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Loco's named but still have to remember ident numbers


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I have named all my Loco's on my Elite (v1.3) because I had hoped when selecting a different loco that I could scroll through the list of names.

However, it still scrolls through the ident numbers and then only shows the name, when the loco is selected.



this seems to defeat the object of having named them to some extent because the only time the name is displayed is when you are controlling it anyway.

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Thanks for your response.

However, I have looked at the manual for v1.41 and to be honest I cannot see anything in it that convinces me to risk an update of the firmware.

I cannot understand why the loco names are not displayed


when scrolling through because to me, this is the time when it would be a real advantage to see the name.

If there is a forum for suggestions for a future firmware update, this would be top of my list by a long way and I would jump at the chance to update.


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I use the actual loco running number for the Elite id, and listed them all on my PC, then printed out a sheet with the number and name, broken down into diesel or steam outline as separate lists, and adding the 'S' if it is a sound-fitted loco.



printout is clipped to a convenient point by the controller, using a couple of clothes pegs, so I can replace the sheet when it gets tatty, or I add another loco to the fleet.

As far as I can tell, there is no way to scroll through loco names on the handset,


but I think the railmaster download does that, on your pc, if you use THAT to control the controller - (if you follow that!)

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Thanks. Yes I have ALL my loco's set as favourites but they still only show as the id numbers when scrolling through. I cannot think of a single reason why this would be of any benefit at all.


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Yes, I follow what you mean. I am considering Railmaster for the future. But in the meantime.........


I also have a printed list with similar information but I still cannot see any reason why the name given should not be the prime


information to scroll through. There could even have been an option to allow the user to chose which information is scrollable, i.e. id number or name.


Maybe I am missing something. Can anyone suggest a reason why the id number is preferable to the


name chosen by the user?

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Gregd99 said:

The elite has a "favourite" tag that you can set for particular (eg all) locos and when you scroll through the locos only those with this tag are displayed.

have a hunt in the manual. perhaps this is of assistance.


I misunderstood. I thought that you were having to scroll past lots of unused numbers.

out of interest.... how many locos are you running?

Railmaster has been suggested as a solution. I use JMRI which lets you define a roster of locos including

a picture. you select the loco that you want using a drop down list. I think that railmaster has something similar.

I have passed your idea on to hornby. the idea that the loco name should be shown, if defined, is a good one. if no name is defined then

the number could be shown.
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Thanks for your reply and support.


I am running 10 loco's which I realise will not be anywhere near as many as some people have but I believe the principle is the same.

The policy of showing the name (or the number if a name has not


been allocated) is exactly what I would like to see.

(I had also sent the suggestion to Hornby)



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Apparently this feature was considered in teh 1.4x development but there was some limitation that made it hard to implement.


Have you thought about using the "esc" key? this cycles through locos that you have previously selected for a particular


throttle knob. not exactly what you are after but perhaps helpful.

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Thanks. I was not aware of the 'escape' key option, maybe because it does not seem to be available on v1.3 which is the firmware version I have on my Elite.

I have the instructions to v1.41 and now you mention it, I can see it shown in there.


Could you please confirm though that scrolling through using the 'escape' key will list the loco's out by name.


I was putting off changing the firmware because I had not been able to see any benefits that were applicable to me but this could be one.


I think there was one aspect that someone else had posted on the forum regarding the change to v1.41 that seemed to change what I had thought was a good feature in v1.3.


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the esc key scrolls through, by name, the locos that you have previously selected.


eg turn on elite, select loco "fred" on control 1, select loco "george" on control 1, select loco "peter" on control 1..... pressing the esc key will cycle between


these 3 locos. This "stack"is cleared when you power down the elite.

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I have been gradually recoding my DCC locos from short 2 digit numbers to extended 4 digit ones. I model BR periods when most loco numbers, including diesels, comprised 5 characters. Western steam only had 4 digits, so that's easy - just copy its running


number. The other region's steam locos had 5 digit numbers, so I copy the first one (denoting region), miss the next and then put in the final 3. There is, I suppose, the occasional clash which could occur but I haven't come across one yet. Diesels all had


the prefix D in those days, so just put in the four numbers. Once completed I can then glance at a loco I want to run and it's very easy to carry out my procedure. You can even throw away any lists you have made, with no need to refer to them any longer. When


naming locos, there are generally not enough characters available for full names, so, instead of using a name, I just put in the full 5 character loco number, which I think is enough. Having said all this, I actually use RailMaster now, but see no real need


to change any four digit numbers on the Elite.

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Thank you for your comprehensive reply. I think your solution sounds ideal if you just intend to use running numbers but I do not profess to be experienced enough to be able to remember (or be able to work out) running numbers so I use (say)


Class 37 or Class 08 etc. Even with your system I would have thought it would be nice to be able to use the full 5 digits and be able to scroll through them. Thanks anyway.



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Thank you, this is useful. Could you just confirm as well please that you are using v1.41. If so, I think I will have to update the firmware because this looks like it will be the only way of scrolling through actual names, at least for the


foreseeable future. Are there any other advantages to v1.41, other than this and being able to program CV's easier.

Are there any disadvantages, in your view.

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I am running 1.41


1.4x introduces support for

- momentary as well as latched functions

- more functions

- easier use of the sapphire "fuel" mode

- esc stack management

- I am sure some other stuff..... the manual describes it all.




is a change where you need to click a control for it to become active. previously you would just move it. This is a bit disconcerting to some people but after a few days I don't notice and find that there are some advantages.


have fun.....

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I had been reluctant to upgrade the firmware from v1.3 but as a result of your last post I have now upgraded. I am now running 1.41.


The 'escape' stack was what convinced me and this is exactly what I wanted to be able to do all along,


i.e. see the names and be able to select one.


I think it is an advantage having to click the controller before using it and as I have not had my Elite for very long, it is not something new to get used to for me.


Thanks again for your help.

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My Elite is v1.41 and as I call a loco up (by number) in a session it is stored in the ESC list by name (if it has one). Scrolling the list (limit of last 10 locos)shows only the loco name, else a number-ID if not named.

I have not tried the Favourite


method but the new manual says the Fav list can be accessed by number or name.

There is also the Loco Log function but whilst this allows you to search by loco name you have to note the associated number to go further. Also described in the new manual.


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Another v1.41 feature is using knob1 to send a point one way and knob2 to send it the other way.

This means if you have a sticky point motor you can hit it again and again from the same knob until it goes over. Previously you selected it one way then


the other at each knob press.


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