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Hornby R3840 Hush Hush


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Hey everyone, is there any clear communication from Hornby how the R3840 Hush Hush preorders are being distributed? From what I can tell they're finally being sent out to people but mine is still considered "Pending" from when I preordered in February 2021. Has anyone in the US or abroad like me gotten there's yet or is there any type of communication from Hornby themselves on the situation? Thanks in advance.

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@atom3624, nothing has been charged yet thankfully. I'm ordering directly and I tried emailing them last month to no avail. From your reaction and what I can tell online, it looks like they actually released it? I've had absolutely zero communication from them since they confirmed by preorder last year. I really hope they don't cancel it because idk how I would source it since I'm in the States.

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UPDATE: They replied this time, seemingly from Hornby USA. They say that they don't have the stock yet for my Hush Hush and don't have an ETA for when they'll get it :(. I guess US orders have to go through Hornby USA even if I'm ordering directly from the UK store and not the US store which is weird since the last time I ordered some coaches from the UK store they went directly to me??? Nothing I can do but wait I suppose.

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Hornby's warehouse and distribution centre is located at the Lakeside Business Park, Hersden which is run by DS Logistics. Repairs are also carried out at this address by Hornby technicians as far as I am aware having had telephone conversations with them concerning a repair to my Select 4 yrs ago.

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Rebuilt Hush Hush didn't come today. Got caught out by the Hornby/DPD message which said delivery on the 13th. When I checked the DPD site they haven't even got the parcel yet. Why do Hornby do that? Why don't they do as any other company do and just say it has been dispatched and give you a tracking number.

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@ColinB mine was packed similarly although I ordered two loco's. Each was wrapped in bubble wrap, but the box they were then put into was too big, allowing them to move side to side inside. Both my front steps were loose on my Hush hush one hanging off, the other loco was fine. Whether the packaging to me was to blame or factory issues, who knows, the forums are full or reports of damage. The box wasn't packed out enough or should have been cut down to suit what's inside to keep it snug.

This is what happens when you contract out, going for as cheaper price as possible. They use standard boxes, skimp on packaging materials and don't allow the time, as time, throughput is money, as they're packing for others. It's all about profit.

Many are doing it now, I ordered a cup and a pin badge from the British Legion they came wrapped in box you could have put 20 cups in. I kid you not 47149010771_da7cb15b69_h.jpg

How it didn't break was pure luck.

My order was the same box as shown on Sams trains Hush Hush video, on his there was no bubble wrap just the box.

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No to give Hornby credit, they did it properly in my case. Mine is not the original Hush Hush repaired, it is the new green Hush Hush rebuilt into BR colours. The loco box was inside another box about the same size, then wrapped in bubble wrap and then the whole lot wrapped in a sheet of foam rubber. The whole lot fitted inside the work tightly so it would not move, so in this case they did it properly, which I have to thank them for.

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@ColinB good to hear and hopefully they have started taking notice. Mine was better wrapped than the one SAM trains received and yours better than mine. I don't know what happened regarding SAM's Hush hush, he was returning it. Last he posted anything about it on his Youtube channel, he'd had no response from Hornby, there's been no further posts from him.

Let's hope this improved packaging remains that way, all we've got to do now is get them to address the prices!

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The rebuilt W1 out now is known as the 'early logo' one.

There's another due later this year, strangely known as the 'late logo' one.

I had to re-order after Hornby faffed me off with the tier system removing my order from Hatton's.

There's an additional grey one coming out at the same time - which I also had to re-order for the same reasons, but which is the 'double blast pipe' one.


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