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Does everything need to be perfect?

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My layout is far from perfect, but perfect changes every day. There will always be a shunt signal needed to be added, a few wagons weathered, some telegraph poles added, the post box emptied....ect. I had a perfect layout when I was seven, a basic oval

with a run around siding! how things change.
It was an enjoyable article in the mag, and YES if it looks right to me, then it's perfect as far as I'm concerned.
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You have to have a layout first, poor old PP only has the top shelf of a bookcase. I'm sure with a layout like Tetley Mills there must always be something that needs adjustment, finishing etc..
I haven't seen the August copy of Hornby Mag. yet, but

isn't Tetley Mills being replaced by a new layout?
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Third Sentence - where does that leave you?? (I am rotten, I know)

I have seen handbuilt models that are accurate to the half mm, with every rivet in place etc., etc., and to look at them something's WRONG! Every chance you won't find the 'fault'


yes, I do agree with you - if it looks right, it is right.

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Hi All,

Half the enjoyment in model railways is tweeking the layout, improvings this section or relaying that section of track. The other half is running trains on the layout. These changes continually, as you alter consists etc. When you stop improving

the layout, it is time have a re-think and start again.
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Currently lifting the approach tracks to two of the grand suspension bridges on the layout, two mainlines meet before the bridges, Tri-ang Super 4 and System 6 meet to cross the bridges, one approach track is 1st radius on each mainline with seven tracks

being condensed into two. All very complicated, the first radius sections are coming out as those lines are now seldom used with today's modern locos. A complete redesign of the approach trackwork is currently being done. Thankfully I have enough 2nd and 3rd

radius curves for Super 4 and some new fourth radius curves and semi flex hanging about. The system six is being replaced with modern nickel silver 5th, 4th, 3rd radius and 2nd radius curves, the Tri-ang Super 4 will loose a first radius curved section with

point work added to amalgamte four runing lines into two before the junction. Keeps me busy! No layout is truly finsihed and that's part of the fun.
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But if it looks right and is well made it is perfect:-)
You just don't have to tell any one about the bits that are not.
There is such a thing as a completed layout, Just no such thing as a finished one:-)
There is always something that

can be added.
It just reaches a point where its time to expand remodel or start again.
regards John
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I think you are bang on here. I am awaiting the new Tornado and have several mag reviews. There is no glazing, the front

buffer detail is limited, no cylinder draincocks and the cab detail is not picked out. So what! The loco in the photos looks every bit the part. I have reviewed parts lists and some of the not fitted bits can be sourced for £2.50 and glazing can be made from

clear packaging if required. As I have several Britannias without most of the "extras" it really doesn't matter. Even those can be made better if I buy the extras packs but why as the bits are so small as mostly unnoticeable.I may as time goes on put the bits

on and this will be the never ending additions and improvements. At present they look right for me.
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Yep if it looks ok then it is. I still have Tri-ang locos running alongside modern superdetail locos, nothing like one of my old BR Princess's puffing smoke hauling a nice rake of carmine and cream coaches, or a Triang jinty merrily puffing away clouds

of smoke vapour whilst shunting. It still looks good and works well.

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My old stuff still brings faourable comments at exhibition, ok the detailing isn't as much but it's a locomotive that's a reasonble represntation of the prototype doing what it's supposed to do, pull and shunt trains. I've had finescale layouts, coarse

scale outdoors layouts but are now happy with a mixed layout the best of both worlds.
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Hi Vespa,
I agree with you about Tornado, just because detail is not up to the best standereds, it does not mean it's not good, I could imagin some modeler moning about the front buffer detail not being perfect.
When I get locomotivs I just check

what detail it's got and if it's not alot I just think, 'Oh well, atleast I've got the loco'
Most of the detail you won't evan notice, like if the cab detail is painted, you will barley see it when the locomtoives running anyway.
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Right you are, a layout is never finished. I am not a rivet counter but praise to those who have the skills and hability to reach near perfection. But then even if we now have (German) coaches with automatically opening doors via DCC, at a considerable

price, I don't think we'll ever see walking, talking, smoking, chewing passengers, flying seagulls, etc... There is a limit. In my eyes the best layouts are those that are accurate in period and above all reflect the atmosphere of a railway. And that can also

apply to imaginary preservation lines if like myself, you are attracted by engines from the various companies.

Rayarpino (lner)
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For those that like everything spot on thats OK. Many like me now, accept that the most detailed models are not really necessary. If you intend doing close up photography then the super detailing will probably be an advantage. I have, as mentioned many

times, got a lot of Brits and some of those are the earlier types with no windows. I upgraded the Margate ones just a bit with newer China made front bogies, frontsteps, and other detailing parts such as AWS protector plates (if fitted to the original). That

improved these locos looks dramatically for less than a fiver each. As Rev Peter Denny once said " if you can't find fault at 15" from you then it must be OK" or words to that effect. Many of my locos are Margate or not super detailed as such but look fine

as they are. Things on a model railway are never finished from locos to scenery. With all the bits and pieces becoming available such as security cameras for buildings, dustbins etc one can keep adding to any layout.
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My rule of thumb is if it looks good or right then it is, a good layout is never done. I don't need all the super detail on locos, it's a hinderance far too fragile. As long as the loco looks right in it's setting then that's fine, it represents the real

thing. Too much emphasis today on having the umpteenth detail right down to rivets being exactly in the right place and to the exact size. For me, my locos have to run, work, last and give good service, look right, all the little fally off bits don't interest

me. It's a model railway, it's meant to run, locos are meant to derail now and then as it sometimes happended in service, they need to be strong, ppowerful and reliable.
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My layout has gone from 2 pieces of plywood that used to slide out from under my bed as a kid to a whole bedroom with four lines running at once, with lots of siding space and wired up so everything works at the flick of a switch.

But I will never

be happy with it, I would love to expand further and detail the layout more by adding tree's etc. However I am not allowed to knock down the internal wall and expand it two fold. And even if I were allowed I would not be happy with that either, I am constantly

looking for improvement and expansion, I could have the perfect layout and still find fault with it but thats just me.

I think everyone is like that, while they are happy with their layout they would also be missing something to that, to them, makes

it perfect.
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