the clips. Moving the Power Connector to the middle of your layout would have just evened up the distribution but it will work perfectly in its current location. Good luck and please let us know how you get on.

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