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Level crossing motorisation unit project

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More work on the level crossing motorising unit. Accurate measurements are being taken. Some of you may recognise a DTI, this will be set up on my exactly level workbench today to test flatness of critical areas on the Hornby product to determine areas on the prototype drawings. The depth gauge is for determining hole depth and these measurements are also verified by the vernier caliper.


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Your approach seems much more high-tech than mine. My crossing design should allow anyone with a reasonable amount of skill to build it using basic tools apart from a small pillar drill. I've purchased all the materials and hope to start building soon. Let's see who finishes first and compare designs.

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Here's where our designs differ TC. Mine is going to be an off the shelf easy fit item. The buyer buys it from a shop, does a simple easy to do modification and the unit fits to the level crossing. A simple off the shelf solution. That's the plan, but there is a lot of measuring and design work, then off to CAD and prototyping. The prototypes will be tested to destruction. Accuracy is key for the product as it's going into CAD and it has to be a 5 minute fix product for the end user.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The bottom gear drive for the level crossing motoriser prototype, I have to increase the size of of the bottom gear, but it works fine. Ratio is 3 to 1, but I am going to increase that. The gearbox design has started, the final reduction drive gearing should reduce rotational speed down to 50 to 1, which should be slow enough to move the gates sensibly.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Work progresses on making an easy fit off the shelf motorising unit for Hornby, Wills and Peco level crossings, lots of design done, electronics are done more or less and they work. The case is just basic for testing purposes, a purpose built case and single gate are at the cad stage. A four gate motoriser is also being worked on.


Mod note - image cropped and rotated.

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Hi Brew Man, apologies, the site doesn't let me upload a video alas, it's frustrating.

The first tests of the custom gearing I have fitted to a commercially made gearbox and motor combo work well.

End stops and they fixing points are next, then it's casing design.

I've already designed the motor mounts.

Motor current consumption when working is just 4 milliamps since the new gearing went in.

Just got to set up a manufacturer reconditioned pc to replace my old one, I never buy new computers nowadays as you can get start of the art manufacturer reconditioned machines for a fraction of the price and a year's warranty.

A member and friend here has seen the first tests of the new gearing. I may have to post some links when I get everything sorted.

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Hi Son of Triangman, Off topic but I'm thinking of replacing my PC and wondered if you knew a reliable supplier of refurbished ones. There are so many who advertise on Ebay and I'm a bit wary.

Also apologies for not updating on my level crossing project. My (non-live-in) partner has been seriously ill (thankfully much better now) and I've been staying at her place several times a week.

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Hi Topcat, sorry to hear about your partner, glad she is on the mend. Seems to be the time of year for serious illness, I'm waiting for a big op that is normally keyhole, but my op is an open up job, my cousin whom I live with now has Cancer, my mum is in a care home now due to dementia, and a friend has terminal cancer and is near the end.

I use Dell as they do some nice refurbished systems, you can find them on their website and on amazon. Saves me a fortune on new tech.

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