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Moving on to DigiKejis DR5000 instead of Digitrax DCS52 or Roco Z21


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I tried search mode to find any review or feedback about Digitrax DCS52 Zephyr Express.

I used the Bachmann Ultima with Pro Box but find navigation through menu very awkward and looking to change my DCC setup.

I am going to sell Bachmann on eBay to recover some of my money to Buy Digitrax DCS52 Zephyr Express,

My question are

Have anyone used this particular model?

How is the performance?

How easy is to navigate the menu?

Any issue's anyone came across?

Ideally I would Like to [get the]

 EVOXD Evolution Express Advanced 5A/8A Duplex Radio Starter Set CE

but can not afford at the moment. So next best thing is Digitrax DCS52, I believe but need fellow modeller experience.

EDIT: Not quite sure how that post came through with such a big font size. I have adjusted it and, in brackets, added a couple of words so that sentence scans a little easier. Feel free to edit them out if you don’t like the adjustment. R-

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Download the manual and have a good read. If the manual is a hard read then the kit is likely the same to operate.

Is there a Digitrax forum or social media page where users will flag up issues.

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The manual can easily be found online. Clearly though you have read or heard something that is steering you towards this piece of kit, can you go back to that source and get better/more information? R-

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Thanks all for their inputs, I have seen few video's on YouTube, official Digitrax, some private user but more importantly i like the control on the controller. I looked into the manual as well, it is far better than Bachmann manual, more detailed as well.

I am just looking for personal experience of anyone who used this controller or how they setup and their opinions.


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we use Digitrax DCS 51 on our club layout and at home. For the price it has lots of useful facilities. Separate programming connections ( two and four digit loco addresses) , ability to switch points ( a bit fiddly with several key presses required ). You can connect two non DCC ( smooth DC ) controllers to control two other trains. It has 3amp capacity. In short I would recommend it. Plenty of reviews on Line. DCS 52 has a different display and illuminated keys.

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Don't pay any attention to the perceived complexity of a manual.

Often these are produced and translated, which sometimes adds to 'confusion'.

Had I considered the Z21 system on the basis that a complex manual equates to complex hardware I'd have never have bought it, and it is without a doubt my greatest investment and is effortless to use.

As you already know, you need actual user review, full stop.

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@Will Hay

Thanks for your input, looking into what you are using as in Z21, I find it quite tempting specially using phone or TAB which gives me walkabout controller instead of DCS52 which is more like stationary type of controller. If possible can I have your opinion or your experience of usage your Z21, how it is to setup? How smooth the app is? Do you loose connection through WI-FI and if need resetting then how often?

Z21 is little more expensive compare to DCS52, but does allow me to use TAB or phone with pictures of Loco in the app instead of number.

Also which model are you using ie 10820 or other version or model.

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The Z21 has been fault free, it is absolutely stunning and my best investment since purchase in Aug 2020.

I don't use it to control points but it has numerous, additional facilities.

The app is soooooo simple to use, the ability to take a photo and select a locomotive to control in an instant is a godsend, especially as I have between two and eight running at any one time.

I sort them into order of type [steam and diesel/modern] and what is on which track so can quickly scroll to each loco.

I always figured my nephew might use the phone app while I use the tablet app, but he prefers to be in full control 😄

I've used a few LaisDCC decoders on my system, my only comment is they're not as well made as others, hence the price, so you have to be careful.

It's the white model 10825.

I paid 249EU brand new with a controller, but sold the controller on ebay for, IIRC, 55GBP.

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There's a comparison page on the Z21 website showing the additional features between each model.

The extra options on the black editions might as well have been in Greek to me, I'd never use them so quite obviously; look st the model that suits your own needs 👍

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@Will Hay

I have looked on Roco website and its actually very clever way of explaining the difference between various models, my heart is set on Z21 (10820) black or white which is around 400 mark, obviously much more than DCS52 which I can get for around 250 or 260.

I will have to sell Bachmann Dynamis before I could even consider buying anything.

But after looking Roco website and few independent reviews, also your comments have convinced me to go with Z21. Specially the usage of phone or tablet so let's see what deal I will get once I have the cash 💸.

In the meantime if anyone comes cross a deal where I can save significant money please do share.


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Z21 Start have quite of few option less then Z21, main difference is upgrade options in future, but mainly track voltage control. I don't how important is that but I would prefer to have upgrade option which is very important if I expand my layout in future.


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There seems to be some confusion here, maybe with me but I think not.

To explain - DCC and track voltage control? DCC comes as an always present fixed track voltage and is a bipolar square waveform onto which DCC commands are superimposed using PWM (pulse width modulation). The only control you have over the voltage is to switch it on or off at the controller.

Further, the DCC commands do not control the track, rather the locos on it.

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DCC track voltage is constant for a given controller/system, but can be different between controllers/systems. It seems to be convention to use 12V for N and 14.5V for other scales, but the actual specification allows anything from 7V to 22V. Still, the only reason I can see why you would need a controller with adjustable voltage is if you intend to use it on both N and 00 layouts at different times. Or perhaps if a particular contollers default voltage is too high for your decoders or accessories? You don't for example increase voltage to compensate for a larger layout, you would use power districts with boosters.

Looks like Z21 Start and White are only available in train sets?

Is it good or bad that Will Hay's app screen reminds me of our old Zero 1?

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Looks like Z21 Start and White are only available in train sets?



Good point, although isn't that only the white start [which is the same as the white, but designated starter set]?

Now I remember I bought mine from our friends in Germany, in came in a large box without the locomotives so I guess the retailer was making more euro splitting the packs.

After selling the handheld controller, mine worked out at 170GBP ish which, as I've outlined, was the best investment I've ever made in the two years I've been at this.


I run a 14' x 9' layout, there's very little what people are calling a 'bottom end' version I couldn't use.

Don't be fooled into thinking the white model is entry level. It might be the manufacturers entry level, but compared to some other brands on the market it's far from basic.

Maybe you should compare models to other brands that are available, and see how much you need to actually spend and what you actually need, given that you can't afford the black version right now.

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have I missed something? Wasn’t the OP asking for a review of a Digitrax product? While my ,all but brief, review was offered in order to help make a decision the topic seems to have veered away from the original question. Has anybody anything else to offer in praise or otherwise of the Digitrax DCS52?

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