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points with Elite controller


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Known problem Nîcholas when using circuits carrying a lot of current and the clip and points have become tarnished over time and so the joint between them has increased in resistance.

You can try making both spotlessly clean and see how you go but you may need to install a power bus under the layout with soldered droppers from your track pieces to it.

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Could you post a photo or diagram of your layout? Taking particular note to indicate where the power feeds are.

This issue with the point clips has been observed by others (especially if the whole layout is powered from a siding!)

For power reliability several DCC users choose to electrically wire each track section together using a main pair of ‘bus’ wires.

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The clips are steel, not a good conductor, couple that with a single power feed and the clips sending that power round the rest of the track. Not a good scenario if you expect to run several trains through bits off bent wire.

As a bare minimum use jumper wires to link loop to loop. See the sticky post in the general discussion forum relating to getting started with expansion packs, which deals with expanding tge wiring along with the tracks.

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