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I need layout help.

Ptolemy -376250

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i have a base bord in my mom and dads attic and have prepered it for a layout, however not really sure how i should arrage the track and fit the scenary around it. im going for an idustrialvillage look with back to back houses and maybe a bit of a factory in 00 gauge. i am not planning on taking this to any events and really use it as a hobby inbetween school. i really hope someone can help as no progress has been made this year.

im happy to answer any questions as well


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Maximums of 6' x 3' I see - adequate, but confined.

Industrial is a great selection.

Check out YT videos of similar - there'll be many, of differing levels of quality and detail, but all should give you a few ideas.

Smaller, short wheelbase locomotives will be the mainstay - 0-4-0, 0-6-0 mainly.

You'll need to consider:

  1. What type of 'industry' you wish to depict.
  2. Where this industry would be / what the landscape typical of the area would be.
  3. What era - 19th century / Victorian; early / middle, late 20th; modern day.
  4. Vehicles - typical of the era.

Control is also important - if just starting, I recommend to start with digital / DCC - it gives many more control options.


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Hello Ptolemy. The bad news is you do not have room for a complete circuit, your boards are too narrow. But you have a nice space for a shunting layout that can be made to look very nice, and means you have to drive the trains from A to B, C or how many sidings you create. There are some good books on layout planning and design on the Peco website, plus the sticky notes at the top of this forum. If you want to use your computer, try SCARM which allows you to use 50 pieces of track for free.

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The 76cm width is too small for an OO layout 180 degree curve.

The smallest Hornby Radius 1 requires at least 77cm, whilst Radius 2 requires nearer 91cm. Radius 3 & 4, bigger still - see the Track Geometry link below, noting that the documented radius is measured to the centre of the track, therefore you need to add about 30mm for each width calculation.

It is now generally accepted that anything other than short wheelbase modern rolling stock should consider Radius 2 as the minimum radius to incorporate in any OO layout design.

The OO Geometry can be reviewed here:


If you want to have a layout based on a loop (roundy roundy tail chasing) then you either need to increase the baseboard 76cm width to about 120cm or consider the new Hornby TT120 (TT = Table Top) range of products. This of course assumes that you have not yet purchased any OO products yet. If you are comitted to OO without increasing the baseboard size, then it will have to be an 'end to end' shunting puzzle yard, perhaps with a Turntable for interest.

Note: If you do increase the width to 120cm then as there is no rear access, 120cm is too far to reach and a lift out access hole should be included in the middle.

P.S. I think member Atom made a slight mathmatical mental calculation error. Your board is 76cm x 174cm (excluding the left hand front extension) this is 2ft 6" x 5 ft 8" not 3ft x 6ft. At these small baseboard dimensions every inch counts.

Forum members, so far, have provided fairly long replies. It would be appreciated if any replies that you make are done using the 'Reply Text Box' at the bottom of the page and not via the 3 dot 'Quoted Reply' menu option.

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Here is a picture of my shunting layout, Nudge Nudge. It is just under 180cm / 6ft. I use a Class 25 locomotive with it. It is DCC controlled, and uncoupling is with magnets so it is hands free. It is a puzzle, where you have cards to make an order to manoeuvre the wagons into to win. There are several thousand combinations. forum_image_658dadd83c45f.thumb.png.bdda2559fae3ea28018b05efbec8e1a2.png

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Out of interest what is your board made out of? is it on a frame with cross bracing?

What type of railway are you planning, is it end to end (Terminus to fiddle yard) or a tail chaser?

Is the village at the side of the railway or does the railway go through it or does the railway terminate in or by the village?

The factory does it have a feed from the railway, raw materials in, finished goods out.

Once clear in your mind what type of layout you would like to make dry lay the track first, try pushing a few trucks or a coach around on the track to see if the track layout works.

Once happy with the track layout, think where the building will sit and plan where the roads go also where and how they cross the railway tracks (if they do) Only then start to think of the integration of the landscaping work.

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Hi Ptolomey. Welcome to the forum.

As stated, the board is too small for a complete circuit, however if you want to do industrial scenes, that may not be a problem. Unfortunately tight curves are the order of the day. It is possible to do an end to end layout. Tight but possible is a short branch with a run around loop each end, you wouldn't need much rolling stock. Don't forget keep it fun.


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Ptolemy - when your folks aren't looking, could you not sneak another 8' by 2' board behind the trusses on the right hand side of picture three? This would give you space for a decent circuit. Use it for storage tracks and have industry/stations etc on the boards shown.

Look forward to seeing your progress. I started a layout in my parents attic and managed to get the first circuit down before we moved house and country. 30yrs later, I'm about to start again!

Have fun.

(If you haven't already, build yourself a cover for the loft access hatch to put in place once you are in the attic. It can prevent any unplanned trips to the main house!)

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The main thing, we're just giving you suggestions / ideas.

Just like that classic quiz show Blankety Blank (!!!) you can do completely your own thing - it's your layout.

Think a little of what you want from it. Do you want complete 'hands on' whilst it's in operation, or perhaps a bit of continuous movement? If the latter, as mentioned, space is too confined for the curve geometry / chassis design so see if a little more room could be made .... or .... (sorry Hornby) consider another scale.

Not certain what's available in 'TT', but N-scale could serve you pretty nicely!


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Thank you everyone for the great ideas and advice and this forum has really helped me with my layout I have now taken the advice on board (no pun intended) and I have come up with a layout plan and I will be posting it once the new board is in place at the closest edge and I have played the track down. These ideas have been really useful to me as it as been over a year since I got my first train and I am just now working out the perfect layout for me at the moment. I'm sure if we all carry on working together on this slightly challenging project as some of you have phrased it as it will come out in a way that pleases myself and I hope that you will cary on helping me with my model train adventure.


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Before you run off and ballast your track, may I suggest you have a play with the new layout?

Find out what parts of the layout you like. Determine what parts you do not. Change the track to be more to your liking.

Of course, if you haven't laid the track, do that first. If you have the track laid, but it isn't wired, do that as well, even if only temporarily (wires exposed).

Ballasting your track will change the way the layout looks, but does not change the way the layout works. The layout should work to your preferences before you ballast.


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