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HM7000 8TXS in Class 31/51/61xx [Large Prairie]


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I've bought Class 31/51/61XX Large Prairie, DCC Ready/DCC Fitted Engine, 8 Pin.

I want to use the HM / DCC (HM7000) system, so I will download the app. I have also bought the Digital Transformer Bundle.

I'm just checking that the HM7000-8TXS and DCC Sound decoder (8pin) will work with this engine and set up ? These are available on the Hornby site at the moment. (see pic below)

The non TXs decoders (8pin) aren't available till next year, I'm a little confused by this ?

thanks for any help, I'm still trying to get my head around Digital and this system,




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Neil - title in this instance means a few words to describe your query. I have amended it and removed your additional spaces caused by pressing enter when starting a new line. This is not necessary as the forum software, somewhat bizarrely, adds another line anyway.

I don't have the model you are thinking of fitting the decoder to, so I cannot respond to your query. Someone will be along shortly to tell us if there is space.


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Rob, an example of the title misleading the reader. The OP has a class31/51/61xx Prairie not the class 31 diesel.

For the OP: please change the title to reflect the real question. Also note that no GWR profiles are currently available on HM7K.

Mod Edit: My fault with initial edit. Now corrected. R-

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Not sure if the last question is for me. There isn’t really any instructions for hacking bits of your loco off. It’s just open taking it apart and assessing how much space is in there and what you can take out without affecting the appearance or running quality.

However, here’s a website I refer to sometimes before attempting a job.


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