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Constant issues! Anyone else?

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This app/software looks like it’s been developed by some 6th former who is learning JavaScript/html for the first time and can’t do it very well. It has developed bugs many times! The chips, sound encoders, electrical points, controller and software all add up to a huge amount, then keep having issues,

I get the joy of repairing engines, but faulty and poor quality software and hardware is not acceptable! Especially when every few of us can actually afford this hobby! If Hornby had an actual competitor in the Uk, they couldn’t justify the extortionate prices. I’m fed up!

Our app has yet another issue! The software won’t interact with any of the trains. It says it’s working fine, but nothing responds. On top of that, we’ve tested the engines on DC and with the same connector cables into a DC controller and have it working fine. So it’s defo the controller or software. We’ve checked all the settings in the software and they’re all fine.

So, my controller is malfunctioning, or my software has yet another bug! I’m fed up! Someone new needs to take over Hornby and bring it up to industry standards. It’s appalling! Any suggestions anyone? Cz I can’t bare this rubbish anymore. If Hornby had a competitor, I’d switch over today!!! They are at an appalling standard! Especially in their attempts to modernise (software and hardware).

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Are you moaning about the locos, Railmaster, Hornby, the BBC or just to anyone in earshot.

The forum is for sensible discussion not out and out ranting and your post will be deleted if you carry on down this road.

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Playing a straight bat to your problem although your tone barely deserves it in my opinion - my personal and extensive forum experience tells me that only in a very small minority of cases is it not possible to get the RM software working to specification, albeit its not being user-friendly.

I suggest a 3-stage approach for you:

  • start by going to the FAQ Index at the top of the forum, starting with FAQ1 which may well fix your problem itself
  • if from the FAQs it might appear an AV blocking issue, check out the separate RM Help site in the bottom sticky at the top of the forum and see if that helps
  • still getting nowhere? Then go to the Help tab and send a request to HRMS (not widely known as a failed sixth former, rather a dedicated professional interested in solving your problems). Include as much detail as you can or the first response will be asking you for it.

If you get as far as the third point and you don’t get an immediate auto-acknowledgment of your email, then it is either your AV blocking or come back here for more advice on certain ISPs that get blocked to HRMS on occasions.

Only if you actually want to fix your problems of course.

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The "Anyone else?" reference in your title seems to be a request for anybody else who experience RM issues to give you moral support by venting their anger too.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but my RM and Elite combination currently runs flawlessly without any issues (for the features that I use). Yes I have had some issues in the past, but the support given on this forum is in my view exemplary, and where the forum 'Railmaster FAQ' knowledgebase and 'remote Help Site' has been unable to fix my issue. I have had HRMS log onto my RM PC and fix it remotely when their email dialogue suggestions have also not been successful.

I agree that RM is not particularly 'plug n play' but most issues can be resolved through correct setting up and configuration.

Historically, I have seen many posts on this forum where the OP has stated my RM is configured and setup correctly. Only to come back later and eat humble pie explaining that once HRMS had logged into their PC, basic configuration errors had been found by them.

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Addendum to my last reply.

If your RM software is truly configured correctly as you state, but you still find that many (if not all) of your locos are not being controlled consistently correctly. Then one very common error is that the layout track still has analogue suppression capacitors installed across the track rails. These capacitors distort and corrupt DCC commands and cause all sorts of strange observations to be made.

In your post you say the locos have been tested OK with DC controller and same connection cables. This suggests that your layout was once an analogue DC layout.

I strongly recommend that you review your track power distribution connections and open ALL track power connectors to look for and remove any capacitors found. Do this even if using non Hornby track. If using Hornby track power parts, the parts to check are R602, R8206 and R8201 Link Wires. R8241 & R8242 are already DCC compliant.

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