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Reading CVs in a R8249

Brew Man

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I have a Terrier with a 6 pin decoder fitted, which is based on the Hornby R8249 decoder. Up until recently this loco ran perfectly, but at some point another loco, a Bachmann Pannier seemingly randomly reset its address to 0000, requiring me to re-assign its address to what it was before. It was around the same time that the Terrier started misbehaving. With the Pannier resetting its address I thought I'd read CV1 in the Terrier to see what its address was set to and all I got back was XXX, i.e. the CV could not be read. In short, the Terrier will not run but occasionally will spurt forward for about a second when pushed. By the way, all my track is spotless and other locos run perfectly, Except for my Large Prairie which is displaying similar behaviour. I've cleaned wheels and pickups and oiled at appropriate points.

Basically I'm just wondering if CV1 is readable or not in the R8249 . I know some of the Hornby decoders have various CVs disabled. I have another decoder, (different make) on order so I'll be able to test it when it arrives.

All a bit strange anyway.

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Although based on the 8-pin R8249 there was a version of the 6-pin R7150 decoder specific to the Terrier as the firmware was modified for best Terrier motor control. It was designated R7150W and also had the part number X13567.

The decoder supports read-back on a programming track of all CVs in use (see decoder blurb for these CVs) , but does your controller read-back.

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I have an R8249 in a H Class.

I just tried to read CV 1 (with an NCE Powercab) and I could not read the CV

Just to check I was doing the read process correctly I then popped a loco containing a Zimo onto my programming track and could read CV1 of the Zimo

I then moved the R8249 loco onto my main track just to check the decoder was working and the loco did move under DCC control

So I guess you may not be able to read back CVs in the R8249

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From my testing notes...


Prior to this version the MCU was marked with a red or blue paint dot to ID the revision state. Hence if your decoder has a paint dot there could be read-back issues with your controller.

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Although based on the 8-pin R8249 there was a version of the 6-pin R7150 decoder specific to the Terrier as the firmware was modified for best Terrier motor control. It was designated R7150W and also had the part number X13567.
The decoder supports read-back on a programming track of all CVs in use (see decoder blurb for these CVs) , but does your controller read-back.

Yes it should do, I'm trying to read CV1 on the programming track with my Elite. Anyway my new Train-O-Matic should be here today so I can test the Terrier with that.



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Just write the old address to it again to refresh it.

Done that, Rob. It may not even be the decoder at fault, I do know as yet, but since I don't have another 6 pin to pop in I must wait the the newly ordered one to arrive to test. I've just bought another Terrier which the new decoder is really for, but if the original decoder is at fault I will obviously need to order another too.



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Well, you've got some sort of other problem then if decoders are resetting. Unless it's a faulty decoder for some other reason...



The decoder resetting thing has only happened once. Whether it's related to the Terrier and Large Prairie behaving oddly I don't know. I haven't been able to get up in the loft this week due to family visits, so haven't been able to investigate further. Faulty decoders might be a complete red herring.

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Well I've got the Terrier running happily again. I've replaced the pickup unit and given the whole area a good clean. It was quite oily under the pickup unit, so I think I've been guilty of the cardinal sin - oiling too much. rage.

Just have to sort the Prairie out now. That was similarly oily but cleaning it hasn't improved matters much if at all. It behaves strangely in that it first runs for a few feet, then stops. Nudging it sometimes evokes a slight start then nothing. I've had the pickup unit off and cleaned underneath - maybe not thoroughly enough, will give it another going over.

Any ideas?

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