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HM7000-8TXS 'kick start' movement?


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Anyone experiencing odd behaviour with the 8TXS decoder where the loco won't budge until the speed reaches a particular threshold (46 on the app).

Thereafter motor control is everything you'd expect.

On the very, very rare occasion it will behave correctly from power up. Try as I might I've not figured a set of circumstances that might trigger this behaviour.

This is true for both the 8TXS decoders I have for both Bluetooth App & DCC control (Hornby Select), class 08 and class 56 profiles, Bachmann and Hornby locos respectively.

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It would be handy to know what some CVs are set at but a lot of screen grabs for them all. You could start with CVs2, 5 and 6 and the motor control CVs in the 150+ area.

It is presumed the Select is providing common track power.

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It would be handy to know what some CVs are set at but a lot of screen grabs for them all. You could start with CVs2, 5 and 6 and the motor control CVs in the 150+ area.
It is presumed the Select is providing common track power.



Correct, Select is providing both power and control in DCC mode.



All CVs should be default except Master Volume.




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It would be handy to know what some CVs are set at but a lot of screen grabs for them all. You could start with CVs2, 5 and 6 and the motor control CVs in the 150+ area.
It is presumed the Select is providing common track power.



Correct, Select is providing both power and control in DCC mode.



All CVs should be default except Master Volume.




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Call me thick if you like, Chris, but at first, I didn’t realise that the accel and decel figures work counter-intuitively.
If they are set to max on the ‘settings’ screen, the locos crawl for ages!



Not if you consider them as inertia to overcome.

Big number equals big heavy train to move or stop.

Small number equals more responsive light engine.

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Call me thick if you like, Chris, but at first, I didn’t realise that the accel and decel figures work counter-intuitively.
If they are set to max on the ‘settings’ screen, the locos crawl for ages!



I was exactly the same. For me the logic was slow acceleration/braking on the left, not lightly loaded. Perhaps a label on the slider could be added in the future.

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Irrespective, they are set at default 15 and shouldn’t be affecting starting speed step.
Chris, I know this shouldn’t be necessary but what happens if you set Vstart to 46?



Interesting, the 'kick-start' speed notch comes down a tad to 37, but at the expense of the min speed which is a bit quick.

Whack Vstart up to max and it'll move pretty much instantaneously . . zoom! But everything is zoom then 🙄

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You can look at adjusting the speed curve to match then. You will need to read the manual on how to do that but chances are it will just cancel out the effect of the changed Vstart and make the problem come back.

At the least, you can move Vmid much higher so the curve doesn’t rise too quickly from Vstart speed steps until more throttle applied.

Like I said though, it’s a bodge that’s trying to deal with symptoms, not the disease.

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V-mid should be about half the value of V-high else your throttle range is flat out at half way point using those numbers on screen. Try changing V-start to value 2 which is a reasonable kick start value. Think of V-start as the amount of throttle you would apply in your car to let the clutch out. Value 254 will certainly get you off chocks smartly all the way to valve bounce.

An auto-cal is not a bad idea but as stated read the famous manual and also ensure your loco is pointing the right way down a long straight.

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This is getting weirder by the day.

Rob, if you read back to the start of the thread, lowering Vstart just brings back the original problem. Then you can see my last ditch suggestion to raise Vmid has solved it for the Bachmann but not the Hornby.

But again, this is all a bodge solving symptoms not the cause. There is something else at play here. A bug or some subtle finger problem?

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Not seen that problem at all Fishy and I have several of the 8-pin variant installed under control of both iOS and Android apps. Troubleshooting advice would be to reset the decoder initially with delete and reinstall as option 2.

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Cannon, can you please confirm your problem is that the loco won’t move until speed steps are into the 40s?
If this is the case then looking more like an 8-TXS bug - Rob?



Yeh thats exactly it, sound starts up fine, then start to increase the speed and the chuffing sound begins but no movement, then get around to 40+ speed (I'll confirm exact number tonight) and the engine bursts into movement. After that it performs as normal until the next time everything is powered down and started again (the next day for example).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the exact same problem with my 21pin txs with Hornby class 50. Start of running session you put the lights and sounds on and when you apply power the sounds accelerate but the loco doesn’t move until you get up to about 40 ish steps and then it shoots off! However it then acts normal for the rest of the session ( until the next running session!). I’ve tried the auto calibration twice but does not help.

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