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Upgraded to pro but where do I activate it

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Hello please forgive me for this. I wanted to change where I run railmaster from, I used to take my laptop with me to my shed but it was becoming a faf. So I have purchased a mini pc to do the job that will live in the shed. So I didn’t have to mess about saving and transferring files I upgraded to pro so I could transfer using their backup however now I have my new code I don’t know where to input it to activate pro so I can back up then deactivate it to swap to the new pc. I’ve been at this for hours with no luck.

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It tells you in the manual which files to copy over and also in FAQ 8 in the RM page sticky post.

I forget which screen is used to input the Pro code but that has been covered many times on the forum and likely can be found in the RM Help Site sticky post.

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It also says in the manual if you upgrade to pro then any copying of files Is done in the backup and you don’t have to copy files, which is what I wanted to avoid as I don’t really understand it. it’s all so vague and actually isn’t explained very well. I read pages and pages of this forum and still couldn’t figure out what to do I spent 7 hours on it. I have contacted the support on the software but won’t expect a reply until after the bank holidays. But I’m still not hopeful of any resolution.

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It's threads like this that make me glad I decided very early on that I would not be taking on what seems like a very rickety method of train control.



Yes, it does have some quirks but it is also an incredibly clever way of running a model layout!



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Moderator Note:

Could you please select the 'View my Community’ in your Dashboard on the Forum and choose a nickname in the ‘My profile' tab, rather than your First name that has been automatically allocated by the system. We had hoped a Forum change was coming soon to prevent this automatic allocation but a manual change is required at the moment and there will be more than one member with your name. It is in your own interest to have a unique name. This request together with some other information for new posters is contained in a thread at the top of the General Discussion section called ‘Information for new members registering for the Forum’

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It's threads like this that make me glad I decided very early on that I would not be taking on what seems like a very rickety method of train control.

Yes, it does have some quirks but it is also an incredibly clever way of running a model layout!



The biggest quirk is usually the digital interface with the chair.

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Hey Graham, good answer from Rob. Who’d have thunk it was hiding in the Loco Detection tab?

And HRMS, it seems the users want the Pro backup feature upgraded to include magic transfer of the backed up files from one computer to another. Can be done by OneDrive without hardware?

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We try to help at all levels of competence but, in the end, patience runs out when ample instructions have been provided and appear to have been of no help. At that point I quit helping.

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Customers of Hornby Railmaster and HRMS are directed to this very forum for technical support this is what I have done only to be left feeling ridiculed for needing help in the first place and my limited IT knowledge. If this forum and its moderators feel that they are above proving that help then we as customers should not be directed here.

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The information and help provided by this forum is absolutely solid and technically correct. RM is well into its second decade and there are no new problems. All known problems have been well documented and reliable assistance for their resolution has been posted on the forum many times.

Week after week we see much the same problems being posted as ‘new help required’ when in fact such help is already available.

Forum advice points to these solutions, which when followed will fix almost all problems.

In the event a user cannot achieve a solution on their own for whatever reason using that data, then HRMS can with their approval take remote control of a user’s PC to undertake diagnostics and perform corrections as required. HRMS confirm that most of their referrals are due to users not following clearly given advice and easily resolved.

The information offered by this forum has to cater for user skill levels from the complete numpty to the full tech savvy guy and as such is often posted with step by step Noddy guides.

I am a 78 year old classified long ago by the system as being a slow learner and if I can hack this stuff then I assume most others should be able to as well - and that is the baseline for my responses.

If you are offended or feel demeaned or ridiculed by such comprehensive help then I am sorry that we the forum can do little more to help you. You may wish to try your luck with the U-tube, Facebook or Twitter experts - at your own risk of course.

You also have the right of appeal by reporting what you may consider unsympathetic handling of your problem.

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Scumcat, my apologies on the sarcasm. However, I’d note that I did give you a perfectly workable solution on the transfer. If you copy the backed-up files, as per Rob’s listing from the manual, to a place OneDrive routinely saves (My Documents), they will be available immediately in that place from your new computer. You can then easily copy them back to the RM folder.

In the past, I haven’t been one to trust cloud services but I find OneDrive (a standard W10/11 feature if you’ve yet to use it) does an excellent job keeping something around 300Gbytes of data first saved on my old Surface Pro reliably available on my new one without any need to physically transfer it.

Can I make one request though - could you please refrain from hijacking threads at least until the OP has been given an answer. I realise quite a few people add to threads when they have related problems. Personally, I think it’s almost always better to start a new thread unless you can say “Thanks for asking that OP, I have exactly the same problem, so I’ll look forward to hearing the answer from others”.

And yes, I should have asked that directly in the first place rather than resorting to the sarcasm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fishamonz, I was the original OP I was asked to change my name and my avatar so I did so I wasn’t actually hijacking this thread at all.

Railmaster eventually contacted me 10 days later after my enquiry but by then I had figured it out and sorted my issues. However if the technicial support doesn’t actually do what is needed and actually support I am on the look out for a different system. This whole episode has tainted my view of this.

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Hi Graham, it’s surprising HRMS took so long to get back to you, they have a good reputation on providing support, even doing so on Christmas Day in years gone past.

On accounts and hijacking, you seem to have made a new account rather than changed your user name on your original. When I look back to your original post, it is still Graham with 2 posts, not changed to scumcat.

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Fishamonz, I was the original OP I was asked to change my name and my avatar so I did so I wasn’t actually hijacking this thread at all.

Railmaster eventually contacted me 10 days later after my enquiry but by then I had figured it out and sorted my issues. However if the technicial support doesn’t actually do what is needed and actually support I am on the look out for a different system. This whole episode has tainted my view of this.

I think you are being very ungracious. This is a community forum so the people here trying to help you are just other users donating their spare time. I have had no end of help on here. This is not a tech support forum. The Railmaster software is not always intuitive & it does have it’s quirks but let’s face it - it’s not that complicated! Especially if you go to the trouble of reading all the FAQs etc. available on here…

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