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Hornby A4 cab roof and whistle

My name is Bond

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Just curious but do the latest batch of A4 locos have cab roofs that are flush with the boiler body and a whistle in front of the chimney?

There is a report elsewhere suggesting this is the case but would like to double check.

It is also reported that Simon Kohler offered a method of taking apart and reassembling the A4 body so that the cab sat correctly relative to the boiler body. Has anyone done this and if so how?

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I fixed my cab roof soon after the set arrived. I disconnected the linkage from the offside rear wheel using a nut spinner, removed the bodyshell then simply pressed the roof down fully between finger and thumb. Easy to do, I'm sure I posted it on the relevant thread at the time.

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The last A4 that I bought was a digital fitted Falcon and that had the correct whistle and the cab was clicked properly in place, but I think there’s still a few of the original upside down/incorrect (whichever’s your preferred description) about if you want to grab a future “collectors item” 😬🤔🤣

As for the cab removal and replacement, I’ve done it a few times & it’s not for the faint hearted as it’s quite invasive & not something I would ever do if wasn’t planning on re-finishing the locos livery. Much better to have a go at pushing it down firmly although you have to be very careful where you put pressure, you certainly don’t want to have the loco on its wheels. I placed mine on a 10mm wide strip of softwood between the wheels, after removing the plastic brake frame detail from the underside first, then carefully supported the loco with one hand and pushing down hard with the thumb of my other. I got it almost completely down.


Or of course as per Ntpntpntp’s method above if you’re happy taking the body off. As he says you don’t need to take the cab off

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I think there’s still a few of the original upside down/incorrect (whichever’s your preferred description) about if you want to grab a future “collectors item”



I get fed up with people still saying an upside down whistle, is there no common sense with people as 1) Simon Kohler said in a video which I posted on here "it is NOT upside down, it is incorrectly machined" why wont they accept that?

2) even if it was upside down it would never have fitted. Some people do not realise a 1mm round will not fit in a 0.5 hole.

There are some rude people on here who will not accept or apologise regarding the matter (and other things), it is no wonder I post very little now.

For interest, the initial poster here saw my post on FB where I received two yesterday both with correct whistles and cab roofs.

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The discussion will be a few pages in given Easterners didn’t arrive until around 3 months into TT:120 but no need to look because:

  • the substance of the discussion is answered above, although I don’t remember the treatment of Silver Fox for saying it was incorrectly machined (not saying it didn’t happen), and
  • the OP question is answered - corrected in later models
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@Silver Fox thanks for putting up the photo.

You'd think maybe they'd get a box of whistles over here to allow the service department to replace the duff ones if requested, and make a few available for sale.

I must admit I'm happy for now with my original one refitted upside-down as it still looks better than how it came.

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I kept meaning to look out for a suitable ‘sleeve’ to modify mine, a quantity of the correctly machined ones would be a better idea. I don’t think it would too big a challenge for the factory to post a box of them to England next time a sample is sent over or with a general shipment. It’s at times like this we could do with SK to make a group request to.

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